cardassian oppressor #2: hey get a load of Louis Sullivan over here!!
Shit, even the Kai was a collaborator.
the only time kira's POV is featured in a terok nor episode, she's given a vision of the past by gods from outside of time and everything on terok nor is new information for her because back then she was three years old and living on the homeworld which is where she meets herself. sir,

Soviet_Salami posted:there's not exactly a lot of rep points flying around this thread
classic Rhizzone was held together by the khamsek/goatstein DS9 axis. few know this

when the big lorca reveal happened they should've just been like "eh" and kept him, the guy rules
...unless...we make her have a bug inside her that tells her smart stuff to say."
The producer nods approvingly. "People can respect the bug."
I was looking into the episode and apparently Jeff Bezos named his dog after the character which is just vile.
I know it's the lowest level of cultural criticism to notice that a thing from the past is reflective of a reactionary sexual politics but goddamn
TG posted:the only bad episodes are ones with trois mom
old women terrifying a ship full of weird sexless intellectuals by being horny is the best actually
as was pointed out above, the DS9 showrunners put an old horny woman on the main cast too, and ok'd it by making the old horny woman a) not old, as Dax was portrayed by Terry Farrell in her early 30s using makeup explicitly changed from the last portrayal of that alien species to ensure her face wasn't distorted; 2) not horny, as the serene, learned "crone" part of Dax is contained within a sexless, unseen worm living in her gut; 3) not a woman, as her sexual libertinism and general assertiveness is described at every opportunity as following from her character's past life as a virile, curmudgeonly, tail-chasing man beloved by all, straight up to her marriage to a franchise legacy character that flowed out of a story where the xenophobic paragons of her future-husband's culture swore a "blood oath" together with man-Dax because he was just that cool.
the result was a character that could be exploited for on-camera lesbian makeouts while still ending up the least horny character to qualify for the opening credits. even the married couple with kids is hornier. When Farrell left the show, the character's and actor's successor in that weird setup was a mentally unstable, childish and incompetent therapist played by a woman seven years' Farrell's junior, one who succumbed over a single season to the charms of the smarmy young doctor with a James Bond complex who had chased Farrell's character for years, leaving the show's target audience with their vicarious creeper fantasies fulfilled. It's no big surprise that her official role within the show's world was the same as Troi's on The Next Generation, and made about as much sense.
come to think of it the ent-d crew wasn't entirely sexless, geordi and barclay both did weird pervert shit on the holodeck, and the equivalent of a normal crews' worth of horney was safely contained within the riker. but i still maintain that troi's mom cougaring relentlessly at everyone was a positive inclusion
what a waste of time
Horselord posted:i like that the resolution to "whatshisname is a klingon secretly" is they ask his co conspirator to turn his human brain back on and she says "no" and they say "please" and then she goes "alright fine" and does it
what a waste of time
i'm sure she didn't really destroy his klingon mind or whatever, but this is still the worst plot device since rearden steel
Horselord posted:i haven't watched any of the episodes with a replacement dax in them
come to think of it the ent-d crew wasn't entirely sexless, geordi and barclay both did weird pervert shit on the holodeck, and the equivalent of a normal crews' worth of horney was safely contained within the riker. but i still maintain that troi's mom cougaring relentlessly at everyone was a positive inclusion
ya, data and tng worf are volcel as fuck but picard has his romantic fling with the female indiana jones, geordi has his autistic love affair with the hologram of a prominent scientist, and dr crusher gets her groove back with an ancient scottish ghost. even wesley manages to have some minor sparks with ashley judd. but compared to the lascivious ferengi, worf and dax's vigorous sex life, the regular trips to risa, and bashir drooling over everything with a pulse, ds9 is far and away much hornier
i never got past the first episode of enterprise, largely because of the preposterous scene where two people have a "debriefing" while "decontaminating" each other by rubbing lotion all over their naked bodies. i can only assume its the sexiest star trek ever
as to my problem with lwaxana, its more to do with how annoying the actress that portrays her is. but now im wondering if im secretly a sexist/ageist. way to force me to question my deepest convictions, rhizzone!
he also crossed a picket line and o'brien ran in and put hands on him

TG posted:as to my problem with lwaxana, its more to do with how annoying the actress that portrays her is
she was Roddenberry's wife but IMO she wasn't to blame, she also played the first officer of the Enterprise in the original Star Trek pilot, she was Chapel on the old show and she did pretty much all of the computer's voice during the 1980s-1990s, and all of that was fine. the character was just aggravating and had way too many episodes built around her, like, they brought her back on DS9 for three whole episodes to be horny for the guy made of CGI jello, even though troi's mom had zero connection to anyone on the show except for o'brien and worf being like *tugs collar*
you can see the difference though in how the show portrayed Chapel being horny for Spock (pathos) and how they usually portrayed her horny TNG character (laughter and disgust)
Gssh posted:i am now watching ds9 for first time. 2018, right?
how i envy you your journey
anyway here's his prediction from 1999:

Soviet_Salami posted:We see the occupation through Kira's eyes, where every acquaintance was met in some resistance camp. There were probably large parts of the Bajoran population that were comfortable little Eichmanns who would love to stop by the Promonade after a long day unloading space trains full of space Gypsies. They were probably the ones who insisted on the fences being put up.
Shit, even the Kai was a collaborator.
This was the plot of one of the terok nor episodes. DID YOU Even watch the show???