"I believe [the apartheid colony "Israel"] has a glorious future before it... as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization."
—HHIC Harry Truman
—HHIC Harry Truman
[account deactivated]
I explained settlerism and Israel to my mom when it came up recently now she's depressed.
i just said happy mothers day and made small talk until she got bored
news coverage of the last weeks of assaults on worshipers at al aqsa and residents of east jerusalem have been a nonstop barrage of post itt when western media makes you want to die-worthy drivel. if i relied on nato media for information instead of just reading it to counteract medication that lowers my blood pressure id be under the impression that recent 'tensions' organically emerged w no instigation on anyone's part, it's v tragic but what can you do
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Severe weather alert in Tel Aviv, it’s raining rockets right now
Let em have it
dude at the falafel shop had al jazeera on his tv today, the real shit not the english language version & would not let me leave w/o telling me about what's goin on in quds an i respect that
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this could be the big one
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I’m getting that feeling like back during the George Floyd protests. When you’re consciously aware that the American world order is on its last legs, any conflagration feels potentially world historic.
Also I love seeing the public opinion shift online compared to 2014.
Also I love seeing the public opinion shift online compared to 2014.
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indescribably brave
الحدود الشمالية...المستحيل يتحقق. #فلسطين_تقاوم pic.twitter.com/eEnZvV9rHw
— Amany Khalifa (@Amanykhalefa) May 14, 2021
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🚨 3 rockets fired from Syria against occupied Golan Heights
— Mahyar (@Mahyar3138) May 14, 2021

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Everything that's happened to the enemy so far is from Gaza's unguided rockets, I think they're sub-sonic. They revealed for the first time this morning a long-range weapon with a guidance system, when they used a flight of suicide drones to attack all of the oil/gas platforms off their coast, and a chemical plant. They're not desperate, they're still escalating.
Everyone else waiting for the word from Gaza to jump in has guided missiles, factory direct from Iran. There are likely thousands of the 15 missiles that won the war of US Aggression in Iraq last year between Syria and Hezbollah.
Yemen has shown cruise missiles and drones but IDK if they've ever demonstrated the reach, would require double the range they've been shooting so far at the Saudis.
Also with more practice and data, one has to imagine that the Gazan launch crews are getting more skillful and accurate.
Soleimani was a fucking genius
Everyone else waiting for the word from Gaza to jump in has guided missiles, factory direct from Iran. There are likely thousands of the 15 missiles that won the war of US Aggression in Iraq last year between Syria and Hezbollah.
Yemen has shown cruise missiles and drones but IDK if they've ever demonstrated the reach, would require double the range they've been shooting so far at the Saudis.
Also with more practice and data, one has to imagine that the Gazan launch crews are getting more skillful and accurate.
Soleimani was a fucking genius
kinch posted:this could be the big one
[account deactivated]
Solidarity protest in Paris banned by the fascist Interior Minister Darmanin based on fears of violence.
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whatever's in the posts on this page makes it crash in an endless loop on mobile but I'm sure it's good stuff
oh it's a series of posts where Twitter embedding force-loads the same videos over and over until the page breaks. lol
cars posted:oh it's a series of posts where Twitter embedding force-loads the same videos over and over until the page breaks. lol
the future we deserve
[account deactivated]
it's not your fault liceo and I genuinely appreciate what you're doing here by trying to keep a record as it happens, it's just because of how Twitter has made it next to impossible to post someone replying to themselves on Twitter without also showing the original post to which they're replying. it means that when someone chains videos together in replies and they're reposted on here in sequence, the same videos get embedded over and over, first when posting the link, then again when posting the link to the reply
May the Palestinians do to Israel what liceo did to this thread
this is my primary news source right now thank you liceo
if you use umatrix or noscript to block twitter scripts rhizzone renders tweets like this
then you can click through for the media if it gets enough empty quotes

then you can click through for the media if it gets enough empty quotes
kinch posted:if you use umatrix or noscript to block twitter scripts rhizzone renders tweets like this
then you can click through for the media if it gets enough empty quotes
this is the pro strat
thanks for your efforts liceo