so i followed this guy for tf2 videos 10 years ago and then he posts this phenomenal video out of nowhere

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I like Gaspar Noë because they include upbeat songs about everyday activities like brushing my teeth.

dizastar posted:

fell asleep around the time where the protag got killed by the japanese police while hiding in a bathroom

lol doesnt that happen in like the first 10 min when the protag is embarking on his dmt voyage

hhe's a loser and i could easily kick his ass. Asspar Noë-tastortalent... the piece of shit! 0/10
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the trial of the Chicago 7 is real bad, just read the transcripts instead
I watched The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming and it's an interesting film considering it's pretty much self-aware propaganda. Near the end the cute Russian sailor guy tells the cute New England girl he's temporarily stranded with that he wishes they could live in "peaceful coexistence" which in literal context was just a broken-english way to say "I wish we had time to bang." the real goal of the social-imperialists is now revealed to me.
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watched sonatine again. never gets old
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theres an insightful series of interviews with Comrade Ajith. The links are all scattered so I'll link them here for posterity.

1. Gandhi and Brahmanism, and the Influence of the Fascist Right on Oppressed Castes

2. Caste Annihilation, Limits of Parliamentary Politics, Caste Question

3. Broad Alliance of Struggle, On Violence

4. Socialist Societies, Criticism, and the Role of the Party

5. The Environmental Question

6. Local Knowledge Systems and Colonialism

7. Kerala Specific Issues

8. Basic Concepts of Maoism, Future Avenues for Theory

all transcripts are here



English subs.
[account deactivated]
looks like Settlers is making the rounds again, some amusing/bizarre takes in this one

The single most powerful point in favor of settlers is the sheer number of american white leftist men mad at it
not gonna watch c*leb but the comments on that video are incredible as well lol
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Acdtrux posted:

I am watching harmony korine's movies & I would recommend the two I've seen: Gummo and Julien Donkey-Boy

spring breakers kicks ass

rewatching Twin Peaks, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, Twin Peaks: The Missing Pieces, and Twin Peaks: The Return
watching johnny mnemonic... the pharmakom data on the cure for covid-19 is uploaded into johnnys wetware data storage brain implant on jan 15 2021
i would PAY somebody to talk shit and react to some settlers content, just dont use that annoying masked voice bayarea415 does. respect to him tho
i cant really pay attention to communists on video anymore unless they have a mohawk and make new vegas mods, somebody relatable like me
watching twitch streams with like 3 or 4 things going on at any one time, while also listening to music, watching youtube, posting and obviously playing a video game


new masaokis
you can just call him getfiscal or Donald here
recently finished watching the second season of Succession, it's a very entertaining show, to watch.
thank you i like to know what shows everybody is watching. im watching bosch right now, since i enjoyed the wire a bit. nothing spectacular but i like mystery stuff :spooky:

looking forward to adam curtis releasing the same documentary for the 50th time