Breaks aren't things that actually work so why do people keep telling their significant others they want to go on them
because you touch yourself at night
let me talk to him
because they want to sleep with other people but are too cowardly to just break up in case they have regrets, op.
let me talk to all of them
RIP, to relationships that died
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Breaks are the next best thing to fucking severing, which you should promptly do while you upvote her life and give her ass AIDS. Nuke her from orbit, but at the same time, make sure you're using fire.

discipline posted:

I've never had this happen because I don't get into relationships with spineless cowards

*tears up paper mâché heart*

it's a death rattle and you already know this
why don't you take a short break off a long pier.
evidence supporting the institution of marriage
~love is a verb~
you should all 'take a break' from posting
Clap your hands everybody
If you got what it takes

marriage and all relationships are dum as fuk. everyone shd affect a 100% androgenous appearance at all times by means of either epilation or fake beards, and only have sex in large groups in pitch black rooms on sunday morning. mandatory
let the healing begin now

discipline posted:

I've never had this happen because I don't get into relationships with spineless cowards

yeah ur supposed to date them first, THEN rip out their spines

i like hendricks

littlegreenpills posted:

marriage and all relationships are dum as fuk. everyone shd affect a 100% androgenous appearance at all times by means of either epilation or fake beards, and only have sex in large groups in pitch black rooms on sunday morning. mandatory

I can't even organise my own brain let alone an orgy!

whoa did we lose gwap
gwap done been gone
Peelzebub and nofreewill? or was nofreewill pink ninja? I can't keep track of all these removals!
gorp was peezlebuddy. he just disappeared into the night. DYTD success story IMO. RIP