[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
I stopped criticizing sports once I realized that an uncoordinated weakling like me probably shouldn't be overly critical of practices that I have little aptitude for. Maybe there's an analogy to be made here....
durka durka muhammad jihad?
[account deactivated]
all men should be castrated.

it would increase their sexual endurance, give them better singing voices, and end the human species. a triple win!

oh given the tone of your post I don't really understand why you expect anything other than derisive responses.

you keep addressing the males posting in this forum as if we're personally responsible for the western subjugation of women, like we don't know anything about how women are represented in western media and even if we do we probably support it because we do not understand the implications or whatever.

it's kind of condescending you see.

also I want your fiance to fulfil his promise and ifap me. preferably together with Tapespeed.

your wish is my command

Edited by babyfinland ()

[account deactivated]
stark raving
yeah, she needs to lighten up. no reason to get hysterical. we didn't start the fire. it was always burning since the world's been turning. that's a billy joel song. look it up, sort of relevant. if you can tolerate listening to a man sing. feminists. shaking my damn head.
men are better than women though. evidence: studies show that in women, self-identification as a "feminist" has only a very small correlation with pro-women's rights thinking, while in men, self-identification has a huge correlation with that kind of thinking. thus, once again, the evidence shows that men are Superior at everything, including defending women from the patriarchy. QED.
[account deactivated]
In economics, the wage rate is equal to the marginal product of labour. A person will therefore be paid according to their productivity. In general, women are paid about 70 cents on the dollar of men. If this were systematic discrimination, a smart employer could simply hire women at a discount and reap the additional productivity. The fact this does not happen suggests that women are properly priced, so to speak. In other words, women are only about 2/3rds as productive as men. Men get shit done.
That's just maths. Can't argue with maths.

getfiscal posted:
In economics, the wage rate is equal to the marginal product of labour. A person will therefore be paid according to their productivity. In general, women are paid about 70 cents on the dollar of men. If this were systematic discrimination, a smart employer could simply hire women at a discount and reap the additional productivity. The fact this does not happen suggests that women are properly priced, so to speak. In other words, women are only about 2/3rds as productive as men. Men get shit done.

a universalized bias can easily create economic inefficiencies. rational actors isn't accurate.

[account deactivated]
If economics is wrong about female inefficiency then prove it and win a Nobel Prize and billions of dollars. In Israel, we have a saying, "Money on the table."
... in the bank.

we wouldn't leave it on the table when it could be earning interest in the bank.

come on.
those guys look alright. there's a company in chicago that my ex girlfriend went to where they charge you $350 to get yourself photographed in 1950s pinup style
here they are

The market is rather fascinating because it always makes it in your personal economic benefit to act without irrational bias. If women are valued unfairly cheaply, you can get talented people for less by hiring women. This will subsequently increase the demand for women and thus the price of female workers. If all of the other employers conspire not to hire blacks, then you can hire talented blacks for cheap.

In the end, the only way to stay competitive as a business is to be a meritocracy. To be discriminatory in a way that prefers the most expensive workers and refuses to hire the best value workers means your expenses will be unnecessarily high and your competitors will ultimately beat you on margins. Your company, and therefore your customers, must willfully pay a cost for you to keep up your bias. This is unlikely to occur and it has not occurred. Rather, what you expect would play out has: the market has increasing evened out according to meritocracy over time, and race and gender play increasingly insignificant roles.

Edited by lungfish ()

Gender-bending is a source of amusement (and some revulsion) because it is so unnatural and absurd. Women do not find men in innocent, dainty poses like those featured above to be attractive, which is where the comedy comes from. Men, however, do find women in those poses attractive. This is because what men find attractive in women is different than what women find attractive in men.

There are many materials targeting women with poses of men looking strong, intelligent, well-dressed, wise, and confident, commanding authority and respect. That strength is often quite literal, with a fit and muscular body, and a handsome face to boot. Yet if a man finds any of these traditionally attractive qualities uncomfortable or too difficult he is hypocritically derided.

The myth that feminists keep bringing up of men not being judged by their looks is patently untrue, as any ugly man knows. In reality, men are judged moreso and more collectively, with men consequently being divided into alpha-males who have lots of women attracted to them (and so can get away with abuse), and beta-males who must struggle to convince a woman to settle with them.
hmm yes nice guy theory bullshit

maybe add something about the friend zone
I said nothing about nice guys or friend zones. "Nice guy" theory assumes that by becoming abusive, a beta can convert to an alpha, when in actuality being abusive is a privilege of being an alpha.
i am an omega man
If "alpha and beta" just means social status then the difference is a spectrum instead of discreet and could be said to apply to women as well. I'm also not sure if women are actually more collective in their judgment than men are. As a man one of the major things that keeps me from choosing certain women is how I suspect she will be perceived by my social group.

One of the core elements of romance is that it is defiant of outside judgment and is driven entirely by the inner love both parties have for one another.
i know esoteric theory but get all reductionist and flippant when it comes to ~girls n boys~
He was right, I shouldn't use language like "alpha and beta males" for reasons which I explained in my last post. Those terms are somewhat stupid and I feel ashamed to have used them and to have accused women of making dating decisions significantly more collectively than men.
i wonder why they photoshopped those picture to have a "crinkled, creased" aesthetic. are they implying that these pinups were crumbled into a ball and thrown in a trashcan? or were they trying to make them seem "antiquated," as to misdirect the connection between modern maxim/fhm style pinups?
i think it's "excessive handling" from being in a playboy magazine
what did i tell you abotu shitposting amir?

lungfish posted:
The market is rather fascinating because it always makes it in your personal economic benefit to act without irrational bias. If women are valued unfairly cheaply, you can get talented people for less by hiring women. This will subsequently increase the demand for women and thus the price of female workers. If all of the other employers conspire not to hire blacks, then you can hire talented blacks for cheap.

In the end, the only way to stay competitive as a business is to be a meritocracy. To be discriminatory in a way that prefers the most expensive workers and refuses to hire the best value workers means your expenses will be unnecessarily high and your competitors will ultimately beat you on margins. Your company, and therefore your customers, must willfully pay a cost for you to keep up your bias. This is unlikely to occur and it has not occurred. Rather, what you expect would play out has: the market has increasing evened out according to meritocracy over time, and race and gender play increasingly insignificant roles.

by this "logic" (not logic), there would never have been business discrimination against anyone. and yet


Cycloneboy posted:

lungfish posted:
The market is rather fascinating because it always makes it in your personal economic benefit to act without irrational bias. If women are valued unfairly cheaply, you can get talented people for less by hiring women. This will subsequently increase the demand for women and thus the price of female workers. If all of the other employers conspire not to hire blacks, then you can hire talented blacks for cheap.

In the end, the only way to stay competitive as a business is to be a meritocracy. To be discriminatory in a way that prefers the most expensive workers and refuses to hire the best value workers means your expenses will be unnecessarily high and your competitors will ultimately beat you on margins. Your company, and therefore your customers, must willfully pay a cost for you to keep up your bias. This is unlikely to occur and it has not occurred. Rather, what you expect would play out has: the market has increasing evened out according to meritocracy over time, and race and gender play increasingly insignificant roles.

by this "logic" (not logic), there would never have been business discrimination against anyone. and yet

that assumes that hes claiming that the market is an all ecompassing logic of social relations, which he hasnt

and not only that but he said that the market gradually equalizes race and gender relations so the fact that the irish are no longer discriminated against on that basis is evidence to prove his claim. youre an idiot


babyfinland posted:
that assumes that hes claiming that the market is an all ecompassing logic of social relations, which he hasnt

and not only that but he said that the market gradually equalizes race and gender relations so the fact that the irish are no longer discriminated against on that basis is evidence to prove his claim. youre an idiot

"gradually" meaning here literally decades and requiring a contemporaneous social movement. funny how the same doesn't go for arbitrage problems. in conclusion, you're an idiot.


Cycloneboy posted:

babyfinland posted:
that assumes that hes claiming that the market is an all ecompassing logic of social relations, which he hasnt

and not only that but he said that the market gradually equalizes race and gender relations so the fact that the irish are no longer discriminated against on that basis is evidence to prove his claim. youre an idiot

"gradually" meaning here literally decades and requiring a contemporaneous social movement. funny how the same doesn't go for arbitrage problems. in conclusion, you're an idiot.

lol im an idiot for highlighting the weakness of your argument, correctly, by your own admission. i see

Why would they pose in a style that hasn't been relevant since ww2
none of those men are attractive
nobody would ever buy a pin up of women of comparable attractiveness to bearded male feminist bloggers