If you love to read about how the transnational right wing asserted & maintains its control over Things, youve come to the right place!! Thanks to the appreciation of my book posts in the CONSPIRACY thread I'm making this the dedicated one stop shop for all that good stuff.
As I add new material I'll make new posts here but also update the OP to keep things easy to find. Please use this thread to discuss the stuff I'm posting, make requests, share more good books etc... Also, please let me know about dead links in future so I can reup stuff tia
Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, Guido Preparata, 2005
Guido Preparata is a paleoconservative. He's kind of crazy. He thinks the solution to the world's problems hinges on moving to some kind of 'perishable currency'.
He's also kind of a genius, and none of his later work should detract from your appreciation of this book. It started as a research project into Nazi economics; the evidence led inexorably to the conclusion that the rebuilding of Germany as a military power after WWI, and the rise of the Nazi Party, were impossible without the willful involvement of the UK and US at the highest levels. Preparata's style is idiosyncratic and his conclusions go further than most are prepared to, but his research is impeccable, and his major contribution is a focus on the vital role played by the capitalist western financial system in fostering demons.
Klaus Theweleit
Male Fantasies Vol 1: Women, Floods, Bodies, History, 1987
Male Fantasies Vol 2: Male Bodies: Psychoanalyzing the White Terror, 1989
Theweleit's Male Fantasies is a sprawling and brilliant psychoanalysis of the Freikorps, the private and technically illegal militias, mostly composed of young petit bourgeois men, of post-WWI Germany. They were employed to put down internal proletariat revolution and to fight the Baltic Bolsheviks. Their leadership was mostly drawn from embittered veterans of WWI whose vicious anticommunism was inspired by the stab-in-the-back myth. After the Freikorps were dissolved in the early 20s, many of its members went on to support the rise of the Nazis, including prominent SS leaders. Theweleit reveals not only the misogyny of the Freikorps but their passion for killing as an end in itself. One can only wonder what he would make of the diaries of Blackwater contractors.
War Criminals Welcome, Mark Aarons, 2001
Mark Aarons has been investigating war criminals in Australia since the late 1970s, when he exposed the Nazi propagandist background of Ljenko Urbancic, a senior operative in the conservative Liberal Party. In the mid 1980s he began to collaborate with the American war crimes investigator John Loftus, who had access to classified US files that exposed the depth of Western intelligence services' collaboration with and protection of Nazi war criminals.
To a certain extent, 'War Criminals Welcome' is an update of material Aarons first published in his 1989 book 'Sanctuary!', including newly declassified information. However, he also expands his thesis to include cases of post-WWII war criminals given similarly favorable treatment. Australia remains the focus, but you hardly need to be Australian to find the material both interesting and relevant.
Nato in the Balkans: Voices of Opposition (1998)
Extremely Good Shit.
Old Nazis, New Right and the Republican Party, Russ Bellant, 1991 (upgrayyeddd)
The SS emigre networks, particularly those from eastern europe, gained particular political influence in the Reagan Whitehouse. There is a good recent interview with Bellant where he discusses the relevance to the current situation in Ukraine.
The CIA & The Cult of Intelligence, Victor Marchetti & John Marks, 1980 edition
Kind of a classic so I probably don't need to say much. It is worth noting that unlike fellow retired agent Philip Agee, Marchetti was a conservative. He criticises the CIA for violating international law etc, he was essentially driven by a desire for reform.
The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection, Edward S. Herman & Frank Brodhead, 1986
This book is a fine case study of how CIA propaganda is used not only to conceal Western intelligence activities but to implicate the enemy. Specifically, it is about the Turkish fascist Mehmet Ali Ağca's 1981 attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II. Ağca was a member of the Grey Wolves, the paramilitary arm of the Turkish NATO "stay behind" group Counter-Guerrilla. The official Western narrative was that he was hired by Bulgarian intelligence, on behalf of the KGB, to carry out the assassination as retaliation for the Pope's support of the (CIA backed) anti-communist 'Solidarity' group in Poland. Herman & Brodhead offer a much more logical and convincing explanation. Notably, they identify neocon Michael Ledeen as one of those employed by the CIA to propagate the "Bulgarian connection" myth. Ledeen later emerged as a key figure in Iran-Contra (as consultant to National Security Advisor Robert Macfarlane), adviser to Karl Rove, point man in the Iraq yellowcake forgery plot, and resident scholar in the 'Freedom Chair', first at the American Enterprise Institute and now the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. FDD has a number of interesting ongoing projects including one to promote regime change in Syria.
Dirty Work: The CIA in Western Europe, Philip Agee & Louis Wolf (eds), 1978
Philip Agee was a CIA agent who famously defected and wrote a memoir, 'Inside the Company: CIA Diary' (1975). That book was notable for not only giving an uncensored glimpse of operations in which he was directly involved, but also revealing much about the operational structure of the agency and a list of names of people and organisations he was directly aware of who worked either for or with the agency.
Agee argues that identifying - accurately - CIA agents operating in any given country, and publishing the details publicly, is the best way to disrupt and agitate against CIA operations. He cofounded CovertAction Quarterly in part to further this cause. 'Dirty Work' is a collection of articles from CAQ and other publications. Agents are named and operations described. Especially notable is John Marks' 'How to spot a spook', which describes in detail how to use publicly available records to identify with reasonable accuracy embassy staff who are actually CIA agents under standard State Dept cover. Out of date but excellent inspiration for developing new techniques..?? Also included is the full text of the November 17 organisation's statement on their assassination of CIA Station Chief Robert Welch (which was spuriously blamed on CAQ for exposing him and others in an article listing CIA Station Chiefs - also reproduced here).
The Splendid Blond Beast, Christopher Simpson, 1993
Simpson's pedigree is as establishment as it gets. He is a journalism professor at American University in Washington DC(!), and his books are reviewed positively by publications such as Foreign Affairs. So it's perhaps surprising that he is the author of one of the best books about the CIA's postwar recruitment of Nazis (Blowback, which I will up a good copy of at some point but it is available on OpenLibrary and has also, finally, been republished as an ebook quite recently). The Splendid Blond Beast looks at two instances of 20th century genocide, Turkey's Armenian genocide and moreso the Nazi Holocaust, and argues that international law has been unable to bring about justice and deterrence. This is because of interference by the Western powers in order to protect its own interests. Of great value here is the material relating to the Dulles brothers' personal interventions to protect Nazi capitalists from prosecution. Their corporate law work for Sullivan & Cromwell prior to the war certainly bore some responsibility for the Nazis' financial ability to build their regime; the fact that after the war John Foster became Secretary of State and Allen CIA Director, thereby indelibly shaping the course of postwar American international relations, is arguably the greatest scandal of the past 100 years.
AUDIO: Interview with the author about this book
Unholy Trinity, Mark Aarons & John Loftus, 1992 (OpenLibrary copy, to be upgraded)
This book focuses on the Vatican role in the west's recruitment of Nazi spies and their networks. Some of the claims about the extent of Soviet involvement are dubious imo. Still, vital reading.
The Coors Connection, Russ Bellant, 1991
This book traces the involvement of the Coors family in funding & directing major organs of the far right in the US, including the founding of the Heritage Foundation and ties to all the usual suspects (fundies, nazis, moonies). It's a good short read.
Inside The League, Scott & Jon Lee Anderson, 1986
The premier book about the World Anti-Communist League, tying US intelligence and the nazi emigre networks to the death squads they formed & trained across the world. More info in this post
The CIA's Australian Connection, Denis Freney, 1977
Full description here. Not just about Australia - but it's illuminating to see precisely how CIA has operated in a Western, non-NATO client state.
NATO's Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe, Daniele Ganser, 2005
NATO's "stay behind" networks, often referred to as Gladio after the Italian network, employed local fascist & right wing groups as a defense against the spread of communism. In fact, they have been responsible for terrorism (frequently disguised as the work of leftists), assassinations & coups in their home countries. Most evidence that has emerged has come from western europe, where their activities have drawn more attention; evidence suggests that all NATO countries have "stay behind" forces of some kind as part of the conditions of membership.
Stefano Delle Chiaie: Portrait of a 'Black' Terrorist, Stuart Christie, 1984
Stefano Delle Chiaie is one of the many right-wing extremists associated with WACL who appear in 'Inside the League'. This book goes into great detail about his role in the Italian Gladio network and beyond.
Government of the Shadows: Parapolitics and Criminal Sovereignty, Eric Wilson & Tim Lindsey (eds), 2009
The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex, Eric Wilson (ed), 2012
These collections of essays include both more theoretical, academic discussion of "parapolitics" as a field of study, and examinations of specific examples. Features Daniele Ganser, Peter Dale Scott, Nafeez Ahmed, Guido Preperata and more. Highly Recommended
Lobster Magazine
Legendary UK parapolitics mag, marred in later years by a split in the editorial team. Full archive is available here in PDF. Some articles more credulous than others but some fantastic stuff here nonetheless.
Rogue Agents: Habsburg, Pinay and the Private Cold War 1951-1991, David Teacher, 2011 (3rd edition)
Full version including pictures and documents - 40mb
Text only version - 1.3mb
Needs to be read to be believed. This investigation started as a feature for Lobster but became something much bigger.
https://wikispooks.com/ISGP/organisations/Le_Cercle.htm posted:To get right to the point, Le Cercle is a secretive, privately-funded and transnational discussion group which regularly meets in different parts of the world. It is attended by a mixture of politicians, ambassadors, bankers, shady businessmen, oil experts, editors, publishers, military officers and intelligence agents, who may or may not have retired from their official functions. The participants come from western or western-oriented countries. Many important members tend to be affiliated with the aristocratic circles in London or obscure elements within the Vatican, and accusations of links to fascism and Synarchism are anything but uncommon in this milieu. The greatest enemy of the Cercle has been the Soviet Union and members have been crusading against communist subversion for many decades. During this process, Cercle members unfortunately have accused almost every nationalist and socialist government, every labour union, every terrorist, and every serious investigator of western intelligence of being in bed with the KGB.
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
One of the main ideas behind the Library is to share original content, i.e. nice optimised PDFs of books that previously weren't available in good digital form. I thought it might be useful to provide some info about how I produce my PDFs...
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()
HenryKrinkle posted:John Loftus might be good at researching ex-Nazis but i think he's pro-Israel so cite with care.
Yeah, absolutely. Mark Aarons provides something of a balance to that, but I have to say Aarons' solo work is much stronger and untainted by Loftus' perspective (which I dare say is also where some of the more dubious anti-Soviet accusations come from). Aarons' books on the topic focus more on the Australian angle though.
Loftus was clearly vital to the project because of his access to classified information (the bulk of which was later declassified). His solo efforts have been getting progressively more silly. I gather his most recent reboot of this theme a few years back attempts to tie "Arab Nazis" to 9/11. Um.
The Rise and Fall of the Bulgarian Connection, Edward S. Herman & Frank Brodhead, 1986
This book is a fine case study of how CIA propaganda is used not only to conceal Western intelligence activities but to implicate the enemy. Specifically, it is about the Turkish fascist Mehmet Ali Ağca's 1981 attempt to assassinate Pope John Paul II. Ağca was a member of the Grey Wolves, the paramilitary arm of the Turkish NATO "stay behind" group Counter-Guerrilla. The official Western narrative was that he was hired by Bulgarian intelligence, on behalf of the KGB, to carry out the assassination as retaliation for the Pope's support of the (CIA backed) anti-communist 'Solidarity' group in Poland. Herman & Brodhead offer a much more logical and convincing explanation. Notably, they identify neocon Michael Ledeen as one of those employed by the CIA to propagate the "Bulgarian connection" myth. Ledeen later emerged as a key figure in Iran-Contra (as consultant to National Security Advisor Robert Macfarlane), adviser to Karl Rove, point man in the Iraq yellowcake forgery plot, and resident scholar in the 'Freedom Chair', first at the American Enterprise Institute and now the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. FDD has a number of interesting ongoing projects including one to promote regime change in Syria.

will hopefully provide the next 11 issues over the next couple of weeks.
HenryKrinkle posted:ex-Mossad head Mike Harari died. here's some stuff by PDS & Jonathan Marshall about his dealings in Central America:
this reminds me, i picked up a copy of this book 2nd hand a little while back:
obviously it mentions harari, there's a lot of juicy detail about many operations and despite attempts to discredit him, consensus is the book is perfectly credible. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ari_Ben-Menashe haven't been able to find a PDF so i'll scan this sometime soon.
thanks for the CAIB scan! looking forward to the rest. check ur PMs m8
Edited by Flying_horse_in_saudi_arabia ()

The CIA & The Cult of Intelligence, Victor Marchetti & John Marks, 1980 edition
Kind of a classic so I probably don't need to say much. It is worth noting that unlike fellow retired agent Philip Agee, Marchetti was a conservative. He criticises the CIA for violating international law etc, he was essentially driven by a desire for reform.
The original 1974 edition famously included blank spaces and notes indicating where material had been redacted by court order. This 1980 edition followed successful FOIA actions, and restores more of the original text.
The scan I found wasn't in great shape so I haven't devoted much time to cleaning it up, but it does the job.
Old Nazis, New Right and the Republican Party, Russ Bellant, 1991
Petrol posted:The SS emigre networks, particularly those from eastern europe, gained particular political influence in the Reagan Whitehouse. There is a good recent interview with Bellant where he discusses the relevance to the current situation in Ukraine.
This book really is great and necessary. I can't say enough good things about it.
CONTENTS posted:PART ONE: The National Republican Heritage Groups (Nationalities) Council
2 Republicans, Authoritarians, Anti-Semites, and Fascists
3 The History of the Republican Heritage Groups Council
5 The Council's Leadership
6 Axis Allies and Apologists
1 6 Friends of Dictatorship
20 Ethnic Realignment
25 Forgive and Forget
PART TWO: The American Security Council
30 Cold Warriors
30 Origins of the ASC
33 The Emergence of the Military-Industrial Complex
36 Eisenhower's Nightmare
39 The Coalition fur Peace Through Strength
46 The ASC, the White House, and the National Security Council
48 The Propaganda Arm of the Military Establishment
51 The ASC and Congress
PART THREE: Allies and Allegiances
60 Roger Pearson, the White House, and Racialism
65 The ASC and the World Anti-Communist League
67 Ukrainian Nationalism and Nazi Collaboration
73 The Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, the White House, and the ASC
77 The Campaign Against OSI
81 Support for South Africa and Apartheid
83 Central America, Death Squads, and the ASC
ps. ever notice that 90% of the extras in that movie are of Latin descent? probably just a coincidence
Superabound posted:weird, i watched Idiocracy earlier today. very prescient film
ps. ever notice that 90% of the extras in that movie are of Latin descent? probably just a coincidence
Hitler posted:hey konspiracy kooks, how legit is this book http://www.amazon.com/Emerging-Viruses-Nature-Accident-Intentional/dp/0923550127
I don't know. Who cares? I'm just honored that Hitler has finally joined us. Make yourself.......................................Kampfy.

Maybe im the last to know about this but this is the best ebook site i found in ages: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ Really if you find yourself hunting a particular book and its hard to track down, maybe it got taken off all the file sharing sites? you should try here.
Afaik they have entirely blocked the US from using the site (lol) so if you live in the US, well, 1, Im sorry to hear that, and 2, use a proxy i guess.
TG posted:how has petrol not gotten an invite to the pdf subforum yet?
Uh, excuse me, Mods. still waiting on my invite to Secret Rhizzone.