Keven posted:I don't really have any interest in a quote unquote uptopia where I can't get mad horny and shoot my thick stream. So you guys are on your own on this one. By friction alone I set my mind in motion, etc.
Shooting your thick stream is encouraged, comrade! Just be sure to do it into the open graves of the capitalists, away from direct view of the guided tours.
Keven posted:So why'd the new girl poster show up, immediately ask everyone why there aren't any girl posters and then make a pornography thread.
Sorry, I guess you're right about it being an inappropriate thread for the venue. I also asked if there were women here as the first reply to this thread, not before I posted the content.
If you have any other M-L comedy forums you could suggest that would be willing, someday hopefully, to post my essays in some sort of published and respectable format, and who are also welcoming to women, please let me know.
MarianneSadd posted:Keven posted:So why'd the new girl poster show up, immediately ask everyone why there aren't any girl posters and then make a pornography thread.
Sorry, I guess you're right about it being an inappropriate thread for the venue. I also asked if there were women here as the first reply to this thread, not before I posted the content.
If you have any other M-L comedy forums you could suggest that would be willing, someday hopefully, to post my essays in some sort of published and respectable format, and who are also welcoming to women, please let me know.
There's a cat here that can publish your post onto the front page of this site. I think he should
Edited by gyrofry ()
MarianneSadd posted:Keven posted:So why'd the new girl poster show up, immediately ask everyone why there aren't any girl posters and then make a pornography thread.
Sorry, I guess you're right about it being an inappropriate thread for the venue. I also asked if there were women here as the first reply to this thread, not before I posted the content.
If you have any other M-L comedy forums you could suggest that would be willing, someday hopefully, to post my essays in some sort of published and respectable format, and who are also welcoming to women, please let me know.
this is definitely not the wrong forum to post this kind of stuff. if you're not familiar with the humor here it can be a little insular, but this kind of discussion is really welcome. as long as you agree that American Psycho was the greatest film of our generation
ilmdge posted:MarianneSadd posted:Keven posted:So why'd the new girl poster show up, immediately ask everyone why there aren't any girl posters and then make a pornography thread.
Sorry, I guess you're right about it being an inappropriate thread for the venue. I also asked if there were women here as the first reply to this thread, not before I posted the content.
If you have any other M-L comedy forums you could suggest that would be willing, someday hopefully, to post my essays in some sort of published and respectable format, and who are also welcoming to women, please let me know.There's a cat here that can publish your post onto the front page of this site. I think he should
frontpage cat is watching u pontificate

gyrofry posted:MarianneSadd posted:Keven posted:So why'd the new girl poster show up, immediately ask everyone why there aren't any girl posters and then make a pornography thread.
Sorry, I guess you're right about it being an inappropriate thread for the venue. I also asked if there were women here as the first reply to this thread, not before I posted the content.
If you have any other M-L comedy forums you could suggest that would be willing, someday hopefully, to post my essays in some sort of published and respectable format, and who are also welcoming to women, please let me know.this is definitely not the wrong forum to post this kind of stuff. if you're not familiar with the humor here it can be a little insular, but this kind of discussion is really welcome. as long as you agree that American Psycho was the greatest film of our generation
Mary Harron is a feminist and I quite enjoy the film. I also enjoy the humor, I'm just not able to be so funny these days.
Perhaps I'm a little passionate about an industry I've never worked in, but then again, it's quite shocking that this is the cause célèbre for so many first world feminists with such an incredible lack of coherent thought behind it. Sort of like how Hillary Clinton has painted herself as the anti-racist, anti-sexist candidate, when she was so responsible for the ethnic cleansing of so many black African women from Libya. It's just sloganeering.
MarianneSadd posted:Another possibility to consider: since sex work is a "job like any other" - why even bother having special / exit / trauma services for them?
Religious conceptions of shame.
getfiscal posted:MarianneSadd posted:Another possibility to consider: since sex work is a "job like any other" - why even bother having special / exit / trauma services for them?
Religious conceptions of shame.
But then - why aren't the people in question who claim that 55 words can change the world (but haven't) agitating for this kind of support?
MarianneSadd posted:Sorry, I guess you're right about it being an inappropriate thread for the venue. I also asked if there were women here as the first reply to this thread, not before I posted the content.
If you have any other M-L comedy forums you could suggest that would be willing, someday hopefully, to post my essays in some sort of published and respectable format, and who are also welcoming to women, please let me know.
please don't let the extremely unhealthy levels of irony here scare you away. as is sadly too apparent we need more women's voices here
MarianneSadd posted:Another possibility to consider: since sex work is a "job like any other" - why even bother having special / exit / trauma services for them? Do we demand special / exit / trauma services for aestheticians, house cleaners, fast food cooks, masseuses or any other female-heavy service industry? Perhaps this is the main glaring fault in this worldview. I mean, I'm sure that the above have all experienced sexual harrassment on the job (I've never gone without, in any job, ever) but do they often require anal stitches?
Perhaps I'm a little passionate about an industry I've never worked in, but then again, it's quite shocking that this is the cause célèbre for so many first world feminists with such an incredible lack of coherent thought behind it. Sort of like how Hillary Clinton has painted herself as the anti-racist, anti-sexist candidate, when she was so responsible for the ethnic cleansing of so many black African women from Libya. It's just sloganeering.
yeah. i'm paraphrasing the words of our dearly departed doxxed discipline but the question we should be asking people who claim porn's just another job is "how much would you need to get paid to let your boss, your CEO, and the janitor fuck your ass and face? would you trust your boss to treat you well during and after?"
HenryKrinkle posted:i still find the legal status of sex work being based on the presence of a camera very strange.
well to be fair it allows it to be far more tightly regulated and controlled even though it usually isn't
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:nah you have to phrase that question in the manner that it's some surprise at your current job instead of reality, because to answer the question "how much would they have to pay you to fuck on camera" the answer for some subset of women is "a couple hundred bucks plus" and for men is "how much is bus fare"
i imagine you have to be just trolling but anyway: you're removing all of the power relation between the people involved when you just "reverse the genders"(tm) superficially. men in the context of actual reality want to fuck so much they will pay for it because they are in the dominant social position – there's no part of that transaction that challenges that. to actually swap things around you have to imagine being completely objectified, used, dominated, probably physically abused, and getting to the point where, despite the fact that you know it's going to be exactly like that and these people don't give a shit about you personally other than if you're hot enough & able to fake enthusiasm & orgasm in front of a camera, you go for it anyway, either having completely internalized that you exist only for the use and pleasure of others, or being aware of the entire imbalance and despite that willing to show up and say "yeah, fuck me up the ass for hours in front of a camera, maybe choke me or hit me, dehumanize me to the fullest extent, i don't exist for myself. my relation to you will be as your relation to any other object. i'll accept that."
not equating the two but i think there needs to be a focus on decriminalizing the victims and giving a better economic support system for women in general.
Edited by HenryKrinkle ()
goatstein, i posted about chatting w a woman who was running away from a brothel a couple of weeks ago maybe and she wasnt all like i knew it was going to be gross when i agreed to start, she was more like i had to have sex with disgusting overweight sexxbuying men because couldnt afford rent and food due to capitalism