tpaine posted:bielections
tpaine posted:bielections
Im gonna post post post til my daddy takes the keyboard away ~
littlegreenpills posted:food addiction is one of the few you can maintain while having a reasonably functional life
maybe with the half-assed effort you put into your addictions
littlegreenpills posted:i have a job to hold down and a giant invalid womanchild to look after. i cant wander around at 3am looking for heroin
oh i meant that my food addiction wrecked my life because i went ham
AmericanNazbro posted:whats with the avatar? honey-boo boo is a good person, an honorable working class mother who doesn't conform to the neurotic and schizophrenic norms of society. i don't appreciate you denigrating her. i draw a line in the sand at honey-boo boo.
what'd you say about my mama?
getfiscal posted:i've always been afraid to go to one of those shows because basically i believe that people get really, really drunk and scream the whole time at the stage, and they just yell catchphrases at the audience and collect their money