aerdil posted:like is this a copy-paste from somewhere? it's a really fucking bad post. the argument is the prime example of the false logic of liberalism. even if you as an individual could escape the media, which you can't, you live in a society in which everyone you meet constantly consumes it. the institutions you interact with on a daily basis are shaped by the aggregate of individuals who are influenced by that culture. there is an on-going dialectical process in which that aggregate of individuals (society) creates and shapes the media and the media in turn influences and shapes society. there's no way to escape it, even if you realize the machinations and poisonous effect of ideology, you are still exposed to it in a variety of ways including basic human interaction. everytime you venture out into the family, friend groups, work, shopping to find your basic needs, and *ahem* the internet, your very consciousness is shaped by the things you say and do and what is done and said to you. all of which are influenced by the media even if you don't directly consume it. even if you decide to henry david thoreau it up in a cabin in the woods somewhere, your baseline of thought has already been formed and irrevocably shaped by society. and that existence is still made possible by society. if while you're out there writing up tracts on individualism, the rest of society decides to put everyone into labor camps, you can be pretty damn sure you'll be getting a knock on the door. so yeah to say that the media and by extension pop culture isn't worth discussing and studying in depth and isn't something to give a shit about is pure idiocy and thoroughly non-marxist, hth
you can escape from pop culture and its influence by reflexively loathing everyone and everything, unless the ultimate source for someone's plans for whatever way they plan to materially control you was a beyonce video and not the fact they will make a buck from it
HenryKrinkle posted:my main complaint is that the incredible wealth of the subjects being analyzed is ignored.
sure, but why are you linking to a set of twitter posts as if it's your Recent Work On The Subject when actually it's just three or four tweets. you couldn't write two more sentences in your post instead, you're too busy?
please follow me, i have some takes you might like
Makeshift_Swahili posted:people analyse pop culture because its easy and doesn't require any sort of resources other than a tv or a laptop or w/e.
it requires the science of marxism-leninism
MLM: *le deep and meaningful analysis of capitalism*
conec posted:ohh yea!! im gonna get my buddies from school together in a school club and im gonna tell them that marx said all this stuff and im gonna mention the bit about hegel and im gonna write a synthesis of adorno and hegel even tho thats what adorno already fucking is and its going to cause a chain reaction and people are gonna become socialist like me and we`re going to Rise Above!!!
best of luck to you
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:it's an attempt to resolve the contradictory beliefs of "I am a really smart and insightful person" and "I like dumb trash" by pretending the trash is actually smart and full of hidden meanings. sometimes they do this because they really believe it, sometimes they are basically playing a game, and sometimes it's because they have prodromal schizophrenia
swampman posted:if you try to ban linking to henry krinkle's twitter i will call up the generals and we will drive tanks into your github
i'm not banning it(!) or pretty much anything ever, unless it's mustang. i was just being pissy as usual
Edited by COINTELBRO ()
- Kurdt Cobain
aerdil posted:read some Stuart Hall

i didn't read any discussion about beyonce but how many articles centered around if she was "fierce" and "empowering" and ended there? did they talk about the bpp? if so, how many talked about the massive government repression of bpp activities? if so, how many talked about bpp's anti-capitalist politics? seems to me like the important part is linking the analysis to concrete historical and contemporary conditions. otherwise you end up in a liberal "we need more representation of ___ in media and things will automatically become better" morass.