yeah i was smart as fuck and worked making sandiwches for two years and now if i skimp and save on every little thing i can pay rent and tuition for 2.5 years of undergrad
i should've probably gotten osap but the books i read only taught me to understand and ignore debt like six months ago hwaoaaarrh
gotta get that paper so you can go back to making sandwiches
you'll have a much deeper appreciation of your plight, and the art of sandwich making, tho. totally worth the years of income
all told worth it just to be able to touch and feel with my fingertips an actual galileo letter and various other magic totems of higher learning etc. which it turns out i can do here. and i got to see zizek talk lol which made me pretty happy for a few days

additionally just on the side, it's nice to know people for longer than a few seconds at a time
[account deactivated]

jools posted:

a friend of mine is doing that for football (as in futbol) so ya better hurry up!!!

this sounds almost exactly like My Shit

im not reading anything, this whole reading thing isnt working out for me at all, currently trying to synthesise revolutionary theory w/ watching a lot of tv and also my lil bro playing videogames
get the fuck outta the house
it's huntin' season!

cleanhands posted:

im not reading anything, this whole reading thing isnt working out for me at all, currently trying to synthesise revolutionary theory w/ watching a lot of tv and also my lil bro playing videogames

livin' w/ the parents eh? another bohemian up in heah


cleanhands posted:

im not reading anything, this whole reading thing isnt working out for me at all, currently trying to synthesise revolutionary theory w/ watching a lot of tv and also my lil bro playing videogames

Yea same here. Jackie chan is GOOD but... I picked up Voices from the Street by Philip K Dick at the Rightwing library today (what i call all texas suburb libraries)

I'm reading pkd's Man In The High Castle, I started it a while ago and put it down... its it's ok, I'm waiting for it to get actually weird
[account deactivated]

drwhat posted:

I'm reading pkd's Man In The High Castle, I started it a while ago and put it down... its it's ok, I'm waiting for it to get actually weird

Gonna have to make an Ichingy thread one of these days

[account deactivated]
ran into an old girlfriend earlier tonight out at dinner. she got some beta and a kid and it was awkward saying hi. whole time i was thinking girl you used to beg me to piitb and i see that look in your eye. felt kinda bad because they're definitely gonna have a a fight later on just from the look of hubby

the kid's name is zane. who the fuck names their kid after the 2nd line on the marquee for sniper 2?

Edited by peepaw ()

she begged you to piitb but you didnt because yorue asexual and dont want to be raped by envelopment, right?
Do you guys seriously read books. Skimming over this page it looks like no which is a relief.
we i only read picture boooks.

Edited by jeffery ()

i only read .pdf's of 16th century quartos
[account deactivated]
Hey tpanie

[account deactivated]
umbrella, by, will self, which is cool, cuz its high modernist literature written in the year of our lord two thousand and ten, and therefore totally dumb

deadken posted:

umbrella, by, will self, which is cool, cuz its high modernist literature written in the year of our lord two thousand and ten, and therefore totally dumb

i just happened to read his review of some of owen hatherly's stuff on LRB last night, it was fun. I might check out umbrella then

that review kinda annoyed me, it had the whiff of arrogant ex-socialist middle age to it.... his fiction's really good though, he and houellebecq are basically the only contemporary novelists i read these days... the butt is awesome and (kinda) a satire on ur homeland... also his short story collections, esp. tough tough toys for tough tough boys
i just read houellebecq's latest. he seems happier.
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

Cut my life into pieces!

there was a comedy club in toronto called "the laugh resort"

bbc news keeps referring to the chancellor of germany as "angular merkel" which makes me think she's a guitar-driven indie rock song as described by p4k
if you email professors and ask them "can I audit your course even though I'm not registered as a student here?" most of the time they'll say "eh whatever, come on in"
[account deactivated]

peepaw posted:

bbc news keeps referring to the chancellor of germany as "angular merkel" which makes me think she's a guitar-driven indie rock song as described by p4k

thats funny because in high school we called our band 'angular urkel' for a little while


HenryKrinkle posted:

hopefully now that he has his second term obama will finally cash in all that saved political capital to finally implement his FEMA re-education camps

