i'm going to jump off a physical cliff!
nice thread lol mods plz sticky
Heres my friend in the lower left and Gorge Bush.
Before you say anything, i have friends on facebook EO, just like you. We've heard all about it
Before you say anything, i have friends on facebook EO, just like you. We've heard all about it
this is a good backgrounder about the issue:
[account deactivated]
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is the whole me mentioning using fb situation gonna be a thing just like me having 'black friends' bc i was talking about arab africans just bc tpaine is 50 and doesnt understand face book in the same way everyone else on the rhizzone is white and rich and in college and doesnt understand 'african' people
[account deactivated]
yeah dog sure
[account deactivated]
i dont have black friends i have african friends who are arabs. def dont have black friends bc im racist irl
Wow once again EO lording over facts over everyone else, as per usual. Disgusting
[account deactivated]
Yea we get it. Facts. Got it. JEsus.
crow i am going to ifap you to see if you can free yourself. OK?
[account deactivated]
is queerballs really 50 lol
who made this guy a fucking mod? jeeeeeesus
i've already freed myself when goatstein ifapped me for BUllshit Dad stuff
yeah well fuck u and the 50 year old cisprivilegehorse you rode in on. YOURE ALL A BUNCH OF ASSHATS!!!
I have black friends. Haha, just like to have a good time with my colored friends. Inshallah bitch hahaha. man i can stop laughing. did i mention my facebook?
i have at least two black friends on my facebook, and while i may never actually speak with them and they are only my friends on it because we were roommates, i believe this proves i'm with it, i understand
edited for modesty.
Edited by wasted ()
i was in preston, lancashire the other day and they have a pub there called the Black A Moor Head but like 60% of the residents are muslim anyway this doesnt really mean anything but w/e
i dont have any black friends cos im not racist and don't want to contaminate their identity
queerballs mcgayburg AKA snow and lights AKA Whine E. McLiberal AKa majorian
[account deactivated]
deadken posted:i was in preston, lancashire the other day and they have a pub there called the Black A Moor Head but like 60% of the residents are muslim anyway this doesnt really mean anything but w/e
that little dogging story i wrote about you a few months ago was in Preston...life imitates art
wasted posted:I have black friends. Haha, just like to have a good time with my colored friends. Inshallah bitch hahaha. man i can stop laughing. did i mention my facebook?
sounds sick, after praying at the moon you wanna get some brewskis just like the prophet mohlammed intended?
get crunk yall! - hadith 420:69. but seriously im mooslem.