April Showers, May Flowers
Following on the heels of her sold-out London show 'I Guess This Is What We're Doing Now', English stage-and-screen star comedienne Theresa May today attended a launch event for 'General Election', a series of comedic plays to be simultaneously run throughout the United Kingdom by a handful of state-authorized independent touring troupes, or 'parties'. The series of tours, planned semi-covertly over the past few months, will mostly be attended by preselected attendees, though there are rumours unconfirmed at press time that public tickets may be available. Events will be during the day, when most people will be working, and organized primarily in small venues for television broadcast.
The multiple tours will culminate in a televised gala all-star 'dramatic conclusion' night show on Thursday, 8th June, in Westminster, London.
Bake Sale at the Hall
The Friends and Parents of Wicklemore Primary School will be holding a bake sale at Wicklemore Village Hall on Main Street on Friday, 21st April. A variety of muffins, biscuits, breads, jams, scones, and cakes will be available for purchase. Donations welcome, support your community!
Police Blotter
A black male, 25, injured himself while resisting arrest for threatening behaviour in Satchel Hill. No officers were hurt. According to Constable Jim Ames, the police service 'takes community policing seriously and will continue to devote resources to ensure all feel safe. We encourage everyone to continue to participate in the "See Something Say Something" community policing scheme.' Services will be held at Satchel Hill Baptist Church.
Edited by drwhat ()
supporting Corbyn seems like not the worst thing you could do, but what do actual UKers think
overfire posted:I've been watching the ongoing rubbish dump fire that is the UK from my hovel in Dublin, and from what i can tell Corbs has been scuppered by the press completely ignoring him, occasionally taking pot-shots on page 5 to call him out of touch or ridiculous, and as a result everyone thinks he's shit and a bad leader, because having someone in a position of power who is not a an incredibly posh autocrat confuses and frightens us and we don't know who to genuflect to and for how long.
i don't know though. the labour brass have tried to kill him repeatedly and he just gets re-elected as leader over and over and over despite nearly every MP and newspaper lining up to call him a confused old pedophile anti-semite maoist terrorist.
otoh i wonder if his left-liberal base was really wounded by him being pro-brexit. if they are all still crying about that then they might be less on fire for him. but i don't know how many pro-brexit leftists exist and are uncovered by the media for the same reason that they can never seem to find any of the hundreds of thousands of people who vote for him in leadership elections
mite b interesting
I don't think it can be overstated how much libs hate Corbyn over brexit. This is Theresa May consolidating her power. Already I'm hearing thick libs discussing how they'll vote lib dem if there's no danger of splitting the vote because they hate Corbyn and he's a shit leader. The lib fucking dems, who would say anything to get elected then do a 180 so fast their fillings would get ripped out by the centrifugal force.
overfire posted:I don't think it can be overstated how much libs hate Corbyn over brexit. This is Theresa May consolidating her power. Already I'm hearing thick libs discussing how they'll vote lib dem if there's no danger of splitting the vote because they hate Corbyn and he's a shit leader. The lib fucking dems, who would say anything to get elected then do a 180 so fast their fillings would get ripped out by the centrifugal force.

"strong and stable leadership in the national interest"
"an open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded"
"blood for the blood god, skulls for the skull throne"
A Ukip candidate has announced she's sexually attracted to gorillas

"may be an embarrassment"
unlike everything that Theresa May does / doesn't do daily
tears posted:one of ukips election pledges is mandatory yearly vagina inspections for non white children O_o
i can't tell if this is a joke or not because it's 2017 and everything is insane, but your jokes are usually better than this, so i think it might be real. what the shit
overfire posted:Who you gonna vote for, Dr cat? My liberal buds are all ditching the greens and voting for corbs
Corbyn. I'm not sure if he has the fortitude to remain leftist while actually in power, but it seems like the best bet for that I'll be able to make in a general election for a long time.
drcat posted:tears posted:one of ukips election pledges is mandatory yearly vagina inspections for non white children O_o
i can't tell if this is a joke or not because it's 2017 and everything is insane, but your jokes are usually better than this, so i think it might be real. what the shit
had to check for myself, yep, wow, minimum yearly and whenever returning from overseas trips. paul nuttals of the ukips has really outdone himself this time
drcat posted:tears posted:one of ukips election pledges is mandatory yearly vagina inspections for non white children O_o
i can't tell if this is a joke or not because it's 2017 and everything is insane, but your jokes are usually better than this, so i think it might be real. what the shit
the only joke here is this fwiggin election!....hahaha, ill be here all week folks
drcat posted:tears posted:one of ukips election pledges is mandatory yearly vagina inspections for non white children O_o
i can't tell if this is a joke or not because it's 2017 and everything is insane, but your jokes are usually better than this, so i think it might be real. what the shit
yeah this is true, ukip really care about Muslim kids so they're going to combat fgm by making young girls have their genitals inspected yearly
Still, Chelsea found her way to an anti-war demonstration that took place in November at the medieval city’s town hall. As a Labour M.P., Jeremy Corbyn, spoke, a group of American boys unfurled a large American flag. Chelsea was with them. “Remember the September dead!” one of them screamed. They were asked to leave.
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:genderswapped trump v. hillary 2 in france now
i finally read up enough to settle on an opinion about this. and it's true. Macron is going to lose.