who is even on tne anyways
stegosaurus posted:
other forums that arent incestuous SA parodies would be nicer to have exposure on
who is even on tne anyways
Far rightists
GoldenLionTamarin posted:
i cant wait for the influx of tne trolls
when i posted on tne they responded to my declaration of being a socialist as if i had said that i was a particularly partisan member of the democratic party. perhaps this was their method of trolling all along?
i've deeply been thinking on how to increase the amount of people here freely discussing their thoughts on today's world and I also feel that we could use far more southern hemisphere points of view. that's why i've taken it upon my self to spread this url to my fellow citizens of Australia, make sure to welcome them as and when they join!

esportschaebol posted:
mypostingcareer are better fascists anyway imo
lungfish posted:
Welcome to all our new friends from Down Under! G'day mates!
i'm serious. get the fuck outta here.
germanjoey posted:lungfish posted:
Welcome to all our new friends from Down Under! G'day mates!i'm serious. get the fuck outta here.
Forum moderator Baby Finland approved of me posting this to TNE. I don't see why it upsets you so much.
lungfish was probated until (Nov. 2, 2011 12:50:01) for this post!
getfiscal posted:
racism is only funny when there are macroscopic consequences. like if you discriminate against your maid or something and then post about it then who cares. but if you cleanse your romanian village of roma then i'd like to buy you a coffee.
getfiscal posted:
sorry i meant roombas. those little fuckers.
in soviet romania, roomba cleanse u
im sorry i had to do that, carry on
lungfish posted:germanjoey posted:lungfish posted:
Welcome to all our new friends from Down Under! G'day mates!i'm serious. get the fuck outta here.
Forum moderator Baby Finland approved of me posting this to TNE. I don't see why it upsets you so much.
those guys don't want nothin' to do with us and i want nothin' to do with them.
you're obviously just trying to draw some people from there here to troll here, so i have to ban them or whatever you think i'll do, so you can denounce me and this place for being no better than any other. its pathetic. you've been nothing but ridiculously condescending to me about this project for months now, both on wddp and even since we opened.
lungfish, if you're gonna be like this, why are you here?
babyhueypnewton posted:
Rhizzone just started so I imagine it'll be slow for a while but how about instead of making it another SA spinoff forum it becomes a genuine leftist discussion forum not only populated by losers and anime nerds? Maybe post some links to it on shitty forums with good people on them like revleft and libcom and sources of good people who don't have a forum like llco and the psl? Nothing like this really exists as far as I know.
yes, this is what i want. i don't mind the rhizzone being slow at first, prefer it even. need some time to get the dust settled n' all; the development and opening of this place was pretty frantic. put me behind on a lot of work IRL, but I was afraid if I took my time the chance might slip by to open at all.
if you'd like to cross-post about this in other places (that aren't SASS), with the intention of drawing posters that you think will be worthwhile, by all means. if anyone wants to cross-post a particularly good front-page article to D&D, for instance, that might be a good idea.
germanjoey posted:
those guys don't want nothin' to do with us and i want nothin' to do with them.
you're obviously just trying to draw some people from there here to troll here, so i have to ban them or whatever you think i'll do, so you can denounce me and this place for being no better than any other. its pathetic. you've been nothing but ridiculously condescending to me about this project for months now, both on wddp and even since we opened.
lungfish, if you're gonna be like this, why are you here?
I just thought it would be amusing watching both forums discuss each other, stimulate some activity, and increase overall awareness of Rhizzone. None of them have come over here, anyway.
I did post a nice thread complimenting your work in Feedback, but you didn't reply! I also gave a constructive bug report. I'm not against you, german joey, I rather like you. Insofar as I critique your technology, it's only razzing, as I myself work in tech and have opinions on it.
I'm here for the same reason I posted in LF and WDDP, and that is that I enjoy it.
Certainly an erudite leftist forum such as the new LF can weather a couple of posts by the uncoverted, I mean, it's not like the new LF is populated by a bunch of self-perscribed radicalist weirdoes who rely on an internet echo-chamber to convince themselves of the validity of their crackpot theories, right?
SomeIsraeliFuck was probated until (Nov. 2, 2011 12:50:20) for this post!
mods_ass posted:
hi i'm here from TNE because it seems like an interesting place to wokr hard as well as play hard. cheers to lungfish.
hi yellybird. i'm glad you've decided to say hello from the TNE. i hope you can hold back the stream of racist invective you normally post.
SomeIsraeliFuck posted:
Doesn't TNE have about 12 posters? last I checked it's been a long time since they invaded any forum, or had the capacity to do so. Last time LF interacted with TNE some LF posters 'invaded' TNE and shat all over their forum, there's no reason to attribute malice to Lungfish's post.
Certainly an erudite leftist forum such as the new LF can weather a couple of posts by the uncoverted, I mean, it's not like the new LF is populated by a bunch of self-perscribed radicalist weirdoes who rely on an internet echo-chamber to convince themselves of the validity of their crackpot theories, right?
this is some incisive analysis right here, boy howdy yeehoo
i.e. israelis
Impper posted:
this is some incisive analysis right here, boy howdy yeehoo
I said it's NOT like that
SomeIsraeliFuck posted:
I said it's NOT like that
Your semantic semiotics are played out, son. I agree with your post regarding GIP though
SomeIsraeliFuck posted:Impper posted:
this is some incisive analysis right here, boy howdy yeehooI said it's NOT like that
^this person is correct. i just encountered the infamous reply #24 and it indeed contained as much.
+1 for being correct about the content but -1 for being incorrect about the method used to communicate