this seems like a bad idea
i agree!
hwoever, i am not sure what i should do with this information.
sometimes the only winning move is not to play
it is gone. if any curious zzoner wants to know about cia twitter marcyist type bullshit pm me

graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

it is gone. if any curious zzoner wants to know about cia twitter marcyist type bullshit pm me

ok, i won't be doing that


lo posted:

ok, i won't be doing that

i dont blame you.

sorry for actually being social media brain poisoned in the the thread where we talk about how to fix it
take care of yourselves out there..........
gfxussrinterface hope you take this friendly prescription to take it easy and listen to some chooons or whatever until the next day/night cycle
two princes is now being posted about without my name attached to it by people i do not know, such as friends of friends. i really did it, i started a micromeme. congratulations, to myself
i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend. you could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in, and if you do not want to see me again, i would understand. i would understand

graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

two princes is now being posted about without my name attached to it by people i do not know, such as friends of friends. i really did it, i started a micromeme. congratulations, to myself

further, i checked the timestamps on the tweet that made me think such a thing and it has proven myself wrong! im cool and dont have brain problems of any kind.

Lurk more

swampman posted:

Lurk more

im not sure if youre telling me im posting too much , or that my posting is bad , or that i embarrassingly revealed that i didnt know something above. in any case,

i knew it was an old joke idk, im just having brain issues. theres a yob thread from hyears back that got bumped when i started doing that on fb and its older than that too
I mean read other peoples threads and posts instead of spamming posts about yourself to multiple threads. You registered an account here and immediately started this narcissistic campaign of eradicating all content that is not about your daily struggles instead of taking time to figure out what the prevailing social norms are, people have been very nice about that, I wish they hadnt been

swampman posted:

I mean read other peoples threads and posts instead of spamming posts about yourself to multiple threads. You registered an account here and immediately started this narcissistic campaign of eradicating all content that is not about your daily struggles instead of taking time to figure out what the prevailing social norms are, people have been very nice about that, I wish they hadnt been

thats pretty fair yeah and i realize ive been doing that, should probably dump this stuff somewhere else. i know its annoying and self-centered to an extreme and i ahte that shit when other people do it. part of me thinks the stuff i think about might be actually useful in some way because i think i figure out a lot through this kind of self-reflection and some of its interesting i guess but theres definitely a reason im hesitant to post aside from the stuff ive talked about and its because i know i shouldnt be dumping this shit everywhere, its disrespectful for several reasons. i dunno man. im sorry. i tend to do this, this wouldnt be the first time. maybe the best thing to do is to start a thread to post all this garbage in and people can read it if they want.. could just take it somewhere else as well. in any case yeah i pretty much agree with you

thinking about it from another angle though i spend a lot of time reading other peoples very personal stuff like this online too, not here of course because people dont post that way here, a lot of times people i dont know well even, because its extremely useful material for me to think about. i spend a ton of time looking through like uhh facebook/twitter profiles that are just venting, even if i dont know the person intimately or even at all, like i spend hours on end doing this. jsut fb stalking random people. adding random people. its really good fodder for thinking about how people think and put their ideas together, and where they come from. like jsut a ton of useful info for that kind of psychological thinking i guess, and i spend a lot of time thinking about my own thinking in this way that i think people would think was self-involved probably.. but be assured i read everyones posts here in detail, and i have for 10 years, to the point where i know who everyone is lol. like i just made a comment recenlty asking why you and ilmidge were back at the same time, so its clear i have an idea about what kinds of posters you are. its not like i dont know anything about this place at all so thats probably not fair. i dunno
there are posts i have made specifically with tears and petrol in mind. i mentioned in one of my other comments thinking a lot about a post pogfan had made. etc.
feel like the early convo i had with bhpn over PA was another good example of showing that i read the posts here and engaged with people too
i know posting multiple times in a row in an unhinged manner probably isnt helping your view but perhaps you should read some of those self-involved posts where i explain myself? might help

graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

i spend a lot of time reading other peoples very personal stuff like this online too, not here of course because people dont post that way here, a lot of times people i dont know well even, because its extremely useful material for me to think about. i spend a ton of time looking through like uhh facebook/twitter profiles that are just venting, even if i dont know the person intimately or even at all, like i spend hours on end doing this. jsut fb stalking random people. adding random people. its really good fodder for thinking about how people think and put their ideas together, and where they come from. like jsut a ton of useful info

no its not. its unhealthy fodder and distracting info.


swampman posted:

no its not. its unhealthy fodder and distracting info.

not if a good section of your entire posting gimmick is thinking about online narcissism, screen damage, pseudo-left ideology and schizophrenia in a way thats heavily influenced by TLP/chris lasch/arrghshell it isnt! read my posts

im not going to read your stream of consciousness posts about how you plan to stop avoiding your roommates sorry. not even if they're a reference to tpi/chris last/arsegel. if your facebook stalking of random people has revealed so much about screen damage and schizophrenia maybe make a thread to summarize your findings in one big ol'post.
Look at the first post in this thread. Now look at your posts. Now look back at the first post in the thread. Now at yours again. Now at yours one more time. Now back at the OP. Now read the OP. Now look at your posts and read the oP again. Now look at the OP again and look at your posts again. Then re read the OP. Then look at your posts and read the OP and look at the OP one more time. CLose the OP, look at your posts, then open the OP and read it again. THen read it and re read your posts in light of the OP. Case closed. Just look at your posts and then look at the Op. See the difference yet? Try looking at both in order and yourll see what im talking about

swampman posted:

im not going to read your stream of consciousness posts about how you plan to stop avoiding your roommates sorry. not even if they're a reference to tpi/chris last/arsegel. if your facebook stalking of random people has revealed so much about screen damage and schizophrenia maybe make a thread to summarize your findings in one big ol'post.

aight well i cant help you there! to be generous i guess ill say that not everyone has been unemployed for their entire life and has time to waste refreshing 5 websites constantly, but if youre not even reading the stuff i post im more inclined to jsut not take your criticism all that seriously considering ive addressed everything youve said and i think in an interesting and responsible way. i will still read all of your posts though, as i enjoy them, i dont need you to like me back. but i do think theyre worth reading anyways, i think ive made some valuable points and i think other people enjoy them too, at least some of the time. but i might be biased because im the type of person to spend upwards of 12-24 hour stretches refreshing the same sites or chasing down twitter rabbitholes or whatever, and again i have the time to do so i guess. but i put a lot of time into this, so suit yourself


swampman posted:

Look at the first post in this thread. Now look at your posts. Now look back at the first post in the thread. Now at yours again. Now at yours one more time. Now back at the OP. Now read the OP. Now look at your posts and read the oP again. Now look at the OP again and look at your posts again. Then re read the OP. Then look at your posts and read the OP and look at the OP one more time. CLose the OP, look at your posts, then open the OP and read it again. THen read it and re read your posts in light of the OP. Case closed. Just look at your posts and then look at the Op. See the difference yet? Try looking at both in order and yourll see what im talking about

read my posts and you will know why lmfao


graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

[but i might be biased because im the type of person to spend upwards of 12-24 hour stretches refreshing the same sites or chasing down twitter rabbitholes or whatever, and again i have the time to do so i guess. but i put a lot of time into this, so suit yourself

Lot of time and zero effort. The thing is you don't have the time to do this, reality continues to happen while you live in this immensely unproductive way. And even though you can list your symptoms, and "agree" in a joking way that what you're doing is super unhealthy, in the end you'll make excuses for why you "should" keep posting because your posting has some kind of value. Except to you it actually has negative value, its harmful to you. Its worse for you that it exists.


swampman posted:

Lot of time and zero effort. The thing is you don't have the time to do this, reality continues to happen while you live in this immensely unproductive way. And even though you can list your symptoms, and "agree" in a joking way that what you're doing is super unhealthy, in the end you'll make excuses for why you "should" keep posting because your posting has some kind of value. Except to you it actually has negative value, its harmful to you. Its worse for you that it exists.

alright well since i already talked about this a bit im probably not going to say it as well, and you refuse to look through my post hjistory so really have no choice but to repeat msyelf, but ive already stated that uhh the only reason i came here is because my other offsite which is a very different place from this one has had some people leave recently that made me migrate here. its not a politics discussion forum, its a community forum for people to talk to each other, tho politically its marxist and you cant get away with that shit there because those people dominate essentially. we have some very smart psoters in that regard and that was a big part of why i was there but it wasnt based around effortposts meant to like, educate or anything and theres a lot of discussion that is not political at all. one of the most active threads is centered around gaming, theres a huge thread where people just dump long posts about emotional/personal shit going on in their lives. these people ahve been my friends for 10 years now and some of tthem contribute meaningfully here too. i came here to make friends and the only reason i ever do effortposts is because it makes people like and/or trust me more and yeah my ultimate goal is to like be friends with people. theres nothing wrong with that. but the culture is very different anbd while i use this forum for research its not my primary goal. so like i dont know. maybe i should do twitter instead. who cares haha. at the same time i know a lot of stuff and my large effortpost about psychoanalysis i think was useful and a certain section of people like what i do post even if its a bit too frequent for the pace youd expect here. i was thinking about leaving and i have not. im still ad=justing and figuring out what i need to do to fit in here , considering the reasons why im even posdting in the first place. so whatever hahaha

ive handled this more carefully in discussions here so before you assume im trying to very lazily justify what i do in that insanely crass manner you represented me as above maybe read my posts.
I don't want to speak for everyone else but I'm here for jokes sprinkled in with anti-imperialist communist commentary.

I don't think you're getting the emotional support or fulfillment out of this community that you want/need and that's for two reasons: this isn't that kind of community and online forums are shitty at providing a genuine, loving community that helps people grow.

A big part of it is that posting is an act of performance for an audience. No matter the intentions of the person, we act differently knowing we are being watched by a large audience on a permanent record. It creates a reality TV show effect on relationships and communication.

Another part is that communication by text takes out a large part of communication so even when communities are organized around fulfilling emotional needs and friendships they are working on incomplete information.

You said you know what needs to be done, but you're unwilling or unable to make the changes necessary. I don't think you're going to find what you're looking for in front of a keyboard. I see a lot of similarities in how you think and post about this topic with how I thought when I was working to quit my alcohol addiction

pogfan1996 posted:

I don't think you're getting the emotional support or fulfillment out of this community that you want/need and that's for two reasons: this isn't that kind of community and online forums are shitty at providing a genuine, loving community that helps people grow.

A big part of it is that posting is an act of performance for an audience. No matter the intentions of the person, we act differently knowing we are being watched by a large audience on a permanent record. It creates a reality TV show effect on relationships and communication.

Have you ever been part of an online community like that and have come to realize it was false, or do you just assume they don't exist? I would not be a communist without it and the poster that became an irl and was the only person there for me for years when I was coming out of my psychosis and I would say was instrumental in that process came from there. In some sense I was completely socialized online and I tend to associate that performativity and addictive potential with later websites which were designed to induce that kind of addiction. I feel like forums are a very different sort of place and that's one reason why even here is so different from Facebook or twitter. The format lends itself to a different type of interaction, which I'm sure you can surmise from your objections to my dopamine-addled Facebook poisoned mind shooting rapid fire responses. It upsets you, because you are a forumsposter and that seems wrong to you I'm sure. I get it yeah?

I am almost certain none of you know the extent of the isolation my upbringing brought on me despite having outlined it briefly in my psychosis thread. It was all I had and while in some ways I owe everything to it, I would not change it. Irl communities are very far behind what is online, in academia, in orgs, whatever. I've done both and while they have their advantages too , in terms of like, theoretical knowledge and sophistication they are lacking in the extreme. The knowledgeable people in these places engage online to learn. That's not addressing your objection but is more of a disgression. While online was a lifeline and I owe everything about who I am today to my friends it also isolates you IRL by getting you deeper and deeper in these niche styles of communication and humor and ways of thinking. To say that's not affecting to the point of formative would be a mistake because it absolutely is. It probably had a lot to do with , in my case, the form and nature of my psychosis, despite that likely being inevitable due to the circumstances of my birth one way or another.

People don't understand me and it's deeper than something that can be attributed to something relatively superficial like different interests, it's everything about me. I have been terminally logged on since the time I was capable of using a computer

There's a way of thinking that sees engagement with literature or any kind of reading material as an intimate engagement with another person's mind, in a very personal way. It's a way of learning the inside of another person that can't be done through speech, or face-to-face social interaction. So to see it as inherently fake or artificial discounts this important perspective which I think makes a ton of sense an explains why reading is so vital to becoming a real person. This argument existed before online was a thing and I feel like assuming text interactions are misleading or deceptive probably has a lot to do with growing up in a socially connected way. There's a lot of reasons people do not, and it's not always being terminally logged on. I'm sure you know someone like that and when I meet people of that sort, whatever manifestation of it it is, it's not surprising to find they have a very deep sort of humanity I guess. I don't know. Not to romanticize it. But this argument is forgotten.

I hope you find what you're looking for

pogfan1996 posted:

I hope you find what you're looking for

This isn't very nice but I guess I shouldn't expect engagement with my ideas from anyone here at this point.

i enjoy looking through my post history on these forums and seeing i was doing the exact same shit two years ago but in a way that was much less mentally ill and also a lot more funny. im too paranoid to be funny right now. forgive me. in addition i post well, hell, better than anyone else in this god damn thread, and i wish you would step back from that ledge my friend. you could cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in, and if you do not want to see me again, i would understand. i would understand
the above was not funny however. haha. im cool
how the hell was i pulling 19 upvotes two years ago for doing the same fucking shit but worse. theres multiple posts in my history that are just like one-sentence posts and ive repeated myself over coming back withoyut realzing it. its very cool to be developmentally arrested at the age of 12 , at the age of near-27 and psoting the same way oveerr the years without even remembering. its cool in my opinione. my theory? the little prop holding up the symbolic in my psychic sturcure, which i think was the byob reggaew, has come undone in qualified posters absence. im cool