ialdabaoth posted:maybe we could make this a reciprocal thing. are you stilll uh, scrubbing animal shit. nevermind
wait i didn't know swampman was a mod

Edited by swampman ()
also do some freelance consultation for policy shit for other charities, and when i say i did, i have done this once and the pay is decent so its something im gonna try and do again. also do hair modelling and life modelling
used to buy and sell drugs while also consuming them but now i just seem to bizarrely get free drugs a lot more than before from basque nationalists sometimes i sell them on, usually i just consume them
as i work with a charity thats affiliated with another older larger charity sometimes we get weird letters and we got one last week that everyone was like "thats a bit weird/concerning" but it made me cry laughing cause it was so fucking off the wall weird and my colleague just kept on saying "We've broken Cuntessa"
Cuntessa_Markievicz posted:as i work with a charity thats affiliated with another older larger charity sometimes we get weird letters
do they do the thing where the larger better funded organization tries to scam your smaller local org into giving them money for nothing, because i love that routine. they always seem so genuinely confused when told to politely fuck off, why wouldn't you jump at the chance to do a bunch of extra unpaid labour laundering money up from your locally focused org to a big national, it just doesn't make sense!
We get weird letters with people wanting to let us know we're denying father's rights and part of a wider anti west male agenda and/or they want to hug babies for god
Cuntessa_Markievicz posted:No
We get weird letters with people wanting to let us know we're denying father's rights and part of a wider anti west male agenda and/or they want to hug babies for god
please accept my + as a token of solidarity
Gssh posted:i once posted a dead bird to a conservative political party offices.
nomogram posted:I'm an architect. probably the most bougie profession imaginable, and I'd rather be pushing shopping carts right now tbh
Art Vandelay?
nomogram posted:I'm an architect. probably the most bougie profession imaginable, and I'd rather be pushing shopping carts right now tbh
yeah right
kornfan posted:I’m a civil servant working for county government. we have one of the highest tax bases in Amerikkka but so few services for our massive and growing homeless population. the county’s previous executive ran on the “Tax Revolt Party” ticket and was just arrested for a number of very funny crimes
share pls
littlegreenpills posted:
my favorite is his wife got a six-figure no-show taster job at a two-dollar-sign-on-Yelp restaurant in a gentrifying neighborhood. but another really good one is he paid a celebrity cop like $4 less than would have to be approved by the legislature to write up a proposal on whether consolidating police departments would save tax money. the celebrity cop plagiarized the whole thing and ultimately did not make a recommendation
drwhat posted:I'm a driver.
Wow, mods??
what kind of jobs/fields would be worth pursuing to ensure a minimal degree of stability/mobility post-covid?
pls share visions from your crystal balls.