Fail AIDS megathread
ahahahah it posted itself twice. Good
this is now a mod-protected fail aids megathread
I'm not entirely clear what fail aids is, is this an appropriate place to ask such a question?

-A curious "fail aids" newbie
this thread is not funny, and nor is it acceptable
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discipline posted:

there's a fail aids storm a-comin'

the 2012 election thread is up top, buddy

this thread is made of both fail and aids
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damn goatstein is 37 years old. get a fucking LIFE
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i'm Billy Mays, and i have -Fail -Aids
you can F**k it, you can F**k dishes with the other one, you can F**ck the towel, put a wet sweater roll it up and F**ck your sweaters,
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If your gonna wash ur Cock, you'd be outta your mind not to own one of these

tpaine posted:

Lessons posted:

you can F**k it, you can F**k dishes with the other one, you can F**ck the towel, put a wet sweater roll it up and F**ck your sweaters,

post this

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tpaine posted:


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What is that, a shit biscuit?
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This weekend, I made eye contact with my favorite porn star in Vegas, but I couldn't share my excitement with anyone, because I was in mixed company on a business trip. Have you ever had to keep your thrill a secret? (self.AskReddit)


now why did this one fizzle out so quickly
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roseweird posted:


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fail aids is.. problematic
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one of the earliest recorded events in my life is a video of 1 y/o me lying on the floor on my belly watching the news and they start talking about the aids epidemic/problem (this is 1985) and little 1 y/o me starts giggling like its the funniest thing in the world
[account deactivated]