posted:China to Make RFID Chips Mandatory in Cars So the Government Can Track Citizens on the Road
The Chinese government, in its ongoing pursuit to create the dystopian police state dreamed up in many a science fiction tale, is reportedly readying a new vehicle identification system that will be capable of monitoring the movement of citizens.
The Wall Street Journal reported on the system, which will begin rolling out on July 1st of this year. Cars operating in the country will be adorned with radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips that the government will use to track drivers throughout the country. Compliance will be optional for the first year but will become mandatory for new vehicles starting in 2019...
RFID chips in cars aren’t particularly new, nor do they have to be despotic; they are commonly used in fleet commercial vehicles and for automated payment at toll roads in the US and elsewhere. Chinese officials swear the system is intended to improve public safety and lessen traffic congestion but plenty of people have their doubts, per WSJ:
“It’s all happening in the backdrop of this pretty authoritarian government,” said Ben Green, a fellow at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society who is researching use of data and technology by city governments. “It’s really hard to imagine that the primary use case is not law enforcement surveillance and other forms of social control.”
“It’s kind of like another tool in the toolbox for mass-surveillance,” said Maya Wang, China researcher at Human Rights Watch, who studies China’s surveillance programs. “To be able to track vehicles would definitely add substantial location details to the chain of data points that they already have.”
The system won’t give the government an up-to-the-second location of citizens, but it will be able to provide China’s Ministry of Public Security with regular updates as people pass roads and stops equipped with reading devices. That information—which will include the license plate number, car make, model, and color—will be transferred to the agency, which they can use as they see fit (read: tracking people).
Caesura109 posted:Compared with the recent spate of police killings of unarmed black men, black-on-black crime is tantamount to a national-security disaster.
trust a zionist to take up literal nazi talking points in condemning the left
what's this kids username here
ialdabaoth posted:'s this kids username here
Ironic War Criminal
ialdabaoth posted:'s this kids username here
While You Were Away: the rhizzone text aggregator twitter account picked up like half its current followers from quotes making fun of that guy, specifically because they made the blue check mark DSA troop start telling people who made fun of him to go back to here
ialdabaoth posted:'s this kids username here
there's strong evidence pointing to this account that has only made a single post, but let me tell you, it's one hell o f a post
ialdabaoth posted:Today I Heard on NPR: researchers at a sweatshop in India found that productivity drops 3% and profits fall 2.2% for each degree F above 85F on the shop floor. when the factory switched from florescent lights to LED, the average temperature on the shop floor fell 4°, allowing the company to recoup the cost of changing the lighting in only 8 months.
if only our leaders would learn from this kind of innovation

"I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and...I like to kiss my own butt."
— SimpsonsQOTD (@SimpsonsQOTD) August 28, 2014
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
"I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and...I like to kiss my own butt."
— SimpsonsQOTD (@SimpsonsQOTD) August 28, 2014
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
MadMedico posted:A.A. Milne's correspondence, particularly his comments on the Limehouse district of London tell a different story.
a.a. milne let his son christopher robin name the bear because the bear he saw at the zoo was named after winnipeg, i saw this on a canadian Heritage Moment on tv so i know it is the full story
Caesura109 posted:This is some deranged @nytimes "objective journalism" on Ukrainian Nazis and their pogrom victims. All that's missing is the implied "the truth is somewhere in the middle, who are we to say?"
— Mark Ames (@MarkAmesExiled) July 23, 2018
LMAO they just copy/pasted Nazi racial purity propaganda directly into their recent news story. Where’s the value added, NYT, you’re supposed to be stealthing this shit???
cars posted:drwhat why are you replying to this online detective stalker dude instead of banning him again
well he's ifapped now until he gets dealt with
having forgotten why/how he existed, hecame across as only stupid and not criminal, and as i've said before i think most people are better served getting trolled to death rather than isolated, but no one wants to bother anymore
Edited by drwhat ()
drwhat posted:i can't remember the whole list of who on the internet is a crazy stalker or whatever. i just read the posts and deal with them as they come.
to err is human. er, feline
drwhat posted:i think most people are better served getting trolled to death rather than isolated, but no one wants to bother anymore
generally a good policy but trolling is better than some deserve
i will never forget the brazen dishonesty of Western reportage on Aleppo in 2016, followed by the closing of ranks in 2017 to effectively make the whole scandal disappear without stir. i regard it as one of the biggest travesties of journalism of my adult life
so, to be invoking Aleppo in those terms in mid-2018 (let alone to describe the events of 2016 as "Assad occupied the ruins of Aleppo") takes some fucking gall. the whole piece is undiluted imperial vitriol from the first sentence to the last. it would feel anachronistic if it weren't an obvious attempt to play on the US public's notoriously short collective memory
RUSSIA has been joined by China as the country conducts its biggest war games event in nearly 40 years.
It is the biggest display of military force and mobilisation of troops by Russia since the height of the Cold War — and it comes as tensions between Russia and the West continue to rise over accusations of Russian interference in Western affairs and conflicts in Ukraine and Syria.
NATO has condemned the exercise as a rehearsal for “large-scale conflict”.