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Fuck The New Inquiry, And Other Tales
Leftwing intellectualism and the bourgeois cult of words.
the united states is a sham construct used to keep the people down
the answer is creating a shadow state that delivers community services and then kicking out the state legislatures and seceding from the union, or at least renegotiating the terms of being a part of it.
voting for president is ridiculous in the united states
the status quo is what currently matters in the united states. maintaining the trajectory at all costs is what matters.
coup in mali
There is a lot more to this struggle than meets the eye.
Vanity Fair profile of Obama’s decision to bomb Libya accepts anti-Gaddafi propaganda at face value
It’s an emotionally manipulative piece that clearly seeks to obscure the multitude of motivations behind the decision to intervene.
The Necessity Of Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon stands as a Jewish Messiah, dying for the sins of gentiles and their forefathers. Come, impale Atzmon with a lance upon the cross!
A Broem
"Plenty of Communists do drugs!" you whine with dismay.
How to Combat Liberalism
I am resolutely opposed to liberalism, am very good at sniffing out a liberal when I sense one, and also efficient in identifying and attacking the offending liberal positions, tendencies and character deficiencies that lend the liberal to his rightist deviance.
a terrifying feminine intellect
ariana reines doesn't understand men. but she's got a pair of eyes, her wits about her, a mountain of insecurity, an intimidating intellectual foundation, bouts of sexual confidence, and a way with line breaks. and so she might be the most terrifying thing in the world to a man.
How I Would Reconcile Planning With Freedom In Marxist Economics
Freedom means all different things to different people. One mans freedom is another mans oppresser. Every one wants to have freedom but our economy does not work without planning. It turns unequal. Here are three resaons that people can be free and have plans!
complicity with anonymous materials
reza negarestani begins cyclonopedia by suggesting he has an account on to me, this is audacious - in both contemporary fiction and philosophy there seems to be a total hesitancy in addressing the basic details of how we, in the 21st century, live our lives.
what will be done? the state of the (swedish) left and the way forward
Europe today is a continent pockmarked by conflict. From Bristol to Barcelona one can see the outlines of struggle being waged by political parties and labor unions as the noose of austerity mercilessly draws tighter. What is then to be said of Sweden, and of the swedish Left party?