fail aids is a real and persistent problem in this group and its rapid spread ensures complete 100% poz by march 2013? Cylontweens fear of rape makes all the sense in retrospect...
I worry especially about our intransient anti-communist population, who refuse to die, Perhap they should go live on Communist Island of Greece, where the peaceful happy comunists refuse to die, Also:

Intransigent, also
okinawa also has a lot of hella old folk
oh i think i see what you were trying to do
i warn everyone to keep their distance from the OP as i have heard its pretty contagious
fape posted:i warn everyone to keep their distance from the OP as i have heard its pretty contagious
there is no cure for the fail aid but treatment is avialable: Donate Hard CA$H to the new barkley game, coming $oon. To a Computer_ near you