“What’s it like living in the UK?” pic.twitter.com/X4YWhs0mE9
— MF Dinners (@tom_usher_) March 4, 2021
sovnarkoman posted:guardian with another hard hitting piece
I had to look this up because, as Anglophobic as I am, I figured there might be some kind of context or Swiftian satirical bluff I'm missing.
The article is from like 20 years ago, but it's absolutely as insane as the headline suggests.
sovnarkoman posted:dont expect any kind of humanity from a group of "people" eating beans on toast for breakfast, simple as
Legumes are the perfect food
President Joe Biden called off an airstrike against a second target in Syria last week after a woman and children were spotted in the area, a senior administration official told NBC News.

*wint voice* rescinding my previous comment, one absolutely does not "gotta fucking respect" the person who decided that the perfect reference here was nazi war propagandist Klaus Mehnert

str_el_boi posted:wishing a very alba gu bràth in that case




shriekingviolet posted:Bush era moronic islamophobia is BACK babeyyyy, THANk you JOE!! the mask is off and they're not even pretending anymore lol
their own audience doesn't even buy it
The story is spreading like wildfire today. Gonna’ repeat what I wrote yesterday—one of the 4 websites “spreading vaccine disinformation” has a grand total of 2 posts, both predating not just the vaccine but COVID itself. Scraping the bottom of the barrel.https://t.co/hPdBpMGfUb
— Left 👁 on the News (@leftiblog) March 8, 2021

招瑤 posted:meanwhile in the us
yeah, pretty fucked up, makarenko had the children grinding lenses to micrometer precision, making cameras and the soviet unions most advanced electrical drills utilizing a child designed structure of labour division, including a team of child drafting techs, and what were the children of amerikkkans doing, making basic shit like cigarettes in an outhouse, shameful
shriekingviolet posted:RIP to a real journalist from a paper that would have slandered him as a russian disinformation agent were he doing today what he did in the 80s
yeah in those days before the internet and social media they preferred to just completely bury those kinds of stories so there'd be no need to defame the reporters (other than turning a blind eye when the CIA assassinates them.. err, i mean they commit suicide by shooting themselves twice in the head)
In fact, New York Times stories have consistently disparaged allegations of Contra drug-running. Three stories that ran over one week last month contained some variations on this theme from the July 20 edition:
Investigators, including reporters from major news organizations, have tried without success to find proof of … allegations that military supplies for the Contras may have been paid for with profits from drug trafficking.
Without validation by the elite press, crucial evidence of Contra drug involvement gets thrown away with yesterday’s newspaper, never entering public discourse. Yet this evidence when assembled, points to a pattern of widespread, officially tolerated drug trafficking that may reach the highest levels of the Contra hierarchy and into the US government.
The first US report linking Contras to drugs came in a Dec. 20, 1985, Associated Press (AP) dispatch by Robert Parry and Brian Barger. They wrote that US and Costa Rican law enforcement officials and American Contra supporters told them Nicaraguan rebels in Costa Rica were financing their war through cocaine smuggling. The story also cited a secret CIA report that the Contra army ARDE had used cocaine profits to buy $250,000 in arms.
Hard-hitting as it was, the story distributed by AP was considerably watered down from the reporters’ version. According to the September/October 1986 Columbia Journalism Review, AP editors omitted, at the US government’s request, allegations involving John Hull, an American rancher who was the CIA’s Contra coordinator in Costa Rica.
“Hull has enough problems right now,” a US official reportedly told AP.
Even in this form, the story almost didn’t run. Only the unauthorized release of the story on AP‘s Latin wires on December 16 forced AP to offer it to their English-language customers, according to the Columbia Journalism Review.

招瑤 posted:As 4th Election Looms, Some Ask: Is Israel’s Democracy Broken?
The occupying regime claims kids in Palestine are taught in school how to deploy truck bombs. Framing this headline as a question raises a more troubling one: are they being taught well enough
Acdtrux posted:https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/04/01/russia-warns-of-anti-white-aggression-in-us-a73446
Lavrov is over 70 now and is showing his age a lot more than his colleagues and imo they need to send him off to the old diplomats' home before that bites the rest of them in the ass

This is CNN's current front-page headline for a story that says health experts are pleading that everyone wait to be fully vaccinated... before they do anything they wouldn't do under full COVID-alert safety guidelines
as in, this is CNN's headline for a story where health experts plead that everyone get fully vaccinated as soon as possible
Deadly Chinese
'super-bear' reported;
'eats... shoots and leaves'
招瑤 posted:post itt whenever western journalism makes you die
cars posted:
This is CNN's current front-page headline for a story that says health experts are pleading that everyone wait to be fully vaccinated... before they do anything they wouldn't do under full COVID-alert safety guidelines
as in, this is CNN's headline for a story where health experts plead that everyone get fully vaccinated as soon as possible
I had to read the headline 3 times to work out what was wrong with it because my brain was autotranslating it into gooder language

"As long as masks are permitted, it is not the Amerikkkan question alone that remains open, but the question of freedom for all mankind to stuff their faces with delicious Kkkrispy Kkkreme doughnuts. Dr. Fauci, open this mouth! Dr. Fauci, tear down this wall… a berliner wall, if you will."