Factory farms are so fucking cruel and evil, imho aany religious person should be 100% against that sort of cruelty to God's creation. In the same way they should be against pollution and mountain top removall.

Instead, people bend over backwards to try and justify the worst most hideous abuses of capitalism by using some jewish tribal law about the kind of meat you eat at 3:30 on a feast day for why its okay to treat feeling creatures worse than you'd treat lumber or bananas

getfiscal posted:
goat a few months ago saw this antimuslim website that just like catalogued every act of barbarity by muzzies and whenever it was violence they'd snarkily go "seven misinterpreters of islam open fire on hindu crowds" or whatever and i'd laugh

Hahaha Donnie you're so funny, but only in context of a discussion. It's like the most specific funnyness I've ever witnessed

[account deactivated]

Cycloneboy posted:

goopstein posted:
it's a matter of empathy not constitution you crazy teen

i prefer the term constitution, since empathy seems so much loftier and worthy of praise. what it's actually referring to, however, is a collection of unbelievably stupid automatic built-in responses to stimulus that have little-to-nothing to do with any reasonable morality. see a dog whimpering and limping? brains kicks in the empathy switch, orders you to rush over and make sure it's okay. hear that with only $100 dollars you can save dozens of lives in some foreign village? brain turns on sleep mode.



discipline posted:
maybe the whole issue isn't so much the animals as the people who are made to feel unwelcome in a very nasty state for jews and muslims

i'm pretty sure that all things considered the netherlands is a pretty nice state for jews, and even a relatively good state for muslims, at least in comparison to the impoverished authoritarian holes they originally hail from. so people in this country dont want you practicing your teetotaling misogynist homophobic idiot religion in public and will erect annoying barriers to that end. at least youve still got free healthcare and nobody will disappear you in the night for criticizing those policies. be happy with what youve got imo

heil hitler
[account deactivated]
it does make you feel pretty bad for traditional muslim men that want to marry based on beauty rather than goat herd size or whatever

goopstein posted:


[account deactivated]
hm yes clearly we are concerned abotu animal rights here arent we

i know goatstein gets the two confused but maybe demonstrating that you hvae matrimonials pics in the same section as animal related news isnt a good idea
when humanity went to the moon they had to leave waste behind right. like they planted a little flag and there was the lunar rover and so on, but like some of it had to be a little container of human waste they excreted, right? like they didn't bring all that back to earth? so what i don't understand is why muslims worship the moon. like we've already gone there and shat on god's face, according them, so like what sort of god is that? god just lets people shit on his face? is he into that? i don't think so anyway that's why i'm christian

babyfinland posted:
hm yes clearly we are concerned abotu animal rights here arent we

i know goatstein gets the two confused but maybe demonstrating that you hvae matrimonials pics in the same section as animal related news isnt a good idea

um excuse me but a) i am a vegetarian and b) i've been talking about my desire to convert to the 'slam and pick up three additional wives for years now

3 islamic steampunk weddings
the way i figure it you have two wives to bring in income, one blue collar wife as another job and to handle the yardwork and car maintenance, and the last for cleanin and sexing. with that established i could do nothing except lay around and eat generic store brand fruit loops straight out of the bag until my entire endocrine systerm erupted from my body like the Thing