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Crow posted:

getfiscal posted:

if someone bombed a bus in canada i'd probably be pretty mad at whoever did it even if the bomb didn't kill anyone. like if someone shot at me and missed they don't get to go "my bad" and then walk away.

O no, my ultraright wing country got bus bombed by my ultra right wing false flag group, Lookit fuckin me, Da hoy, Fuggetabout it, Im walkin here *sidewalks away like an italian crab*

please don't be antisemitic.

[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

gyrofry posted:

jason alexander hates this ep. its one of like two he wished never aired

i typed jason alexander into my search bar and auto-complete came back with 'jason alexander zionist pig' on top. however it was above the black bar, so i think this means it's something i've searched before.

he was also in that episode of the larry sanders show where jon stewart blew his chance at hosting because he made hank dress up as a nazi and jason alexander got really offended like "you know im the celebrity spokesperson for the jewish american anti defamation league?" or something. you know what they say every joke has a grain of truth in ti to be funny.
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"JERUSALEM — Former Seinfeld actor Jason Alexander says he isn't kidding around when it comes to promoting Mideast peace."
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"Alexander said, that through comedy and humor, he hopes to help advance the idea of two states for two people."

*watches Gazan family exceed their daily calorie rations by slaughtering one of their remaining chickens* George is getting upset!
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socialists support rationing food, unless it's gazans.
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"No land for you!"
I don't understand why we can't let some detached, apolitical experts have a shot at tackling the middle east's problems. Fly in Stephen Pinker, get him to lecture to the knesset and palestinian leadership in a TED:I/P Conflict on the importance of secular government and free trade and how they've helped to reduce world violence in the past couple centuries. Maybe then everyone will chill out, put down the f-16s/ak-47s, and resolve that it's better to approach a neighbor with an open palm than a closed fist.
Air drop copies of AC Grayling's The Good Book on Gaza and Modiin Ilit alike.
[account deactivated]
change my username to Topical Pun
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In the first presidential debate, President Barack Obama described the mission of government: “The first role of the federal government is to keep the American people safe. That’s its most basic function.” Applying this logic to a situation where civilians of a democratic state are victims of repeated attacks by a terrorist organization, it is not just the right of the government to respond but its obligation. So when Israel performs its primary governmental duty to protect its citizens from Hamas terror, all while minimizing civilian casualties, its actions are both necessary and justified. The only precondition for retaliating against the terrorists is to adhere to a principal of proportionality or that any resulting civilian damage be proportional to the military objectives. Israel’s historical record of proportionality is exemplary, especially when considering that the Hamas government exploits its constituents as human shields for the sole purpose of limiting potential Israeli responses.

The Israeli government unilaterally disengaged from Gaza in 2005, leaving behind an established agricultural network and hope for democracy, peace and prosperity. That dream was never realized as Hamas gained government control and forced out the remaining Fatah opposition. Instead of exploring avenues toward possible statehood and economic prosperity, it destroyed the previous infrastructure and focused its resources on launching rockets at innocent Israelis. Israel’s right to respond and combat these terrorist acts against its people is justified under Article 51 of the U.N. Charter: “Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs.” Israel’s right of self-defense is guaranteed, restricted only by proportionality.

Unfortunately, proportionality and preventative measures still ultimately result in civilian casualties. All innocent bystanders’ deaths are tragedies that need to be minimized. Regrettably, Hamas doesn’t share this basic moral view. To it, the innocent residents of Gaza represent a public relations opportunity, and these civilians become human shields. This terrorist tactic that disregards human life is cowardly and despicable. Hamas’ weapons and missile launching sites can be found in schools, mosques and civilian homes. Hamas’ wartime leadership room in 2008 was in the basement of a hospital. This doesn’t happen by chance; it is a cold, calculated policy, evidenced by the words of Gaza’s interior minister, Fathi Hamad, who is a member of Hamas: “Death has become an industry…This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly…We desire death like desire life.”

The use of human shields is a violation of international law. Because Gaza’s government won’t protect its own, Israel takes it upon itself to do so. The Israeli government warns of planned targeted airstrikes by dropping leaflets, making radio announcements, sending mass text messages and placing telephone calls. If the standard of proportionality is not met, planned strikes are called off. The result of such cautiousness is inspiring on a humanitarian level. To avoid civilian mortality, Israeli soldiers subject themselves to additional risks during combat. In applying this basic moral code, the Israeli Defense Force cedes a tactical military advantage to the terrorists.

To illustrate Israeli efficiency, take the recent Israeli airstrike that killed Ahmed Jabari, the head of Hamas’ military wing and the man responsible for both missile attacks into Israel and the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. The precision airstrike targeted only Jabari and his assistant—killing only Jabari and his assistant. Unlike Israel, Hamas has exhibited a blatant disregard for innocent human life by sending more than 12,000 rockets into residential areas of Israel. Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties while Hamas’ sole purpose is to maximize the death of the innocent on both sides of the conflict.

Should Hamas stop bombing civilians, Israel would not have to defend itself. Should Hamas not use humans to shield its terrorist activities, fewer Palestinian civilians would perish from Israel’s targeted responses. Any loss of innocent human life regardless of age, sex, ethnicity or race is the greatest tragedy known to mankind, and by committing the double war crime of targeting civilians and using human shields, Hamas bears responsibility for the bloodshed.
but more relevantly:


Jason Alexander came to Israel to do what no one in recorded human history has ever done, namely, tame the primitive Arab beast and persuade the Jews of Israel that Jihad is really Arabic for I Love You.

As Jason/George set out on his peace-making adventure, he modestly stated, "I'm not a politician, I don't run a country, I'm not a student and I'm not a journalist." You're also not in the least bit qualified to be anything other than a useful idiot for those determined to wipe Israel off the face of the earth! He continued, "I'm a storyteller and I make people laugh." So too do hallucinators tell stories and clowns make people laugh.

So just what's going on here? How did this well-meaning Hollywood celebrity, albeit no-nothing Jew, suddenly end up in Ramallah, a cesspool more renown for disemboweling Jews? It appears that George heard a voice, just one voice and it came from OneVoice.

OneVoice is the creation of the PeaceWorks Foundation. According to its own description, "PeaceWorks fosters coexistence through business. We unite peoples traditionally on the opposite sides of conflict via a shared goal. The Result? An exciting range of all-natural, gourmet foods AND a shared vision of the future." And OneVoice wants to be a vehicle to that end through empowering the moderate majority of Palestinians and Israelis to come up with a viable and acceptable mandate for co-existence (while munching on Chanterelle Fricassee, perhaps?). But surely good food among so-called "moderates" cannot a durable peace treaty make.

The real driving forces behind the OneVoice Initiative are David Leffler and the Vedic Maharishi scholar, Mahesh Yogi! David Leffler is the executive director of OneVoice-Israel. He is also a proponent of Invincible Defense Technology: Here is his description of Invincible Defense Technology...

The technology of peace is prevention-orientated, life-supporting, nourishing and non-destructive. Invincible Defense Technology is being vigorously and successfully revived as a powerful tool for conflict resolution and prevention by renowned scientists worldwide under the guidance of physicist and Vedic scholar, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

If mighty armies cannot win against terrorists and violence and crime cannot be eradicated from our society, then why do governments continue to use the instrument of war to get peace?

The reason is quite simple - they have not identified and addressed the factors that lead to crime, violence, terrorism, war and all negative tendencies. According to Vedic literature, the root cause of these negative tendencies is the accumulated social stress in the society. Therefore, governments do not need weapons and large armed forces to reduce the levels of stress of individuals and society as a whole.

The Vedic solution to reduce individual and collective stress is to increase coherence and harmony through the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) program. The technique is practiced for 15 to 20 minutes twice daily, sitting comfortably with eyes closed. It is simple, natural, effortless and easy to learn. It can be learned in five days with a 1½ hour contact period each day under the guidance of an expert teacher.

The answer to terrorism is the Vedic Technology of the Transcendentalism (TM) Meditation technique and its advanced practice of the TM-Sidhi program, including Yogic Flying, in which the body involuntarily hops upward and moves forward when mind-body coordination is optimum and brain coherence is on the peak. The TM and TM-Sidhi programs increase coherence and harmony in the environment and reduce social stress in society.

The larger the number of participants, the greater the intensity and range of coherence that is radiated to the society and environment. In group practice, each meditating individual becomes a transmitter of orderliness and peace in society. This process is analogous to the way a television or radio transmitter enlivens the electromagnetic field in specific manner and then transmits waves through the field - waves that can be picked up at a distance. These coherent signals generate peaceful gestures even amongst bitter enemies. These coherent signals could be called by many names, 'Pulses of Coherence," "Signals of Good Will, " "Signals of Harmony," "Signals of Peace" and so on.

(Or, maybe as Jason Alexander would say, "Signals of What Not")

This positive effect in society has been named the "Maharishi Effect." And the practical approach, known as Invincible Defense Technology, applies cutting edge quantum mechanics, neuroscience and human consciousness to diffuse stress, effectively disarm the aggressor. It targets at the root cause of violence - acute stress resulting from religious and ethnic tension.

YIKES!!! Does that sound like Michael Lerner's "The Politics of Meaning" on steroids, or what! But we shouldn't be surprised since Lerner's flaky Tikkun magazine has already published some of Leffler's "Consciousness-Based Defense" babble.

This brings us right back to Jason Alexander / George Costanza and the "bee" that got under HIS "bonnet." Has this little Jew boy become somewhat of a crypto-Zen Buddhist? Does he really think a primitive, barbaric Arab "Palestinian" culture that encourages, perpetrates and relishes the murder of Jewish children will jump at the chance to shoot the s**t with some fat little Hollywood Jew? Is he nuts! They'll correctly size him up as yet another naive, self-indulging, egotistical "Progressive" Jew feasting on his own self-importance. In any case, we at rhizzone.net prefer the fat little George Costanza who at least recognizes his own limitations!
is it still antisemitism when its true

this is literally, unironically, lieutenant sacha dratwa, head of the idf's social media propaganda campaign

deadken posted:

is it still antisemitism when its true



getfiscal posted:

Crow posted:

getfiscal posted:

if someone bombed a bus in canada i'd probably be pretty mad at whoever did it even if the bomb didn't kill anyone. like if someone shot at me and missed they don't get to go "my bad" and then walk away.

O no, my ultraright wing country got bus bombed by my ultra right wing false flag group, Lookit fuckin me, Da hoy, Fuggetabout it, Im walkin here *sidewalks away like an italian crab*

please don't be antisemitic.

Please work out


Crow posted:

getfiscal posted:
Crow posted:
getfiscal posted:
if someone bombed a bus in canada i'd probably be pretty mad at whoever did it even if the bomb didn't kill anyone. like if someone shot at me and missed they don't get to go "my bad" and then walk away.
O no, my ultraright wing country got bus bombed by my ultra right wing false flag group, Lookit fuckin me, Da hoy, Fuggetabout it, Im walkin here *sidewalks away like an italian crab*
please don't be antisemitic.

Please work out

yeah, do you even pogrom?

I like the part where a quote from a US presidential debate is used as the premise for an effort argument.
i like how khamsek tried the sort of thing that offenders do when they return to the crime scene by making this thread and saying 'it was a woman like in battle of algiers' as if the fact that she posted it will stop interpol from figuring out that she was the one who did it
[account deactivated]
this morning the news people were talking about the assassination of that dude and they were totally baffled. one person even said "in my opinion this was a big mistake for israel, the hamas leader had stopped random civllian rocket strikes against israel and presided over a time of peace" and this literally went on for about ten minutes and nobody ever brought up the hypothesis that maybe that was the entire point and not some incomphrensible national insanity
i am going to take a picture of the new york whatever shit newspaper that is on my girlfriends moms table but it says SAVAGES and says that hamas dragged some israeli dude behind a scooter or something lol
i flew to california yesterday to see some of my wife's family and on the plane i was sitting next to Tumblr: The Person. A skinny girl with a buzzcut with purple emo hairflop, drawing furries and creepy button-eye KoRn dolls in a sketchpad. later she plugged in some headphones and the invader zim theme song played on what appeared to be a continuous loop for about 20 minutes
sounds more like livejournal: the person and you sound like a square ass old man writing about hipsters and their god damn linkin park cds
im not exaggerating any part of that description
wow that must have been quite an experience for yo boring judgemental ass
oh MAN i am gonna totally post about that 'purple emo hairflop' tonite when i could be building family bonds
its 10:30 at night. my wifes family have all roofied themselves into brain damage on triptophan and soju

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

wow that must have been quite an experience for yo boring judgemental ass

it was pretty interesting to see one of them in the wild, yes. i was under the impression that the cocktail of poverty and mental disorders mostly kept them from long distance traveling

btw if i say your assuredly extant beard isnt gross will you stop gassing my threads making fun of military leghumping