Dr Joel prepare the Coors
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banquet beer forever man when has it ever been anything else?
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i read OIL! by upton sinclair over the summer it was good.

Edited by fape ()

u mean OIL!

fape posted:

i read OIL! by upton sinclair over the summer it was good.

back when i was like 14, i was on a dreary summer holiday with my parents down in this shack on the south coast and it rained all week and there was no TV or nothing. Anyway I listened to RATM and the Chronic 2001 and read this book all week, it's pretty epic.


Ironicwarcriminal posted:

fape posted:
i read OIL! by upton sinclair over the summer it was good.

back when i was like 14, i was on a dreary summer holiday with my parents down in this shack on the south coast and it rained all week and there was no TV or nothing. Anyway I listened to RATM and the Chronic 2001 and read this book all week, it's pretty epic.

lol. ouch.

Travels with Herodotus by Kapuscinski , it’s excellent.

Also just a read a short history of nearly everything by bill bryson which was cool and actually managed to Make Science Fun for me
i'm reading ignition! which makes science fun primarily by being kind of biting and opionionated while still being decently technical about liquid rocket properllants during the space age

Ironicwarcriminal posted:

Also just a read a short history of nearly everything by bill bryson which was cool and actually managed to Make Science Fun for me

baahahahaha your staunch anti-scientism punctured by bill fucking bryson


littlegreenpills posted:

Ironicwarcriminal posted:
Also just a read a short history of nearly everything by bill bryson which was cool and actually managed to Make Science Fun for me

baahahahaha your staunch anti-scientism punctured by bill fucking bryson

Well I’m only going to enjoy it if it’s some popular writer? If I ever start reading a science book that doesn’t involve funny jokes and quirky factoid then please bury me because I’m dead already

I'm reading Leftist Theories of Sport and it owns and i'm going to start a revolutionary sporst program for turning kids into guerrillas...
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how tall man not in sport? HOW TELL ME HOW I MUST KNOW
so i finished graeber's debt, it was excellent. any recommendations on some david harvey, i hear a lot about him

tpaine posted:



if obama's communist values weren't formed on the dirty concrete of the street basketball court, i'm a kenyan muslim.

animedad posted:

Dr Joel prepare the Coors


glukose truck loaded n prepped sir.

"Once in power, Mussolini, established the model totalitarian state. Having smashed the organisations of the workers, the way was prepared for a savage attack on the standards of the masses in the interests of Big Business, yet mostly for the Coors™ Sugar-Beverage Company."


TG posted:

so i finished graeber's debt, it was excellent. any recommendations on some david harvey, i hear a lot about him

Yeah you hear a lot about him, thats the purpose of academic celebrity, so you don't have to read him, you can just collect summaries and criticisms, and nobody will ever catch you reading Harvey and draw conclusions about the primal infancy of your understanding of contemporary marxism.

For the record i have never read any marx
swampman i editted ur post bc im bitter that you were talking to khamsek about how i say and shit a bunch and shit
hey man, i just wanna look smart on the bus so the marxist girls will fall all over me
i love marx he was such a sweetie pie

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

swampman i editted ur post bc im bitter that you were talking to khamsek about how i say and shit a bunch and shit

What do i say, Focker? And can you milk me?

marx begged money for his son's coffin and lived in victorian england, he was pretty much a goth in my opinion. probably listened to precursors of the cure.
live from new york its saturday night live!
has anyone read his novel
marx i read your book. something about vampires and capital. i get it's one of these mashups with public content and zombies and shit. truth is though the white face makeup looks a little weird when you're 57. here's an idea: a job. any job.

EmanuelaOrlandi posted:

swampman i editted ur post bc im bitter that you were talking to khamsek about how i say and shit a bunch and shit

Haha. i have equally bad verbal tics, worse even, so i am a truly bad person for noticing. Thank

ive read a lil bit o harvey but not grabber, i wish i had read grabber during the time i tried to 'get into' zizek
why do you wish that
because i couldnt follow zizek, like, at all

cleanhands posted:

because i couldnt follow zizek, like, at all

have you tried Adrian Johnston