getfiscal posted:i think my foray into reddit was a bad idea. they downvoted my posts to zero and he posted a long caremad thing basically.
that means youre right

getfiscal posted:i think my foray into reddit was a bad idea. they downvoted my posts to zero and he posted a long caremad thing basically.
"they" in this case being one person, you probably shouldn't care. that guy p much always goes "you just don't understand what I mean"/"that's not relevant to MY version of Maoism"/blablabla even when these are obviously excuses.
protip: he will never ever let anyone else have the last word. you should keep replying, it gets pretty funny to see just how long you can keep him busy
tpaine posted:those people talk for hours about forums happenings and drama haha
getfiscal posted:i think my foray into reddit was a bad idea. they downvoted my posts to zero and he posted a long caremad thing basically.
p much what happened
but the main thing is that during all of this, which was a departure from the rest of the lecture, people were way more interested in the class and nobody was checking their phones or blatantly playing a video game on their laptops, and when he told everyone "you should read this book, it's called 23 things they don't tell you about capitalism, its a really good book" a few people actually wrote it down, as if they were maybe going to look it up later? and in the hall after he released the class (he let us go after basically stopping his argument mid-sentence and sheepishly saying "ok, well thats that I guess" and pointing towards the door), a few people were saying 'what an idiot' but most people were saying 'hey, at least we get to hear his side' which was way more charitable a response than what I was expecting, and it sounds like something I would have said a few years ago. anyway since I kind of want to be in his position in a short time (teaching undergrads) I was thinking, is there any point at all to doing what he did or is it basically a waste. I'm not really looking for answers but getfiscal's frustration with communicating with someone in a subreddit and crow's response to it kind of made me think of this.
sometimes they let him teach ECON 101 or whatever, and i think he does good there too, if his other classes are any indication there's always business school idiots that try to challenge him, which is funny.
anyway, it helped in my case. but really i think this sort of thing has more to do with the concept of Divine Grace than any set path. so you can help people but then again people who dont want to be saved wont. Grundle

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:crow did you take any classes from joao he was the shit
No that sounds good as shit. O well maybe next time
getfiscal posted:i think my foray into reddit was a bad idea. they downvoted my posts to zero and he posted a long caremad thing basically.
my gf does sociology at USyd now and i'm a bit jealous, having impassioned political discussions with informed people irl seems like a bizzare concept to me, although she does have to wade through a lot of shitty opinions and handholding for idiot rich kids.
Makeshift_Swahili posted:
slender... man...
deadken posted:i didnt need no moonbat elitist professor to radicalise me, ive always been a marxist because its A Priori Truth
but why ain't ya a communist?