The Syrian Democratic Council is asking France to establish a No-fly zone over Northern Syria
— Syrian Civil War Map (@CivilWarMap) December 21, 2018

source is anti-Bashar in the extreme so it might be disinfo but i haven't kept up with SDF-government talks
damoj posted:i'm trying to imagine a 'roided Delta dude with deathshead tattoos on his balls shedding a tear while telling a Bookchin-reading YPJ 16 year-old he has to go to his home planet now
A sr military official told me US special forces troops distraught, upset, morally disturbed by having to tell their kurdish allies in Syria that, because of orders, their promises of defense won’t be kept.
— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) December 21, 2018
ghostpinballer posted:honest question, which minorities have they been suppressing? i remember the UN accused them of ethnic cleansing a while ago and then retracted when it came out they'd evacuated some villages, then helped the residents to return after a fight with ISIS. I've had a look around and can't find anything.
edit: i mean, I'm not about to die on this hill so if what you say is true then ofc it's bad.
ghostpinballer posted:honest question, which minorities have they been suppressing? i remember the UN accused them of ethnic cleansing a while ago and then retracted when it came out they'd evacuated some villages, then helped the residents to return after a fight with ISIS. I've had a look around and can't find anything.
edit: i mean, I'm not about to die on this hill so if what you say is true then ofc it's bad.
i haven't read these in a while but i think they cover different aspects of it
Lots of stuff on Assyrian issues in Iraq and Syria on the Max J. Joseph's twitter (@DeadmanMax). From what I can tell, accusations of YPG ethnically cleansing Assyrians don't really hold water though there are certain chauvinist policies, such as forcing schools to use Kurdish textbooks with nationalist propaganda.
there was a huge icon of assad hanging from his rearview mirror
i don't want to derail the thread any more than i already have, tho, so i'm going to put a sock in it re: the YPG for the foreseeable.
overall i haven't heard as much about these sorts of tensions in syria as iraq, though
#Manbij is under control by the Syrian Arab Army #SAA
— SR (@Syrian_SR) December 28, 2018
#Update#SAA tanks are being deployed between #Manbij and the Turkish backed terrorists.
— SR (@Syrian_SR) December 28, 2018

We invite the Syrian government forces to assert control over the areas our forces have withdrawn from, in particularly Manbij, and to protect these areas against a Turkish invasion.
— Rojava Defense Units | YPG (@DefenseUnits) December 28, 2018
Utter silence. That is the sound of Western corporate media days after a more than one-hour-long panel on the White Helmets at the United Nations on December 20...the silence is due to the irrefutable documentation presented on the faux-rescue group’s involvement in criminal activities, which include organ theft, working with terrorists — including as snipers — staging fake rescues, thieving from civilians, and other non-rescuer behaviour.
^with the important caveat that i'm quoting so i honestly don't know how legit any of this is.
i don't have time to check all the names involved in the panel but despite beeley's involvement, they apparently interviewed over 300 syrians/mercenaries/assorted medical experts, including former WH members and civilians present in aleppo during the worst of the #holocaustaleppo #whitehelmets propaganda push. however i remember reading the same plausible-but-not-verified organ theft stuff about the kla. it's believable but also i'm reluctant to buy it wholesale without some solid, solid evidence, i feel we harm our case when we do so.
Edited by ghostpinballer ()
Petrol posted:i dont follow her closely so forgive me asking, what's wrong with beeley?
im the same, so it's my own personal thing tbh. I've just never quite trusted her.
Edited by Parenti ()
Trump today: "Syria was lost long ago. We are talking about sand and death, we are not talking about vast wealth”
— Vera Bergengruen (@VeraMBergen) January 2, 2019
Trump on Iran’s role in Syria: “they can do what they want there, frankly”
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) January 2, 2019
holy shit
anyway, according to syrian war map, turkish-backed jihadis are hitting kurdish forces near manbij despite what this says
...yet YPG fighters are being bussed out, which means sooner or later these contra guys are going to unwittingly hit an SAA position and get absolutely fucked. what are the chances of an all-out clash between the turkish forces/turkish proxies and the SAA? would russia really let that happen?
2019 will mark the return of the northeast province to the control of the Syria government forces; Turkey is choosing its camp; and the Arabs – afraid of becoming orphans like the Kurds – are overwhelming Assad with their warmth, acting as though they had not been waging war on his country since 2011.
lol that last sentence is so good. magnier has generally accurately called the war almost move-for-move so i'm inclined to trust what he says.
No matter whether Trump decides to delay or speed up his withdrawal, the Kurdish YPG/PKK have chosen their camp next to Damascus.
plus i love his heroically garbled english. also you can practically hear the orchestra rising in the background as you read this, over a slo-mo image of the syrian flag flying:
Turkey will take further positive steps towards Assad, who today enjoys a more prestigious position than at any time since 2011. Indeed the Levant is returning to the centre of Middle East and world attention in a stronger position than in 2011. Syria has advanced precision missiles that can hit any building in Israel. Assad also has an air defence system he would have never dreamt of before 2011 thanks to Israel’s continuous violation of its airspace and its defiance of Russian authority. Hezbollah has constructed bases for its long and medium range precision missiles in the mountains and has created a bond with Syria that it could never have established if not for the war. Iran has established a strategic brotherhood with Syria thanks to its role in defeating the regime change plan. NATO’s support for the growth of ISIS has created a bond between Syria and Iraq that no Muslim or Baathist link could ever have created: Iraq has a “carte blanche” to bomb ISIS locations in Syria without the consent of the Syrian leadership (following Assad’s total blessing to the Iraqi leadership to join in the fight on ISIS), and the Iraqi security forces can walk into Syria anytime they see fit to fight ISIS. The anti-Israel axis has never been stronger than it is today. That is the result of 2011-2018 war imposed on Syria.
it really could go either way now. trump is done, he's finished with this whole thing. doubtless there'll be massive pushback from the media, and ofc some of his spooks and generals but even they have to recognise this is futile now. the jihadi militias are mostly fighting amongst themselves when they're not trying to take potshots at SAA and civilians. so imo turkey v syria is the next thing to watch for, w/ manbij as the flashpoint. either it's wrapping up (which tbf we've been saying for around 2 years now) or it could enter into a new phase if violence erupts between the syrian and turkish forces.
edit: one more caveat - i'm terrible at predicting anything so i'm probably wrong about what the thing to watch for is
ghostpinballer posted:The anti-Israel axis has never been stronger than it is today.
blessed be
Erdogan said he viewed the planned security zone in Syria positively and added its range may be extended further.
seems like erdogan can get whatever he w ants when he gets on the phone with Trump

btw 4 american invaders got blown up by isis today. i dont want to get too tinfoil but part of trump's basis for leaving was that isis is beaten sooo ???
We have started striking Iranian Quds targets in Syrian territory. We warn the Syrian Armed Forces against attempting to harm Israeli forces or territory.
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) January 20, 2019
We're attacking you and your allies and you're nto allowed to resist... Hmm seems like Israel's MO everywhere they operate no?
Maybe Syria can stop them in March
Kommersant reports that the Syrian S-300 crews are still not ready to operate the systems themselves, and they haven't completed the culminating test fire in Russia. On the most optimistic timeline, they won't be ready until March. 11/
— Rob Lee (@RALee85) January 21, 2019
swampman posted:“The White Helmet drivers would take the injured or dead bodies to the Turkish border. Many of the injured had light wounds, nothing that needed hospitalization but the bodies would come back without organs."
my deleuze is rusty but it just sounds like they're trying to create a TAZ
The officials said the additional security forces may move around Syria to different locations as needed and may move in and out of the country at times. They would not indicate if any troop withdrawals have taken place or will happen in the immediate future, citing security concerns.
American military doctrine is very unique. Who else can withdraw by sending more soldiers? I would make a joke that soon American troops will withdraw from countries that they were never even in using this method, but that was the story all along with Syria anyway. Everyone just kind of forgot that there weren't any troops in Syria until suddenly there were, and they were very very important to keep there.
today is feb 14, 2019
a google search for 'aleppo' gives you the standard top results you'd expect: a couple of wikipedia pages, unesco, a couple of news site topic pages. beneath that, six articles are linked directly on the first page:
"Aleppo After the Fall" (New York Times, May 24, 2017)
"Syria conflict: What's been happening in Aleppo?" (BBC, Jan 3, 2017)
"We live in Aleppo. Here's how we survive." (Washington Post, Oct 21, 2016)
"Inside Aleppo, Syria's Most War-Torn City" (Newsweek, August 28, 2015)
"There is more than one truth to tell in the heartbreaking story of Aleppo" (Independent, Dec 13, 2016)
"Ground down by savagery – the agony of Aleppo" (The Guardian, Oct 12, 2016)
the most recent of the above (and the only one postdating Trump's inauguration) is exactly the sort of bile-drowned tripe that you'd expect from the principal mouthpiece of empire
As for the regime’s victory there, it probably would not have taken place if Turkey had not withdrawn some of its rebel proxies to focus on fighting the Kurds. Aleppo may have helped the regime’s morale, but the war is likely to grind on for years, sustained and manipulated by outside powers. Assad needs them: His army has been decimated by war and desertions. That may help explain his use of chemical weapons in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in early April, which prompted the Trump administration’s slap-on-the-wrist missile strike. With his manpower running out, Assad cares more about reinforcing his rule — at any cost — than rehabilitating his reputation in the West, which might have provided loans to help rebuild his shattered country.
for real, dude could have had our loans if he'd just focused on his brand
Fisk (in the Independent) breaks up the monotony of the narrative, but only barely -- his somewhat more critical perspective comes qualified with the standard litany of denunciations of the "regime," and loaded with starry-eyed naiveté that proves no matter how senior a reporter you are, you can still remain a child at heart. "Western politicians, 'experts' and journalists are going to have to reboot their stories over the next few days now that Bashar al-Assad’s army has retaken control of eastern Aleppo," he begins, referencing some late-2016 hot topics ripe for correction, such as the number of civilians said to be trapped and fearfully awaiting extermination at the hands of the government. Later in the piece, he mentions "indiscriminate attacks" by rebels against the civilians in government-held areas. "I suspect we shall be hearing more of this in the coming days."
buddy, i have to specifically tell the biggest search engine to only show me results from the last year just to know Aleppo continued to exist after it "Fell" to some oriental-despot caricature
Edited by Constantignoble ()
some FSA thugs tortured him but i'm really glad he survived
Edited by Constantignoble ()
In March, I met a lawyer named Anas Joudeh, who took part in some of the 2011 protests. Joudeh no longer considers himself a member of the opposition. I asked him why. “No one is 100 percent with the regime, but mostly these people are unified by their resistance to the opposition,” Joudeh told me. “They know what they don’t want, not what they want.” In December, he said, “Syrians abroad who believe in the revolution would call me and say, ‘We lost Aleppo.’ And I would say, ‘What do you mean?’ It was only a Turkish card guarded by jihadis.” For these exiled Syrians, he said, the specter of Assad’s crimes looms so large that they cannot see anything else. They refuse to acknowledge the realities of a rebellion that is corrupt, brutal and compromised by foreign sponsors. This is true. Eastern Aleppo may not have been Raqqa, where ISIS advertised its rigid Islamist dystopia and its mass beheadings. But as a symbol of Syria’s future, it was almost as bad: a chaotic wasteland full of feuding militias — some of them radical Islamists — who hoarded food and weapons while the people starved.
true, it ain't much, it's more than a little late, and the writer is hardly some anti-imperialist radical, but even those^ few lines invited a torrent of hysterical outrage from the usual suspects when the article first went up, so for me it did something right. there were also more than a few avowed socialists who were nevertheless satisfied that the final phase of the aleppo operation was definitely a massacre, a genocide, a holocaust 2.0, etc, who bought the "suicide rather than rape" rumours and believed bana was really tweeting all that shit in perfect english. they greeted that section of "...after the fall" with a kind of bewildered, cheated anger. it was easy to dismiss the al qaeda stuff when it was online journalists and the like making those claims, but when it was a middle class syrian, speaking to an american journalist, on the record, in the NYT, with enough "of course assad is a diabolical monster" qualifiers to sweeten the medicine, i think a lot of the more honest ones i know finally started doing some actual reading outside the acceptable places. this isn't to forgive 7 years of almost wall-to-wall bullshit, of course, but sometimes the MSM gets it kind of right and it can be useful.
for people who've taken the time to really learn about syria, i can see how the article is insufficient in all the ways you say. but i can also say i've pointed a couple of people to it when they expressed skepticism about the official narrative of the war but weren't (at that point) ready to fully dive into something really off the beaten path (war nerd, alternet, this thread, etc). it certainly helped water those seeds of doubt, and now they're fully on our side.
Edited by ghostpinballer ()
I really enjoyed Pity the Nation. I've got my issues with Fisk but at least he can speak the language and he doesn't try passing off MEMRI stills as proof of the permanent intransience to freedom inherent in the Arab Mind.
-conclusively proven that no sarin or related substance was used
-they consider it likely a CW incident occurred but attribute it to "reactive chlorine", which could be molecular chlorine, but notably the chemicals detected in environmental samples like norbornyl chloride, chlorinated acetic acid etc are also fully consistent with treatment with hypochlorite i.e. household bleach
-some opposition clandestine labs that the Syrian gov asked OPCW to check out for possible CW manufacture turned out to be ordinary explosives labs (funnily enough also hexamine was detected, Dan Kaszeta's "smoking gun" for Syrian Governemnt produced Sarin, in this case likely as ingredient for RDX)
lenochodek posted:-they consider it likely a CW incident occurred but attribute it to "reactive chlorine", which could be molecular chlorine, but notably the chemicals detected in environmental samples like norbornyl chloride, chlorinated acetic acid etc are also fully consistent with treatment with hypochlorite i.e. household bleach
Ok now where's that piece about US backed "rebels" being taught to manufacture chlorine gas someone posted months ago
Neither Syrian rebels nor the White Helmets have access to air power. So unless you’re a complete idiot, you can only read this one way: the OPCW is corroborating allegations that the regime used chlorine in Douma.
— Michael Weiss (@michaeldweiss) March 2, 2019
I'm curious why he thinks it's impossible the shells were fired from mortars. i think they're saying that because the shells pierced the roof of a building they could only have been dropped from an aircraft. i don't know shit about munitions so i can't say. it says a lot about the failure of the regime change op that their main goal now seems to be owning anonymous ML accounts on twitter lol.