glad we can be of assistance mustang19. because if there's any word i can use to describe 'rhizzone' it'd be 'community'

guidoanselmi posted:

glad we can be of assistance mustang19. because if there's any word i can use to describe 'rhizzone' it'd be 'community'

lol do you need some wd40 in your gears spambot

The Gay Agenda

First, let me remind us all that it is our charge NOT to hate the homosexual practitioner, just the practice: abhor the deed not the doer. We do not need to embrace the sin (not even our own) to embrace the sinner. Jesus made a Disciple of a murderer and saw a king in an evil man. That is a template for us to follow.

Many homosexual practitioners have been productive and contributing citizens. Some are genius in art and literature. Some are medical masters. And some are top notch educators, genius in their own right. That they choose to practice homosexuality is irrelevant to their scientific and artistic excellence. "There is no direct and necessary relationship between a person's artistic or creative talent and sexual orientation or behavior." So, let us attack not the homosexual practitioner but indeed attack homosexuality. And yes, the practice of homosexuality is a choice. Every single non-autonomic movement of the human body is a choice. No exceptions. No debate.

While it is no surprise that a male husband and a female wife are anatomically made for each other, it can be no surprise that a male husband and "wife" or a female "husband" and wife are not made for each other. I've heard many pastors state that "God started the human race with Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Further, God did not use Adanna and Eve. To try to build and nurture a sexual relationship between a "husband and wife" of the same gender is not only immoral and contrary to God's Law, it is not biologically supported. Then comes the issue of life itself. I know of no science that can fertilize an egg without sperm, nor can two sperm or two eggs unite to start a baby.

Let me emphasize that the following list of activities typical to homosexual behavior choices is not exhaustive nor does it imply or express that every homosexual practitioner participates in them. Nor does the list imply that these behaviors are isolated to only the homosexual community. Some of the homosexual practitioners I have communicated with claim that heterosexual practitioners conduct themselves in like manners. If they do it is nothomo sexuality. Neither does the list imply that each and all of these behaviors are practiced by every homosexual practitioner. These activities are the merely primary ways in which the homosexual practitioner might express his/her sexual desires for his/her same-sex partner.

Manual Masturbation (including anal-digital manipulation)
Oral Copulation - insertion of the penis into partner's mouth
Anal Copulation - insertion of the penis into the partner's rectum
Anal/Oral Sex ("rimming") - licking/insertion of the tongue into partner's rectum
Vaginal/Oral Sex - licking/insertion of the tongue in the partner's vagina
A lesser fraction of the homosexual population may participate in any or all of the following activities.
Anal/Manual Sex ("fisting") - insertion of hand and/or forearm into partner's rectum
Sadomasochism - infliction of pain upon or by one's partner during sexual acts
Urinal Sex ("golden showers" or "water sports") - urination in the face of another and/or ingestion of urine
Brown showers - setting on a commode placed above the face of the partner while feces fall into his face
Pedophilia - sexual relations with children and minors (as evidenced by the North American Man-boy Love Association)
Group sex
much more such as cutting which I will not describe
Is this what you want your kids to learn in public school?

If you want to know even more about the tactics of the homosexual movement, visit "A Congressional Record: The Gay Revolutionary" by Michael Swift. Be advised it, too, bears a warning. Many will find that reprinted article frightening. When I first read it, it stirred in me desire for violent aggression: an aggressive violence to protect our kids. Maybe this is the feeling Simon Peter had when he cut off Malchus' right ear: a feeling to protect those we love from those who would have their way with our loved ones - our kids. May the Holy Lamb of God forgive me for that which I feel about these threats from Michael Swift of the homosexual community.

Finally, be alarmed if your son or daughter starts using the term "cookie" to describe his/her same-sex friend, or if your son's or daughter's teacher, bus driver or other acquaintance refers to your son or daughter as "cookie."

We CAN stop the homosexual agenda!!! All it will take is for EVERY SINGLE ONE of us to speak out BOLDLY to our government officials. Let us emulate Nike and DO IT!!! Please do not do as I did and stick your head in the sand while the sexologists and homosexuals have their way with the parts of you that remain above the sand: the 'parts' that are exposed to whatever the 'government' says; the 'parts' that are vulnerable to attack without your voice to protect them; the 'parts' that go to school.
Valid points
no im pretty sure this is rimming

Edited by Noosphere ()

basically 1995 was the greatest year in the history of humanity

Noosphere posted:

basically 1995 was the greatest year in the history of humanity


90s will forever be the decade of peak pax amerikkkana. cant wait to read history books post-singularity in like 2150 AD, 202 Anno Kurzweili

Noosphere posted:

basically 1995 was the greatest year in the history of humanity

missing the best movie of 95 tho


peepaw posted:

Noosphere posted:

basically 1995 was the greatest year in the history of humanity

missing the best movie of 95 tho

rose mcgowan was so hot.

speaking of 90s things i was thinking back to clintons speech to the 2012 DNC and realized that without saying the words, the concept he described was actually creating a centrally planned economy, with the government guiding educational decisions based on industry needs (please note i'm referring to industry in terms of a product or service, not profit/financier needs)

haha fuk the 90s
Cocaine made a lot of athletic careers in the 90s.