*e: he talked deleuze as well

Edited by ilmdge ()
Panopticon posted:this has been the most i have ever spent on books in my life and i dont understand a word of any of it
just do like everyone else and keep them unread & publicly displayed on a bookshelf next to the tv you dont own
karphead posted:someone interpret Cyclonopedia through the Dune universe so i dont have to read it
remember how Jodorowsky was originally supposed to write/direct Dune? like that
tpaine posted:ahahaha i got Ass on aim now
WhiteLightWhitePete: didn't you make a gut buyt the stupid delueze books
WhiteLightWhitePete: Decepticon or something
BUTTERPRIEST: as far as i know that whole thing was a big joke to make people waste money
BUTTERPRIEST: like dating
WhiteLightWhitePete: lmao
BUTTERPRIEST: he spent like sixty pence or quid on those books
WhiteLightWhitePete: i think it's pounds
BUTTERPRIEST: let's just call it ponce dollars
WhiteLightWhitePete: Fop Tokens
WhiteLightWhitePete: hang on, gf is calling on my samsung
consider me owned
Edited by Panopticon ()
Superabound posted:remember how Jodorowsky was originally supposed to write/direct Dune? like that
actually it was made mate http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1935156/
Lysenko posted:Superabound posted:remember how Jodorowsky was originally supposed to write/direct Dune? like that
actually it was made mate http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1935156/
unfortunately thats just a documentary about his aborted attempt to make Dune, like Gilliam's "Lost in La Mancha" (still excited about it though). the real movie was supposed to be like 14 hours long lol
ilmdge posted:i just started cyclonemanpedia. havent gotten far enough to start not understanding stuff yet, just read the introduction about the suicide girl and got into the stuff about inorganic demons and parsani and stuff. p cool. im sure in time ill be completely bumfuzzled since i dont have any background of knowledge but so far so good, except negarestani must be a weird nerd because besides this lady being a suicide girl he's also ref'd a sword from wc3 and the dude whos name is an unpronounceable symbol has been quoted saying "there is no pleasure more extreme than to be transfixed before a new item or find a new weapon in a video game" which sounds like a tpaine-ism re: ff or something
the best thing about cyclonopedia is the veiled references to his history posting on the forums of 90s snuff porn web rings.
Lamassu as a defender from and conduit for pestilence is isomorphic to the american intelligence apparatus.
Lykourgos posted:Who was that shitty poster named Rhizzome or something who would get really upset if you pointed out that all those books are horrible? Does he post here? He made a bad thread about those books once with bad illustrations. Those books are so awful.
im pretty sure it was dr. dogballs
tpaine posted:ahahaha i got Ass on aim now
WhiteLightWhitePete: didn't you make a gut buyt the stupid delueze books
WhiteLightWhitePete: Decepticon or something
BUTTERPRIEST: as far as i know that whole thing was a big joke to make people waste money
BUTTERPRIEST: like dating
WhiteLightWhitePete: lmao
BUTTERPRIEST: he spent like sixty pence or quid on those books
WhiteLightWhitePete: i think it's pounds
BUTTERPRIEST: let's just call it ponce dollars
WhiteLightWhitePete: Fop Tokens
WhiteLightWhitePete: hang on, gf is calling on my samsung
i notice you always have a gf in your fake chat logs. do you have a girlfriend also, in real life?
gyrofry posted:Lykourgos posted:Who was that shitty poster named Rhizzome or something who would get really upset if you pointed out that all those books are horrible? Does he post here? He made a bad thread about those books once with bad illustrations. Those books are so awful.
im pretty sure it was dr. dogballs
dr sanjay dogballs
babyfinland posted:why do you guys even bother. youre so slow and dumb, i read this twice like five years ago and its jsut like entertaining. it doesnt mean anything. its a goofy little weirdo thing. even if it did have some kind of substantive value to it and you read it it would have zero impact on your life or the development of society because you are just so lacking. you might as well just send me checks and stuff because im your only chance at saving the world through reading books. just admit it
devouring descartes. noshing on negarastani. hoovering up horkheimer. masticating mouffe. pigging out on puig.