
kinch posted:


a move that enjoys broad support from both inside and outside texas

[account deactivated]
currently re-reading watt bc i found a copy in my friends house and i hadnt read it in like 6 years. its p good i like the english stuff better than the french stuff
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]

kinch posted:


Texas rules

Texas is the shit im going there in january and im STOKED
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Texas owns.
im guessing youre anticipating a home playoff game for the 'boys, eamon orleans? 11-5 will be enough to win the nfc beast
i mean as a lifelong 'boys fan i have learned never to ever have faith in them but it is cool that we're "back in it"
[account deactivated]
Oklahoma is a fucking dump.
please refer to it by its proper name, "indian territory"
"god's country"
please refrain from discussing capitalist-corrupted sports leagues, all
"It is my argument that American liberalism is a totalitarian political religion"

If Jonah Goldberg actually used a better definition of liberalism then this would be a really good book

if jonah goldberg werent, like, totally full of shit, this would be a good book

NoFreeWill posted:

please refrain from discussing capitalist-corrupted sports leagues, all

if this is in fact a serious post then you are a fool but if it is rather an attempt to troll me then i must give you salutations for your valiant efforts effectiveness, goon sire


Crow posted:


theres a lot of work in n. korea if ur an anime

[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
i'm reading baudelaire

i cannot get emotional about the vegetable world
After he disappears, Sean makes remarks that solve the riddle. Together, they formulate that if they get blood from a roast that Cassie's mother made and throw it on The Evil Thing, it will be forced to suck up the blood. In doing so, it will devour itself. By using Sean's CD of monster sound effects, they are able to lure the monster to the CD player; however, when the monster nudges it, the music turns into hip hop, thus ruining their plan.
Purportedly verifiable hypotheses of a "concave hollow Earth" need to be distinguished from a thought experiment which defines a coordinate transformation such that the interior of the Earth becomes "exterior" and the exterior becomes "interior". (For example, in spherical coordinates, let radius r go to R²/r where R is the Earth's radius.) The transformation entails corresponding changes to the forms of physical laws. This is not a hypothesis but an illustration of the fact that any description of the physical world can be equivalently expressed in more than one way.
It has been said that silence is strength; in a quite different sense it is a terrible strength in the hands of those who are loved. It increases the anxiety of the one who waits. Nothing so tempts us to approach another person as what is keeping us apart; and what barrier is so insurmountable as silence? It has been said also that silence is torture, capable of goading to madness the man who is condemned to it in a prison cell. But what an even greater torture than that of having to keep silence it is to have to endure the silence of the person one loves! ..Thus silence indeed drove him mad with jealousy and remorse. Besides, more cruel than the silence of prisons, that kind of silence is in itself a prison. It is an intangible enclosure, true, but an impenetrable one, this interposed slice of empty atmosphere through which nevertheless the visual rays of the abandoned lover cannot pass. Is there a more terrible form of lighting than that of silence, which shows us not one absent love but a thousand, and shows us each of them in the act of indulging in some new betrayal?
i read a fair bit but i only put books i finish on my goodreads. still i categorized most of the books i finished over the past few years and it is sort of funny to me.

anarchism 14
badiou and zizek 10
cliffite books 14
economics 8
fiction 1 (houellebecq's elementary particles)
liberalism 23
marxist classics 13
postmodern/poststructuralist 13
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

i read a fair bit but i only put books i finish on my goodreads. still i categorized most of the books i finished over the past few years and it is sort of funny to me.

anarchism 14
badiou and zizek 10
cliffite books 14
economics 8
fiction 1 (houellebecq's elementary particles)
liberalism 23
marxist classics 13
postmodern/poststructuralist 13

that is simply great that elementary particles is the only fiction youve read in the past couple of years

i re-read it just last week, what did you think about it?

i enjoyed it because it made repulsiveness interesting.
in early 2008 or so i read about 10 novels in a row and i loved each of them but i find it hard to read fiction for some reason except in very specific moods.
i only read lgbt young adult romance fiction these days, also impper's rape stories
but you repeat yourself

getfiscal posted:

in early 2008 or so i read about 10 novels in a row and i loved each of them but i find it hard to read fiction for some reason except in very specific moods.

i feel the same way, and when i'm not in one of those moods and i try to read fiction i can't help but think of all the things i'm putting off reading so i can read a clever fantasy about women with bug heads or whatever

im the reverse, the only nonfiction ive read in the past year is a levi-strauss book and RED CHICAGO
speaking of red chicago im stoned as FUCK in da ho jo

drwhat posted:

getfiscal posted:

in early 2008 or so i read about 10 novels in a row and i loved each of them but i find it hard to read fiction for some reason except in very specific moods.

i feel the same way, and when i'm not in one of those moods and i try to read fiction i can't help but think of all the things i'm putting off reading so i can read a clever fantasy about women with bug heads or whatever

miéville does own tho


im increasingly convinced these are based on my childhood
i read a short intro book on wittgenstein last night and i loved it. i stayed up all night to finish it.