its easy to forget, since it doesn't make the news too often up here (in America, I mean, which literally floats about 3000 feet above the rest of the North American continent), but the Mexican drug war is still raging. in fact, it is worse than ever. you've got several factions fighting for power: about a dozen different major cartels (often allying with each other), whose heads count amoungst the richest men in mexico, and are collectively worth about about 20% of Mexico's GDP, you've got the Mexican military, and you've got the govt of the United States of America. Mexico's top capitalists, such as Carlos Slim HelĂș, the richest man in the world, are also sure to be involved somehow. note that I did not say that the government of Mexico and its police are involved. this is because they are so outrageously corrupt that their members are better considered as political assets of some other faction.

anyways, the whole thing is freaking crazy. its like watching a soap opera, except with more drugs and more murder than usual. perhaps a soap opera titled "What has NAFTA wrought"...? i can't say for sure, although its undeniable that this is a civil war not between the Mexican people directly, but between extreme concentrations of Mexican wealth.

i like to get my mexican drug war fix from The Exile's Pancho Montana:


but -- post your favorites!
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discipline posted:
my favorite part was when they cut off the heads of their enemies and attached pigs heads to their bodies instead

hahaha yeah, every cartel has something funny and famous like that. its like every boss has their own personalized catchphrase except that it doesn't end up on mexican family guy.

i'm vaguely aware of this stuff in the back of my mind, occasionally read about it, and then i see photo-ops of NAFTA meetings where it's all passed off as totally cool, Mexico is a great capitalist western country like Canada and the US, haha, look at this, President Mexican Man put a cool hat on and Prime Minister Boring chuckled. ah, life

meanwhile, pig heads on dead bodies and SUV convoys firing m16s into random homes