discipline posted:I don't tip because I believe that a service economy based on tips is unethical and I refuse to take part in such an oppressive system. instead I leave a bunch of garbage
the garbage cleanup allows for a development of a strong protestant work ethic. Upon maturity, this worker will be promoted to middle management after community college to reward their gumption.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Your mother wires you the $30 dollars but the pizzeria is cash only. Jonah won't spot for all of the pizza because he wants to buy forties with 6 bux of it. The closest Bank of AMerica atm is 8 blocks away or you can use the atm at the laundromat next door for a $3 dollar fee. Talking loudly about how you would like to blow up the restaurant for workers liberation causes you to receive some dirty looks from an older couple. Meanwhile, a dude who totally sells like super dank cali medical shit walks into the pizzeria.
Knowing that you have a pending felony possession case (meth) which could totally ruin your future career in finance (read: fifth column) and that the dealer is a person of interest to your arresting officer and state bureau of investigation, you wave him over.
shermanstick posted:why is it every time we do a CYOA it has to devolve into all the characters blowing each other for drugs
Haha, yeah, I know. It's what the people like, I guess.
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:He denies your offer to blow him because of your weird lip piercings and gets up to leave. You just blew your major connection to the Gumphrey families distribution ring and may be facing serious jailtime unless you go into damage control mode NOW.
Weird lip piercings a turn-off for fellatio? Now I've heard everything.
Edited by wasted ()

Keven posted:Unlocking the power which has lurked always in my bloodline but has not been seen in this world in ten thousand years, I become the one thing Freeza truly fears - the legendary Super Saiyan.