

Somalia and Congo take the top spot. The US and Mexico score lower than Cuba. Libya is somehow unchanged. Sweden scores 1.0 for "Vengeance Seeking Group Grievance", must be all those burning goats.

What will be the next country to experience class conflict leading to communist revolution?

In my opinion America is a good candidate, there is only so much techno house dance a people can take. India is up there too.

[account deactivated]




fuckit lets not ahve this thread anymore

fail thread ibex
fail ibex thread
threaded ibex fail
where does florida rank on the failed state index?
fail aids state
<Year-On-Year Decline in the Rate of Profit> <Composition of Organic Capital (Fixed:Variable)> <Consciousness Level of Largest Communist Organization> <Degree of Bourgeois Dictatorship]>
Looking at the USA

stegosaurus posted:

<Year-On-Year Decline in the Rate of Profit>

Just looking at R&D capital that's falling like 10% a year

<Composition of Organic Capital (Fixed:Variable)>

Capital stock to GDP: 500%

<Consciousness Level of Largest Communist Organization>


<Degree of Bourgeois Dictatorship]>


10%*500%*70%*0 = 0, sorry

lol at mexico being less failed than turkey, or just about any other country

guidoanselmi posted:

lol at mexico being less failed than turkey, or just about any other country

just because the fabric of mexican society is being torn apart by drug war lords/state-sponsored terror doesn't mean mexico isn't thriving (see: rio)


shermanstick posted:

where does florida rank on the failed state index?

no that's the state fail index

where's greece
[account deactivated]
i am in a state of fail.

wasted posted:

guidoanselmi posted:

lol at mexico being less failed than turkey, or just about any other country

just because the fabric of mexican society is being torn apart by drug war lords/state-sponsored terror doesn't mean mexico isn't thriving (see: rio)

i would have appreciated a nice effort post on the most recent elections, but between drug war & corruption, i'm surprised to see it that high up. i also dunno what you mean by 'thriving'


guidoanselmi posted:

wasted posted:

guidoanselmi posted:

lol at mexico being less failed than turkey, or just about any other country

just because the fabric of mexican society is being torn apart by drug war lords/state-sponsored terror doesn't mean mexico isn't thriving (see: rio)

i would have appreciated a nice effort post on the most recent elections, but between drug war & corruption, i'm surprised to see it that high up. i also dunno what you mean by 'thriving'

Americans are still doing hard drugs?

Florida is God's country and if you don't like it you can leave
Be sure to take this here drug test for your government assistance before you leave