we got the research down pat
daddyholes posted:"Is that the 'sproles' Melford?" "No I believe thats the Crimean peninsula, rumored to be the setting of our countrys best known poem. this is Melford Dickingly, BBC News"
guidoanselmi posted:this is just 1938 all over agian. im really tired of our games of appeasement with pUtin. we should learn from our mistakes and beat them befor e they beat us.
Putin is the modern day Chamberlain. Cameron is Franco. Netanyahu is Mussolini. King Abdullah is Hitler. Obama is Cab Calloway.

RescueCreditor posted:guidoanselmi posted:
this is just 1938 all over agian. im really tired of our games of appeasement with pUtin. we should learn from our mistakes and beat them befor e they beat us.
Putin is the modern day Chamberlain. Cameron is Franco. Netanyahu is Mussolini. King Abdullah is Hitler. Obama is Cab Calloway.
now we just need this in political comic form
libelous_slander posted:Alex Jones is Charlie Chaplin
aaliyah is glenn miller
drwhat posted:didn't the US just announce plans to downsize their military due to ("realignment" or something) realizing they actually don't have as much pretend money/power anymore, just a few days ago? perfect timing big p
I actually feel kinda bad for anyone let out now. They spent the past 20 years marauding in muslim countries and then, just as they're let out, the US decides to get involved in a country full of hot blondes and booze.
drwhat posted:didn't the US just announce plans to downsize their military due to ("realignment" or something) realizing they actually don't have as much pretend money/power anymore, just a few days ago? perfect timing big p
day 1: US reduces size of military
day 2: russia invades, conquers our vital european allies
problem, liberals?
VoxNihili posted:drwhat posted:
didn't the US just announce plans to downsize their military due to ("realignment" or something) realizing they actually don't have as much pretend money/power anymore, just a few days ago? perfect timing big p
day 1: US reduces size of military
day 2: russia invades, conquers our vital european allies
problem, liberals?
this is what happens when you have obummer up in washington. they thought we were complaining all this time because he's a black man, now they're gonna see the real truth
*Obama watching through direct CIA satellite feed* damn...

guidoanselmi posted:
c_man posted:watch putin start a fucking war
thanks for the analysis, nyt comments section
postposting posted:c_man posted:watch putin start a fucking war
thanks for the analysis, nyt comments section
poster "c-man" was making a reference to the original something awful thread that happened during 9/11, where a poster famously said "watch bush start a fucking war".
getfiscal posted:postposting posted:
c_man posted:
watch putin start a fucking war
thanks for the analysis, nyt comments section
poster "c-man" was making a reference to the original something awful thread that happened during 9/11, where a poster famously said "watch bush start a fucking war".
someday i'd like to famously post something
getfiscal posted:poster "c-man" was making a reference to the original something awful thread that happened during 9/11, where a poster famously said "watch bush start a fucking war".
someone made the same joke during one of the boston bombing threads and got banned
capitalist america + capitalist russia = nazis take over ukraine, just saying.
guidoanselmi posted:make it a meme ftw
ilmdge ftw