
babyfinland posted:
tpaine posted:
wddps are weird people. more than a couple of them think i was seriously angry when wddp.org was created and i made a big all caps post where i cried about them not making a forum for me to post in when i was permabanned. i think riidi was the only one who laughed, all the others were like "wow, tpaine just melted down hard" and they still think i was serious

thats the kind of people we're dealing with here

its kind of cool to have an alt. universe version of myself that exists only the collective imagination of some deranged perverts tbh.

certum est quia impossibile

"you and others are racist towards her because she is completely white, all the way through. you're an absolute scumbag. a distortion to reality.

[account deactivated]

khamsek posted:

tpaine posted:
wddps are weird people. more than a couple of them think i was seriously angry when wddp.org was created and i made a big all caps post where i cried about them not making a forum for me to post in when i was permabanned. i think riidi was the only one who laughed, all the others were like "wow, tpaine just melted down hard" and they still think i was serious

thats the kind of people we're dealing with here

You don't need to backpedal so hard about what you did months ago.

look at this language. no wonder this is taking place in the REVENGE OF THE NERDS thread

[account deactivated]

deadken posted:
makes u think....

lmao like the people on wddp are such barrels of normalcy and generally accepted opinion


tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:

wddps are weird people. more than a couple of them think i was seriously angry when wddp.org was created and i made a big all caps post where i cried about them not making a forum for me to post in when i was permabanned. i think riidi was the only one who laughed, all the others were like "wow, tpaine just melted down hard" and they still think i was serious

thats the kind of people we're dealing with here

its kind of cool to have an alt. universe version of myself that exists only the collective imagination of some deranged perverts tbh.

its sort of like appearing in a david icke book or something, kinda cool imo.

its nice to be called a terrorist sympathizer too because you argue against the us military. its how you know you're right

found a cool vid today

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
its funny how extremely solipsistic leftist theory sort of peels off into things like wddp where its like yeah you never had any intellectual courage or moral comitment to a better world or anything, you just wanted to rationalize sitting in a diaper full of your own poo all along, and now you can.
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:

wddps are weird people. more than a couple of them think i was seriously angry when wddp.org was created and i made a big all caps post where i cried about them not making a forum for me to post in when i was permabanned. i think riidi was the only one who laughed, all the others were like "wow, tpaine just melted down hard" and they still think i was serious

thats the kind of people we're dealing with here

its kind of cool to have an alt. universe version of myself that exists only the collective imagination of some deranged perverts tbh.

its sort of like appearing in a david icke book or something, kinda cool imo.

its nice to be called a terrorist sympathizer too because you argue against the us military. its how you know you're right

found a cool vid today

back when i gave a shit i used to basically spam this quote

While on tank patrol through the narrow streets of Abu Ghraib, just west of Baghdad, Pfc. Clifton Hicks was given an order. Abu Ghraib had become a "free-fire zone," Hicks was told, and no "friendlies" or civilians remained in the area. "Game on. All weapons free," his captain said. Upon that command, Hicks's unit opened a furious fusillade, firing wildly into cars, at people scurrying for cover, at anything that moved. Sent in to survey the damage, Hicks found the area littered with human and animal corpses, including women and children, but he saw no military gear or weapons of any kind near the bodies. In the aftermath of the massacre, Hicks was told that his unit had killed 700-800 "enemy combatants." But he knew the dead were not terrorists or insurgents; they were innocent Iraqis. "I will agree to swear to that till the day I die," he said. "I didn't see one enemy on that operation."

tpaine do you criticize the US military as being somehow peculiarly evil or is it simply because its a) your country and b) the dominant military power in the modern age and what youre really highlighting is the evil of industrial warfare (not to say that non-industrial warfare is great or anything) and the american-ness of your target is incidental


tpaine posted:
*guy sort of saunters up to a group of people* oh wow, look at that. you've just been accepted by that group and there's a rapist in there. guess you love rape? yeah, clive over there. it was statutory but still. look at mr rape over here! let me get a pair of RAPE GOGGLES, seeing as you need them, mr. rapey joe stalin! lol!!

By the decree of Allah, you shall perish by the sword, infidel.

[account deactivated]

khamsek posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:
*guy sort of saunters up to a group of people* oh wow, look at that. you've just been accepted by that group and there's a rapist in there. guess you love rape? yeah, clive over there. it was statutory but still. look at mr rape over here! let me get a pair of RAPE GOGGLES, seeing as you need them, mr. rapey joe stalin! lol!!

By the decree of Allah, you shall perish by the sword, infidel.

Your entire islam gimmick comes off less as religious devotion and more as shitty LARPing, btw.


[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:

babyfinland posted:

tpaine posted:

wddps are weird people. more than a couple of them think i was seriously angry when wddp.org was created and i made a big all caps post where i cried about them not making a forum for me to post in when i was permabanned. i think riidi was the only one who laughed, all the others were like "wow, tpaine just melted down hard" and they still think i was serious

thats the kind of people we're dealing with here

its kind of cool to have an alt. universe version of myself that exists only the collective imagination of some deranged perverts tbh.

its sort of like appearing in a david icke book or something, kinda cool imo.

its nice to be called a terrorist sympathizer too because you argue against the us military. its how you know you're right

found a cool vid today

back when i gave a shit i used to basically spam this quote

While on tank patrol through the narrow streets of Abu Ghraib, just west of Baghdad, Pfc. Clifton Hicks was given an order. Abu Ghraib had become a "free-fire zone," Hicks was told, and no "friendlies" or civilians remained in the area. "Game on. All weapons free," his captain said. Upon that command, Hicks's unit opened a furious fusillade, firing wildly into cars, at people scurrying for cover, at anything that moved. Sent in to survey the damage, Hicks found the area littered with human and animal corpses, including women and children, but he saw no military gear or weapons of any kind near the bodies. In the aftermath of the massacre, Hicks was told that his unit had killed 700-800 "enemy combatants." But he knew the dead were not terrorists or insurgents; they were innocent Iraqis. "I will agree to swear to that till the day I die," he said. "I didn't see one enemy on that operation."

tpaine do you criticize the US military as being somehow peculiarly evil or is it simply because its a) your country and b) the dominant military power in the modern age and what youre really highlighting is the evil of industrial warfare (not to say that non-industrial warfare is great or anything) and the american-ness of your target is incidental

good question. i'm sure that any dominant military power would inevitably becoming odious simply by virtue of it being the hegemon in a capitalist system, but no, the fact that the military is american is incidental and pretty much any kind of military organization with the "just following orders" excuse is going to be violent to the point that it can be justifiably resisted with force (not that this would accomplish anything)

so theres nothing in your critique of the military that includes anything peculiar to USA, like its racial politics for example, that isn't packaged with a general critique of militarism

this is for you tpaine, courtesy Thomas Bernhard, best Austrian writer ever probs.

Whatever writers write
It’s nothing, compared to reality
Yeah they do write that everything is horrible
That everything is foul and corrupt
That everything is catastrophic
And everything is desperate
But everything they write
Is nothing, compared to reality
Reality is so bad
That it cannot be describved
No writer has yet described reality the way
It really is
That’s the horrible thing