tpaine posted:is there are word for people who don't understand gender or know what it is. like genderqueer and genderfucked and all that assume the peerson consciously rejects gender as a construct, but what if you'r nuts or retarded or really weird and if someone asked you what gender you identified as, you could only moan or just say what? What if you're like a fish who doesn't know what the fuck. You might have a penis or balls or a vagina but we all know that has fuckall to do with gender, and some doctor or whoever can't speak on your behalf because he doesn't know you as you identify yourself. So are you like, pre-gender? I'm too pure and innocent to put a name to what I am, so I'm...what? Can anyone help me? JEsus Christ.
Meursault posted:I am not ok with anyone jerking off to anyone's pictures
im not okay with jerking off period

babyhueypnewton posted:shennong posted:babyhueypnewton posted:
HenryKrinkle posted:
how people can simultaneously fetishize the process of "fair elections" as determined by the USA and criticize the US election system as fraudulent is amazing to me.
babyfinland posted:
az jan jananam owns, she should post here
i'm not sure why you are calling her "comprador bourgeoisie" given that she is criticizing the MB and salafi counterrevolutionaries lol
considering she is criticizing them for disrupting the "free and democratic" Libyan elections imposed by NATO and says they have nothing to do with imperialism and browbeats anti-imperialists with identity politics robbed of class analysis she would fit right in with the comprador bourgeoisie that Fanon and Malcolm X loved to tear into.
pointing out that being able to speak arabic is important for differentiating between groups with similar-sounding arabic names isn't "identity politics"learn the principle of democratic centralism. debate within the party, unity outside of it. anti-imperialism is the first principle of being a revolutionary today, anyone who is pro-imperialism should be unequivocally attacked and anyone who sees the imperialist invasions of Libya and Syria for what they are should be defended. identity politics is the opposite, privileging identity (as a muslim, as an arab speaker, as a minority) over principle and attacking comrades for their identity rather than correctness.
precisely with her knowledge of arabic and the arab world, she attacks anti-imperialist comrades with good instincts but poor knowledge for debate, clouding the essential facts of the situation and minimizing the role of American imperialism under the banner of anti-racism (how ironic). It's clear where babyfinland's loyalties lie, but I would advise you to not fall for the same kind of trap, lest you are silenced over the issue of Assange by pro-imperialist women, conflicted and attacked over the issue of bourgeois gay rights, distracted from the good character of comrades by attacks of sexism (as the FBI has tried to smear the black panthers with for 40 years) etc. democratic centralism and materialism are the only defenses from the disciplined and ruthless forces of the state and bourgeoisie who will seek to divide us through identity politics.
lol i'm glad you're back to criticise muslim women for not prefacing explanatory linguistic remarks with kowtowing to your weird political fetishes. i was afraid the revolution was going off the rails for a bit there

whom the Bishop of Soissons had confirmed under the name
of Germain, but whom all the village's inhabitants had both
known and seen to be a girl, and who had been called Marie up
to the age of twenty-two. He was then old, had a heavy growth
of beard, and was unmarried. He said that as he was straining to
take a jump his male organs appeared; and the girls of that
neighbourhood still sing a song in which they warn one another
not to take long strides or they may turn into boys, like Marie
Germain. It is not very surprising that this sort of accident
happens frequently, for the imagination is so continually drawn
to this subject that, supposing it has any power over such things,
it would be better for it to incorporate the virile member in a girl
once and for all, rather than subject her so often to the same
thoughts and the same violence of desire.
MadMedico posted:What's the social justice term for those old-timey carnival hermaphrodites who were like male on one side of the body and female on the other side?
MadMedico posted:What's the social justice term for those old-timey carnival hermaphrodites who were like male on one side of the body and female on the other side?
temples of the holy spirit
TG posted:temples of the holy spirit
same, but dimples
tpaine posted:i don't know who or what i am. someone help
AmericanNazbro posted:tom, i'm going to drive down to portland so we can have a wild time. going to mosques and prostrating before god, observing hadiths and not consuming any alcohol or drugs and most importantly, abstaining from sex outside of formal marriage.
im not in portland
deadken posted:to clarify: i'm not going to punish people for saying shit about these people im just asking you remember that they were human beings and it would have been better for them to have understood their mistakes and started to work towards helping rectify them instead of dying pointlessly. That's something we should do our best to help all people to work towards. everyone individually needs to account for how they treat other people and i've said i wished people would die before (not internet people but certain public figures come to mind) and it troubles me. I don't really know exactly what my point is here but i thought it needed to be said
Her: ohhh
Me: Yep.
Her: i see
Me: So why haven't we done it yet?
Her: you tell me
Me: I'm asking the questions here. Your job is to answer them.
Her: wow sassy...i like it.
Me: Well?
Her: sure
Me: I'm glad we had this discussion. Carry on.
-cut three days-
Me: We still haven't had sex. We should remedy that.
-cut four days-
Me: I suppose I should explain what's been going on recently. Basically, I had the idea to say to a girl, "I'd like to have sex with you." and see what their response was. You were the (possibly, unlucky) pick, and you can imagine my surprise when you agreed to it. You could say I got a little caught up in that, and didn't exactly realize you were joking until recently. So, basically, the only real point of this message is to explain why I did what I did, and to apologize for any awkwardness stemming from that. My apologies.
-cut 17 days-
Me: I believe we had plans to have sex. When's that happening?
-cut seven days-
Me: I don't blame you if you think I'm some type of creep or, at this point, you're simply thinking, "Jeez, I wish this guy would just gently caress off," and I can't say I blame you, but hear me out. Basically I feel really bad and sorry for putting you through all of this. I can imagine the awkwardness this has caused and I understand your thoughts at this point. I fee like a dick because I'm guessing what I said isn't exactly what you want to hear from a guy like me. I don't doubt you've gotten similar "requests" from other guys, and I feel like a dick because of that. All I ask really is that you at least respond or something so I at least know you get this. I want you to know I never wanted to do anything like this when I started it. Again, I'm really sorry for all of this; it really isn't like me if you got to know me.
babyfinland posted:az jan jananam owns, she should post here
no she shouldn't.
HenryKrinkle posted:DeeAndDee posted:Muhammad Mossadegh was one of many of Muhammad Reza's Prime Ministers, but had obtained power under duress after his predecessor, the Shah's pick, had been assassinated. Mossadegh had called for elections to show support, but when the results started heading against him, he froze and postponed elections indefinitely with only 79 deputies elected, enough to form a bare quorum in the Majlis a tactic that has left the "he was democratically elected" cry iffy to this day: he was appointed by Muhammad Reza, remember, and was willing to suspend elections when they did not favor his outcome. Mossadegh, facing a loss of confidence, resigned, and Qavvam, his successor, tried to backpedal on Mossadegh's nationalization of the oil industry. Faced with massive popular resistance, the Shah reluctantly invited Mossadegh back into power, whereupon he demanded a year and a half of emergency dictatorial power. It was in that context that the "democratic" Mossadegh regime, which had been appointed by a Shah and was led by a party not elected by free and fair elections, was overthrown in Operation Ajax and power restored (yes, restored), to the Shah. Mossadegh's last actions included an indefinite suspension of the Majlis. Why people characterize this government as "democratic" is highly questionable: it only is under the most polemical of purposes.
what the shit. link?