I came back to around seven pm yesterday sitting in my recliner, without my phone ,and I had five small pizzas on the ground beside me. I found my phone in my car but I haven't gone through it yet to see what the damage was, but if it was in my car... It's not looking good. I'm at work now but expect an update in around five hours :v:
e: Okay, so I've had time to go through my phone and talk to a few people and see wtf happened, so far from what I understand I:
1. Never drove anywhere, thank god. I went into my car to get a CD and left my phone down there by mistake, from what I can tell. My gas tank looks about the same as it was and the CD that was in there is now in my computer, that's all.
2. Ordered five small pizzas from Dominos. At 3:30am. Apparently I really wanted pizza for later on that day. :shrug:
3. ALLEGEDLY sent a snapchat to everybody in my contact list that was a shirtless picture of myself, drawn up with a big red nose and red hair, with the caption "do you wanna get down with the c;own." I do have a whole list of sent items, but the person who let me know about this also likes to fuck with me, so I dunno if that was really what I sent. Does anybody know if you can check sent snapchats?
4. Texted my brother about "weed tea" I was making. There is a cup in the sink filled with water, and all my weed poured into it (Only about $10 worth). I don't have a tea kettle. Or mugs. Or teabags--it was literally just weed in water.
5. I came out of the closet to my parents. In a text message. I already did this like four months ago, in person. I guess I forgot?
And apparently I was posting on the forums the entire time this stuff was going on, and everything is coherent and looks like something I'd type while awake and sober, but I barely remember any of them. :psyduck:
Ambien is scary
e: I also downloaded 100 gigs of porn, it seems :stare:
also going back to math classes is hard having been out for a minute
Edited by Urbandale ()
conec posted:i also know that you don`t like whenever i say "bitch" or "hoe" because months ago you asked me not to use "misogynist words" in some forgotten thread.
Do you remember all this stuff or do various stalkers give you the ammo
le_nelson_mandela_face posted:dear old gym dudes i'm sorry that you grew up before it was ok to be gay i really am but you need to figure out a way to deal with your latent frustrations other than prancing around the locker room nude as an elven prince because you look like somebody stitched together a wetsuit made of baby mice
also frankly your dick is just terrible. your dick is awful and you look like a gi joe stuffed into a nutsack be less nude
just starting college/university? follow these handy tips and you'll be batting away chicks and friends with your foam larp sword in no time!!!
1. Keep your door closed at all times
2. Wear your space invaders tshirt at all times. never wash it and punch everyone who even hints at laundry suggestions
3. never go to class, just pick up the notes online and learn them you goddamn nerd
4. don't take part in any social stuff like going to 'bars', just drink imported craft brews alone and lp shitty nes games
5. you can never have enough anime wallscrolls, body pillows and memorablia in your dorm room
conec posted:because i am a seasoned internet user.
please conec i was pwning noobs in counterstrike while u were still in diapers.
so like last week.

conec posted:
hehe a bunch of twats who can`t handle my elite manoeuvres. i don`t care if i got a big ego, i have no reason to apologize. u want me to apologize for noticing that my plan worked? that i got crow to spaz out? all i had to do was drop "nigga" on him, and his mind asploded. hell nah, i ain`t sorry.. thing is, i had it in the bag. because i am a seasoned internet user. crow is just some boring trustfundbaby
voting on posts is just feedback. if you get downvoted a bunch on a particular post, take it as constructive criticism, like, maybe you should have gone and played some video games or watched some youtubes, just stepped away and taken a break, before you made this post, because it is bad. just a tip from your tyrannical asshole mod, Petrol.
conec posted:u like arcade fire n wear galaxy print leggings.. leave me alone
anyone who dislikes conec is a swine hound





Petrol posted:tIAZTV_sYtk
h*ll yeah
However, i also think performing mentally and emotionally taxing work for Hitler is a waste of creativity and intelligence and probably barely lucrative in the first place. and i don't know about grad programs in the united states really but seeing as she has immaculate grades and was on the school president's list (congratulations bae) i think she probably has a good shot. Lets play nice all
Now that SA is as broken as your sad little lives, here is a message:
nigger tranny faggot
If this triggers you and causes you to foam at the mouth in outrage, go to Rhizzone, Post Place, or WDDB and fuck off. Also this is not a site where you can do your usual thing by banding up together and start shitposting your SJW nonsense until the board complies with your cultural marxist crusade. You've had success with this at other places but this place isn't going to be one of them.
dipshit420 posted:i heard crow farts sometimes. Confirm/Deny?
it's how I propel myself from nazi to Nazi ((pooters off))