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does anybody wanna be freinds with me
Ye deude
ok what is your goodreads thing

sosie posted:

does anybody wanna be freinds with me

*waves fingers in front of face*

we are friends

*tiny dancer by elton john plays*

oh... you mean like goodreads friends... *sigh*.. i dont have goodreads.. i only do badreads *motions halfheartedly at posting histories & other vague shit*
you know what's sort of funny (to me). reading about psychoanalysis has probably done a lot of the work in making me handle my anxiety and such better. like not much of the physical symptoms have changed but how i handle it has become significantly better in part because of lacanese junk. and i know it's probably half-understood junk but who cares.

for example, i often used to have panic attacks while talking to people because there are constant errors, slips, challenges and misunderstandings. and my brain would sort of slow down and try to work through each one. and once i realized that basically there was no way to avoid that chaotic stream of half-failures in communication i was able to communicate much more easily. and also the idea that people were engaged in a sort of critical dance to challenge me and assess me became much less frightening and then it became less troubling to play along.

beyond that i used to spend a lot of time thinking about meaning in life and such. and the only "solution" i had encountered was the existentialist idea that tends towards thinking that a stable self confronts an absurd world but that constructed meaning can be drawn from it. but the reality seems almost the opposite to me now. that is, the world makes complete sense, it has laws that it follows, but the self is basically an onion, you peel it away and there isn't anything left but the component parts. so the world isn't really absurd, it's more that we are, or rather all the things we desire sort of are insane. but like.... not really even that? like, they can be explained too... from a god's eye view you can know that you fell in love with someone because of some bizarre combination of psychological elements involved, but like, that doesn't really matter, who cares, just live your life!
John Christy writes like a rapist (or at least a rape apologist). Not only is the writing itself atrocious, with poor narration, bad descriptions, and weak characters, but the core messages of the book aren't at all as he represents them. A scene in which a 16-year-old girl gets gang-raped and experiences multiple orgasms is NEVER a good way to start a book. I kept hoping that the book would redeem itself and be the penetrating, political story it claims to be, but it never did. It just sounded like the half-baked fantasies of a sexual predator.

Edited by tentativelurkeraccount ()


getfiscal posted:

you know what's sort of funny (to me). reading about psychoanalysis has probably done a lot of the work in making me handle my anxiety and such better. like not much of the physical symptoms have changed but how i handle it has become significantly better in part because of lacanese junk. and i know it's probably half-understood junk but who cares.

for example, i often used to have panic attacks while talking to people because there are constant errors, slips, challenges and misunderstandings. and my brain would sort of slow down and try to work through each one. and once i realized that basically there was no way to avoid that chaotic stream of half-failures in communication i was able to communicate much more easily. and also the idea that people were engaged in a sort of critical dance to challenge me and assess me became much less frightening and then it became less troubling to play along.

beyond that i used to spend a lot of time thinking about meaning in life and such. and the only "solution" i had encountered was the existentialist idea that tends towards thinking that a stable self confronts an absurd world but that constructed meaning can be drawn from it. but the reality seems almost the opposite to me now. that is, the world makes complete sense, it has laws that it follows, but the self is basically an onion, you peel it away and there isn't anything left but the component parts. so the world isn't really absurd, it's more that we are, or rather all the things we desire sort of are insane. but like.... not really even that? like, they can be explained too... from a god's eye view you can know that you fell in love with someone because of some bizarre combination of psychological elements involved, but like, that doesn't really matter, who cares, just live your life!

same except relating to my intense self-directed study of Juche Idea


stegosaurus posted:

same except relating to my intense self-directed study of Juche Idea

if i had money i'd donate to our pro-juche party just to keep that ball rolling

[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

for example, i often used to have panic attacks while talking to people because there are constant errors, slips, challenges and misunderstandings. and my brain would sort of slow down and try to work through each one. and once i realized that basically there was no way to avoid that chaotic stream of half-failures in communication i was able to communicate much more easily. and also the idea that people were engaged in a sort of critical dance to challenge me and assess me became much less frightening and then it became less troubling to play along.

Could you outline this a little bit more? I'm not sure if it's similar to what I have or not. I know what you mean by failures in communications, like when you hear a few people having a disagreement or misunderstanding and you kinda know what the root of it is but just can't be bothered participating.

People challenging me is fine, but people boring me makes me social withdrawn.

Not trying to sound arrogant, i'm sure i bore them too

oh and I am reading Red Plenty on the recommendation of Gillian "Jools" Christy
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HAVANA (AP) - Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo, who went from rebel commander fighting alongside Fidel Castro to a foe launching commando raids against the island before settling inside Cuba as a moderate, pro-dialogue dissident, died early Friday.

this guy changed ideologies as often as getfiscal

ilmdge posted:

HAVANA (AP) - Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo, who went from rebel commander fighting alongside Fidel Castro to a foe launching commando raids against the island before settling inside Cuba as a moderate, pro-dialogue dissident, died early Friday.

poor guy never got help for his depression


ilmdge posted:

HAVANA (AP) - Eloy Gutierrez-Menoyo, who went from rebel commander fighting alongside Fidel Castro to a foe launching commando raids against the island before settling inside Cuba as a moderate, pro-dialogue dissident, died early Friday.

this guy changed ideologies as often as getfiscal

the life of a warrior.

how about you getfiscal? anarcho dengism? what brought that on, you hear some noble hick prole exclaim "got deng anarchists"?

swampman posted:

how about you getfiscal? anarcho dengism? what brought that on, you hear some noble hick prole exclaim "got deng anarchists"?

i'm just joking around friend.

well im being fucking serious

Top Comments

True story

Guy: *listening to Bullet for my valentine really loud*

Girl: Turn that down!

Guy: But it's Bullet for my valentine!!

Girl: It sounds terrible. Put on some One Direction.

Police Officer: So she fell on the knife 26 times?

Guy: Yep, what a tragedy.

jenske65 2 days ago 58

Why do people think Justin Bieber is good?

RevolutionMusicBaby 1 day ago 20

ilmdge posted:



mods change hks name to the liberal defener
i found a rare video of hk, check it out
just googled my alias and apparently i'm a character in skyrim fanfiction

"There are rumours your area has become sanctuary to criminals Aerdil."

Ah, Aerdil. The woman stood tall for her age, straight, rigid and proud in the face of the threat. Rumours circled that she had been quite a catch in her youth, fuelled by adrenaline and a hunger for lust. Now the creases in her skin only served to add weight to her presence, what she had lost in youth she had gained in wisdom and outright demanded in respect. Thick grey tendrils had been tamed into a plait that hung low past her waist and as the crisp clear voice of Aerdil rang out into the trees, Tai could not help but grin. Now THAT was a woman who could hold her own. Sneaking a glance to her right she noticed the same pride written over Saylens lips.
i found a rare video of aerdil, check it out

i'm reading "how to read derrida" by penelope deutscher.
[account deactivated]

getfiscal posted:

but the reality seems almost the opposite to me now. that is, the world makes complete sense, it has laws that it follows, but the self is basically an onion, you peel it away and there isn't anything left but the component parts. so the world isn't really absurd, it's more that we are, or rather all the things we desire sort of are insane.

, but the self is basically an onion, you peel it away and you start sobbing hysterically and have to stop what you're doing and go sit down somewhere and collect yourself.
i read a bit by chantal mouffe yesterday and i think i finally am starting to get what my intuition about planning is (and related issues about althusser and her). basically its connected to rationalism. like planning is this idea that you can bring unity to society by rationally connecting production with consumption, but that's always going to be problematic because it requires a perfect unity between private and public purposes. and that's fine for most marxists because they imagine this total citizen which is wholly committed to planning acting in a sort of harmony and without alienation. but if you strip that away then you need to come up with much better arguments for planning which are rooted in very precise economic arguments and not just this intuition that planning is a natural extension of rationalist humanism. by all this i mean that the ideological intuition involved in most popular marxist arguments rests on this sort of belief in a well-ordered society, making it essentially a mirror image of rawlsian liberalism and such. and so althusser is better in that he focuses on the end of particular oppressions through class liberation, rather than a sort of perfect democratic order.
have you read Red Plenty? i think you'd like it, it sort of goes to the heart of what you're talking about, in the failures of gosplan and such to provide goods for their citizens
i have it but i keep putting off reading it because i'd like to work through my books on planning first i think so i can enjoy it more.
Cool, cool. I guess the fundamental problem is that people seem to refuse to become the Communist New Men that they should. I'm not familiar with althusser but can you expand a little bit on him and how the concept of class liberation would address this? It still seems rather utopian but i'm interested
the problem is that rational humanism is bullshit actually and we need to construct a new ideology of liberation.
i mean that for althusser the issue is not restoring some intrinsic essence to humanity that was lost due to class division. it is not about ending some supposed alienation from our humanity through rationally ordering society, and is therefore not necessarily about building more democratic or liberal institutions in a sort of general progress. history is not about the unfolding of a certain human subject. rather, history is simply a process which has a certain logic to it because there is a material base which situates the general movement of society. but because there is a relative autonomy to the political then things don't resolve simply down into the material.

since there is no unified human subject or human nature then there are arguably perspectives based on class, and the possible purpose of theory is to make arguments which are to the benefit of the oppressed classes, especially ones that might be strategically located in the system in order to end oppressions such as the proletariat. and in policy that might mean that class-based justice and limitations on the franchise and such are justified, since you aren't offending some rational unity of humanity which is rooted in rights or something.

mouffe disagrees with a lot of that for various reasons though.
mouffe's reply i've talked about a lot but basically her point is that there is no reason to say class is a more important oppression that divides society than like gender or race and that the issue is linking together those oppressions in a radical democratic politics. i'm not sure that's right anymore though.
closing htis thread. reading a book that is not the quran will be a death pnealty offense after ther evolution