Belphegor posted:I bought a six pack of beer biere yesterday. Cost 7$ in sale! It was not bad.
Very cool
shriekingviolet posted:パブストブルーリボン
jansenist_drugstore posted:how many heinekins can you drink? how many pbrs can you drink? how many high lifes can you drink? if you cant drink 10 per hour then its time to get offline and practice
Heinekin? Fuck that shit!
ialdabaoth posted:o hey this is nifty. the beer i found, turns out its brewed w the drinking water i make at work
i also "make water" at work, wait til the boss hears we could have been bottling and selling it this entire time. my question is how does this make it different from any other american beer.
ialdabaoth posted:for being only a couple hours away i don't see much beer from georgia up here. what should i be looking out for
Terrapin and Creature Comforts are my favorite, but terrapin might be the only one that gets exported out of state.
cars posted:PBR is PAbst Blue Ribbon beer

A Chinese friend joked to me last night: 'So in America you cannot drink outside, nor until 21, but you can have a gun?' Another friend replied: 'Yes everyone has to be sober on the street since they are all carrying guns, of course.'