
tpaine posted:
i want to die

you never will. you'll be ever reborn in me, teh mashiach

wherever there's a parrot cursing in the wind, we are there

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i have the decency to take it into a 9 sec video. people are all busy and dont have time for youtube sutff (what a world)

bu yes its shit without the bird interrupting the jurassic park's dude's brother

guidoanselmi posted:

blood? on my hands?

cum? on my butt?


guidoanselmi posted:

that's so shrill and melodramatic

it was "multicultural aids awareness day" on my campus last week... im pretty suspicious somebody just put a bunch of buzz words together...
[account deactivated]

babyhueypnewton posted:
iwc you've spent possibly a thousand dollars on accounts on SA which get immediately banned and have become too pathetic even for a regional thread in a subforum of a nerd website. go get help seriously and stop posting trolls on the internet.

How many Filipina sex workers could i get for that price?


guidoanselmi posted:

this is some eye-rolling nonsense.

i don't know how they arrived at the 350,000 figure but i'm willing to bet that more were saved or had their lives improved by cheap energy.

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*glances at 2012,1990 plant hardiness zone maps, lols, resumes work*
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guidoanselmi posted:

You sort of have two choices about climate change. Either you assume all the data is manufactured in attempt to change the habits of an entire planet or you assume that people are just sort of looking at what's happening and saying "Well that's fucked." One option requires a massive global* conspiracy, with the only people brave enough to gainsay it being the heroic oil companies (and scientists who've decide to play dilettante in a different field) and other entities that would benefit from rising ocean levels (Cthulthu, certain species of jellyfish, possibly the Sharktopus...basically horrible sea things that our ancestors left the oceans to get away from).

The other option involves people being mediocre to great at what they do, seeing a problem coming and trying to find a way around it, while knowing deep in their heart of hearts that none of the optimistic attempts to radically transform society will be for anything but naught.

*If you believe in a massive global conspiracy I demand proof that the globe exists, that the world isn't flat and everybody isn't just pulling the wool over your eyes.
lol you probably believe HIV causes aids
"you're so vain you probably think this global crisis is about you" - me, singing to ecologists

guidoanselmi posted:

yes, a thing thats going to affect us in the future, ahs actually killed 1/3 of a million people already, just last year. can you believe it??

i want 2 pork a vag atm
also im willing to believe that thats the number of people who died from heat stroke or something, and since it has to do with temperature, they just kinda invoked suspension of disbelief and said it was because of climate change
lol yeah famines definitely aren't ongoing in africa or anything
those african peasants are just so shrill, those never-before-observed erratic rainfall patterns and ever-intensifying droughts probably would have happened anyway. fuckin babies

shennong posted:
those african peasants are just so shrill, those never-before-observed erratic rainfall patterns and ever-intensifying droughts probably would have happened anyway. fuckin babies

You can't even prove they're unprecedented. Are you a 5000-year-old African man? Even if you are, how do I know you aren't an anticapitalistecoconspirator?


shennong posted:

yeah, hurr. let me go through all this written history of africa to prove that it used to rain there.

dont worry bros, those scientists are prob. imperialists. anyway, even if climate change is happening, its not like there are any individual choices we could make that would materially affect the sustainability of third world agroecologies or the well-being of the peasants that rely on them *rails line of cocaine*
i think this is where the 350k # came from: http://daraint.org/climate-vulnerability-monitor/climate-vulnerability-monitor-2010/

LandBeluga posted:
Are you a 5000-year-old African man?

im a 5000 year old chinese man but i have a black friend sooo

how the heck do you attribute the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people directly to climate change, anyway
315K out of 7 billion is basically nothing


shennong posted:
dont worry bros, those scientists are prob. imperialists. anyway, even if climate change is happening, its not like there are any individual choices we could make that would materially affect the sustainability of third world agroecologies or the well-being of the peasants that rely on them *rails line of cocaine*

ya, we wouldnt wanna accidentally learn something or meet climate scientists on their own terms. better to frame the debate in political terms where we dont need to understand anything happening, the Zizek/lib arts undergrad mentality


animedad posted:

shennong posted:
dont worry bros, those scientists are prob. imperialists. anyway, even if climate change is happening, its not like there are any individual choices we could make that would materially affect the sustainability of third world agroecologies or the well-being of the peasants that rely on them *rails line of cocaine*

ya, we wouldnt wanna accidentally learn something or meet climate scientists on their own terms. better to frame the debate in political terms where we dont need to understand anything happening, the Zizek/lib arts undergrad mentality

Hm, yes... very incisive point, animedad

More than 315000 people died from like, getting tangled in their blinds, probably. Or shark attacks
whoa, whoa, calmdown there dad
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shennong posted:
dont worry bros, those scientists are prob. imperialists. anyway, even if climate change is happening, its not like there are any individual choices we could make that would materially affect the sustainability of third world agroecologies or the well-being of the peasants that rely on them *rails line of cocaine*

OD'ing on cocaine would be a net gain for the world tbh