Makeshift_Swahili posted:
any schedule for Exhumations? im writing some notes for myself this time around but im afraid they might be less coherent than the book itself
okay i've had a lot of reading for school i've had to do lately so i'm not very far along, but i'm on break now. i don't think we're particularly good at schedules here at tHE rHizzonE, so feel free to read at your own pace and post your reflections as they come to you i guess!
Edited by blinkandwheeze ()
Leper creativity again.
"creation is the surplus value of the Ouroboros cycle of the pest which lays it's eggs via devouring"
Edited by FrancoNero ()
heres a random screenshot from the net if you havent seen the game before. rocket dudes can smooth out striations

tpaine posted:so eh...hehe he...hows the community reading project coming along? Fuckers?
i read the book but am unable to discuss. reading project reversal
Crow posted:
i guess itd be cool if everyone was breaking their brains in western islamophilia and the dudes just using shit like "gog-magog" from the same angle bush was (when trying to convince chirac). "Only zionists truly understand deleuze!", the iranian version of deadken says to american officers
blinkandwheeze posted:haha why are half the things you say incomprehensible
you misunderstood dude, im not reza, save ur questions for when u see him at the naval academy

the good folks at punctum books just published this collection of transcripts and materials from the cyclonopedia symposium, which you can download for free here!
mistersix posted:yet another in a long list of games that are almost, but not quite, in the cyclonopedia genre, in one way or another. just played frozen synapse for the first time the other day and immediately had visions of modified campaign where youre an idf squad burrowing through nablus.
heres a random screenshot from the net if you havent seen the game before. rocket dudes can smooth out striations
looks kewl
babyfinland posted:all this talk of lepers and food is very medieval
At the start of The Dust Enforcer Reza talks about the way the spread of disease antagonises the hygiene industry and how the development of each ironically accelerates the development its opposite. This is called an Evolutionary Arms Race and its why anti-biotics are only prescribed sparingly. The pest in a perpetual struggle against its host.
Reading this book I had been thinking a lot about parasites (nemat space, The Other, plus they're just lovecraftian) so when I got to this part I was like "whoa"

aaaarg is taken down, where else could i get it?

xipe posted:i just got a kindle and on pg5 it was said that there's a decent (non scan) copy...
aaaarg is taken down, where else could i get it?
aaaaarg isnt down, but PM me your email and ill hook it up
Are there problematics that seem key?
What is going on aside from the suposed sybiotic dichotomy of technocapitalism and monotheistic terrorism?
Edited by blinkandwheeze ()
EmanuelaOrlandi posted:Oh hey just wanted to point out an interesting connection between the Israeli army wall busting maneuver, that game, striated/smooth space, etc... and the 2003 burglary in San Francisco which resulted in the theft of $6m dollars in jewelry by the Smith brothers and George Turner. The robbers broke through a wall in a neighboring closed down restaurant to enter the store and held the staff hostage while they stole the merchandise. In the small and segregated city of San Francisco, the act of three black men breaking into and stealing wealth from a symbol of bourgeoise decadence and wealth would have been a highly symbolic act were it not for the fact that the whole job was set up by the owner of the store, a rich white asshole, as an insurance scam. Three of the five people involved in the heist have been arrested, the owner received his insurance money and is now free.
this was also the plot to Short Circuit 2 iirc
But aside from that, I'm also finding a lot of comparison's to pynchon's Against the Day, what with the dichotomy of Tellurian Insurgency/Solar Capitalism mirroring a lot of the Manichean elements of pynchon's work, including the ultimate collapse and rejection of that dichotomy.
Also is anyone else finding that the work seems more and more to be simply a guide to itself, that it is not the story it tells but a method for unearthing a different story? And I don't necessarily mean that in a reductive sense like it's just some stupid puzzle to solve, but more as it being an explicit example of its own narrative in( )action. Like in Machines are Digging when it says "In Hidden Writings the act of reading and writing is conducted through those plot holes rejected by most interpreters as misleading obscurities," does that mean its wrong to dismiss outright the numerology and other 'red herrings' that seem to dot the text?
Or the seemingly meaningless emphasis on room numbers in the icgonitum hactenus (306), which seems dismissable until a footnote also mentions that "Wherever there is a room number, a microscopic numerical narration is in progress...Room numbers are denizens of plot holes but this doesn't mean that they don't have plots of their own." What is the plot of that number?
blinkandwheeze posted:Let's read: Cyclonopedia
i recently read nick land's book on bataille and this thread made me want to look thru cyclonopedia again so welp add another person to the list of ppl who own this book and have looked at it but not much else