Thats cool. I killed the Empress Shek'zeer and finished the mission that the Klaxxi were unable to, yet the Sha of Fear still remains....
wittgenstein's poker is a good read despite its shameful analytic perspective

gyrofry posted:

wittgenstein's poker is a good read despite its shameful analytic perspective

i heard it was good and bought it like 10 years ago and i still havent read it. i will probably get around to it one day

[account deactivated]
analytic anashlytic, anyone who almost brains karl popper with a piece of iron has to be worth listening to
i get the strong impression you ignore wittgenstein at your peril anyway
Alistair Cooke's The Americans

it's just wonderful writing from a very perceptive man
remember that wddp that said men should masturbate to friction or logic or whatever. also remember wittgenstein literally did that when he was away at war. wittgenstein possible proto-wddp?
i thought he was a gay homo who practiced buggery
he used to go furniture shopping with his boyfriend in oxford but hated all of the furniture because none of it was minimalist enough for his aesthetic. yelling at the shop assistant "Ugh! Ghastly!"
theres a room in his sisters house with a 5 ton lead weight-actuated friction machine that he used for masturbation, once per annum, the room also had 60 ft ceilings and was filled with iron bars yadda yadda
he also constantly threatened suicide and wrote hundreds of theatrically depressed letters to his friends so draw your own conclusions
didnt wittgenstein basically give up on analytic philosophy towards the end anyway
no that was me
i tried to read the tractatus when i was like 15 because i was an insufferable precocious shit lol

deadken posted:

didnt wittgenstein basically give up on analytic philosophy towards the end anyway

He also gave up on life Yet here you aure &Is carried aloft by winged angelse*

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deadken posted:

didnt wittgenstein basically give up on analytic philosophy towards the end anyway

is this a euphemism for anal sex with bertrand russell

bertrand russell fucked t s eliot's wife and then wrote in his diary that 'there was a quality of loathsomeness about it that i can't quite describe' so he can't have been all bad

tpaine posted:

devouring tractatus by age 13

gyrofry posted:

is this a euphemism for anal sex with bertrand russell

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:

bertrand russell fucked t s eliot's wife and then wrote in his diary that 'there was a quality of loathsomeness about it that i can't quite describe' so he can't have been all bad

things like this make me think I should keep a diary, and then I think about it another second and realize it's probably much better not having to face the shit that would be in there in plain ink

[account deactivated]
mods change goatstein's name to wittgoatstein
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Stalin posted:

hey cool, been there, didn't remember the eternal sunshine bit til the guy mentioned it

lol at selling. zizek is a good capitalist

perhaps only a marxist can be a true capitalist? and so on
-- J.V. Stalin on the promulgation of the NEP
A Hoodie-Clad Slavoj Žižek Seems Blasé At The Beach (Candid)

Edited by tentativelurkeraccount ()

[account deactivated]
the poor white colonialists
does anyone have opinions on calvino? im prbly gonna read invisible cities i guess

HenryKrinkle posted:


that's not the socialist party USA by the way. it's a revleft collective.