i got smashed with some friends and we had christmas in july, yelling at the screen watching God's Not Dead 2 and Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas. i have a hate hangover
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some days, i wake up and i think, ah, i don't feel that great this morning. today makes me realize that no actually i felt amazing the other day and all days are amazing in comparison to what a morning could be like if you fuck up.... in the drink zone...
did you know that hitler swore off alcohol after a bad hangover? I've had more than one bad hangover and I still drink, so that must count for something right
Hitler, in context, had, in context, the right, in context, idea.
Dimashq posted:did you know that hitler swore off alcohol after a bad hangover? I've had more than one bad hangover and I still drink, so that must count for something right
i award you 1/32 hitler
oh hell yes i LOVE hangovers and early mornings

I didnt drink at all this weekend and my inebriatory cycle is completely off and i feel equally fucked up as all you hung over bastards
Whew, another Robert Burns Night come and gone. Another step closer toward the failure of my liver and the success of my greatest DMSTD ambitions.
i didn't have anything to drink last night but i DID have one too many blankets and it fucked me up far more than alcohol (which promises the eventual bliss of eternal dissolution) ever could
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shriekingviolet posted:O_O%
a couple weeks ago i went to a bar and ordered a beer, a gin and tonic, and a shot of tequila but i didnt realize that the bar did two for ones at happy hour so that was a pretty great way to start the night
TG posted:i didnt realize that the bar did two for ones at happy hour
what the fuck apparently the US of A really is the promised land,
i live in a severely economically depressed town so the cost of living is very low and it is shockingly cheap to get tore the fuck up. ymmv
pride weekend hangovers: day 1

jfc my head hurts pls send help
Love the new avatar tears
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[account deactivated]
damn taking lsd sounds really exhausting, no thanks

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I have been buying old video games from thrift stores and flipping them for beer money, and today I am hungover.
They say the bigger the headache, the bigger the pill, baby
Call me the big headache
They say the bigger the headache, the bigger the pill, baby
Call me the big headache
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there was this customer who didnt eat the food yesterday. it made all the servers and everyone on the line super miserable, so we started drinking pretty early. anyway im really regretting that now.