
deadken posted:

actually its probably birmingham, which manages to be the second largest city in the country without a single aspect of any cultural, artistic, architectural, sporting, social, or culinary note

ah canada makes more sense now that you've posted all these tidbits of british life

i read three new things over the past few days:

1. a short history survey about postwar eastern europe up until 1970
2. a book about what marxism is by molyneux (a cliffite dude)
3. one of the q-and-a books about parecon

none of them were all that great. the eastern europe one was pretty standard i'd guess but it was mostly focused on racing through the basics in a short period and then suggesting further reading. the marxism one was just standard cliffite arguments structured around their normal obvious quotes without really engaging with the alternatives. the q-and-a book was okay in terms of promoting something nice but it didn't really handle the arguments against it well.
fart butts dongs lmao.
borges sukz
[account deactivated]

Impper posted:

borges sukz

Wow, look at this opinion that I disagree with. Ugh.

most novels written past 1950 or maybe 1900 are trash. borges is one of a crop of gimmicky writers who are boring after you read one short story.
why read fiction when stalin was real.
is bolano any good
hey y'all, never read houellebecq, asking my daddy for a # of books for christmas. which is the bets houellebecq? which one is it. tell me.
the one where the anti-hero bitches and moans about being well off but isolated from his social class and has certain views on sex and women and the human condition

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

hey y'all, never read houellebecq, asking my daddy for a # of books for christmas. which is the bets houellebecq? which one is it. tell me.

Whatever or Elementary Particles

[account deactivated]
t-paine don't fuck with me i'm crankier than a Martha's arse!

wasted posted:

the one where the anti-hero bitches and moans about being well off but isolated from his social class and has certain views on sex and women and the human condition

Sounds ccool, which one is that?

[account deactivated]

tentativelurkeraccount posted:

wasted posted:

the one where the anti-hero bitches and moans about being well off but isolated from his social class and has certain views on sex and women and the human condition

Sounds ccool, which one is that?

"Whatever" I think. Houellebecq might seem harsh or w/e (if you're a liberal I guess) but his romantic waxing on may '68 actually touched my stone heart.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

is bolano any good

2666 is, but savage detectives and anything else isn't imo

also nazi literature in the americas, that's good too

Edited by Bablu ()


tentativelurkeraccount posted:

hey y'all, never read houellebecq, asking my daddy for a # of books for christmas. which is the bets houellebecq? which one is it. tell me.

atomised/elementary particles. the map and the territory won some prestigious french award but i dont think its nearly as good

nah get the one about third world sex tourism it's the best
the best bit in platform is where he's eviscerating john grisham but even thats kinda low hanging fruit
that and the little essay in the beginning making fun of love marriages, but that might just be on account of me being almost certain to be arranged married
quite a few cracks showed in Platform and while i enjoyed map and the territory it was a bit too staid and mature

Whatever is brutal in an immediate way and Atomized/Elementary Particles is brutal in a more sophisticated way
whatever is good but unfinished. elementary particles/atomised or possibility of an island are the way 2 go
i just got a spam email from "zpuig@somethingsomething", and i opened it immediately. spam is getting really sophisticated
lol i just found this thing i made when i was like 18 for a competition in the guardian. Lol
im rereading limonov, its better than i remember
I just recently read the first chapter of tiziana terranova's network culture, and i'm kind of liking it so far. I see she's building upon shannon's information theory, and adding hardt & negri's immaterial labor into the mix. anybody familiar with this book, or her thoughts in general?
In the back of a limo, an inebriated teenage girl attempts to unzip the zipper of an undercover police officer; he pushes her hand away and tells her she's "really hot and really slutty."

A few teenage girls at a high school wear short shorts and short skirts that reveal bare legs, along with some low-cut tops that reveal cleavage.

At a school dance, many teenage girls wear low-cut dresses that reveal cleavage.

A teen girl sends a photo image of a teen boy wearing a green costume with a 5-foot-long green penis to a man who laughs.

While under the influence of a drug, an undercover police officer runs track and plays with the relay baton, holding it as if it is his penis; a teacher tries to take it away from him by grabbing it.

We see three teen boy/girl couples kiss on school grounds.

A teen girl kisses a police officer for saving her life.

At a high school, a female teacher flirts with an undercover police officer, winks at him, and makes sexual advances toward him.

Impper posted:

im rereading limonov, its better than i remember


Wakefield Press is an independent American publisher devoted to the translation of overlooked gems and literary oddities in small, affordable, yet elegant paperback editions. Our publications include the Wakefield Handbooks series (the guidebook as imagined through literature) and the Imagining Science series (science as imagined through literature), as well as forays into classic experimental fiction (literature as imagined through literature). Authors range from literary giants to those underrepresented (or unknown) in English."

saw this press's booth at a bookfair in boston and took a couple things on a whim. after reading them i got real excited- real excited- and have since returned to grab the rest of their catalog. holy hell am i in love with their stuff

gershom sholem gave walter benjamin a copy of this at his wedding

and this one's real sad and pretty

Bablu posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
is bolano any good

2666 is, but savage detectives and anything else isn't imo

also nazi literature in the americas, that's good too

just got lent nazi literature and it's very funny so far....

Lincoln was a good movie, almost made me a communist.

You'll all like TLJ's character.
im reading tristes tropiques, highly recommended.
yeah i had to keep reminding myself as i read it that "this man held opinions that went against the most positive developments in anthropology" because it's such a fun good book
what's the most positive developments in anthropology

palafox posted:

Wakefield Press is an independent American publisher devoted to the translation of overlooked gems and literary oddities in small, affordable, yet elegant paperback editions. Our publications include the Wakefield Handbooks series (the guidebook as imagined through literature) and the Imagining Science series (science as imagined through literature), as well as forays into classic experimental fiction (literature as imagined through literature). Authors range from literary giants to those underrepresented (or unknown) in English."

saw this press's booth at a bookfair in boston and took a couple things on a whim. after reading them i got real excited- real excited- and have since returned to grab the rest of their catalog. holy hell am i in love with their stuff

gershom sholem gave walter benjamin a copy of this at his wedding

and this one's real sad and pretty

anyone who publishes perec is good

wtf ever im gonna make that little pic of perec my avatar here hes too cool