this was publisshed in nature relatively recently and its pretty good for what youd expect but they are feeling it, they are feeling the uhhhh pressure or whatever, but its too moderate and its clear how sensitive the subject is and how much theyre afraid to say and at the end they just lapse into straight propaganda again. however i got some deeper takes as well.. but heres what uh, fucking nature is saying at this point. https://www.nature.com/articles/ejhg2017117

elemennop posted:

lol, you think we haven't had debates about lysenkoism like 6 years ago

ive read them but you were all being liberals about it. you used to like zizek ffs. we all did. i was there

byob is so much closer than u think.. ive been here, ive read it all baby
like yeah leowntin is great for some stuff but you gotta remember. always. hes a fucking trot
its time for the zzone to bring back the lysenko debate. its been years

graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

elemennop posted:

lol, you think we haven't had debates about lysenkoism like 6 years ago

ive read them but you were all being liberals about it. you used to like zizek ffs. we all did. i was there

i still like him, he's the only cultural export we have


elemennop posted:

i still like him, he's the only cultural export we have

you guys got laibach. they own. thats enough!

its been like a decade since ive read any but i might be amenable to some kind of defense of 'the sublime object of ideology' zizek but i also dont hjave any idea what im talking about so you can ignore my opinions.
if only i'd finished the zizek effortpost, he would stand condemned by all and sundry today. he would have been too toxic for even jordan "meat n pills" peterson

graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

ooh.. it used to be in my bookmarks but i got the grey 90s looking stalin death count examination website somewhere. i could probably track it down given the time but id have to look around a bit. thats what i read that convinced me that stalin did indeed kill less than 100 people, potentially 0

i found it but when i saw the title of what i was remembering, i realized youve probably seen it before and im sure grover furr has done this a lot better. its pretty well-known i think, https://www.northstarcompass.org/nsc9912/lies.htm unfortunately i found it on facebook in a post made in 2013 to my roommates wall uhh. i remember that. that wasnt good either. i need to figure out how to keep my poliutics hidden or whatver probablky. in any case i also found this huge thing in my bookmarks while looking for it may be of use idk https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gxwhh-vdeB--47HM-20cEVRC9eAMhrapbNf0Sk8VSOs/mobilebasic#h.4m01bkhgdy5n


elemennop posted:

graphicalUSSRinterface posted:

within the next few months you guys will be stanning lysenko the way you stan stalin and it will be my fault. just give me time to make some posts about it

lol, you think we haven't had debates about lysenkoism like 6 years ago

the rhizzone of today inherited characteristics from the rhizzone of six years ago which were acquired via those debates


Petrol posted:

if only i'd finished the zizek effortpost, he would stand condemned by all and sundry today. he would have been too toxic for even jordan "meat n pills" peterson

that guy spiralled off into barely-there self-drugging so quickly after meeting zizek, we owe big z a favour


elemennop posted:

within the next few months you guys will be stanning lysenko the way you stan stalin and it will be my fault. just give me time to make some posts about it

regretting the insane amount of confidence in this post!! oh well..

actually i take that back! its fine. whatever lol
lysenko seed nothing wrong

ialdabaoth posted:

the rhizzone of today inherited characteristics from the rhizzone of six years ago which were acquired via those debates

thank you for the beginning of what could be a comprehensive self-crit, regarding your liberalism.

To be fair, you have to have an extremely high IQ to understand Lysenkoism. The biology is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of dialectics the jokes will go over a typical AmeriKkkan's head
fits that i posted that in the social media brain poisoning thread i guess
wasnt sure if petrol was trolling me but ah here we are. im embarrassed! oh well

neckwattle posted:

To be fair, you have to have an extremely high IQ to understand Lysenkoism.


it's actually from an account that curates selected rhizzone.txt posts, for the truly damaged. it's also years out of date as a joke so maybe not

neckwattle posted:

it's actually from an account that curates selected rhizzone.txt posts, for the truly damaged. it's also years out of date as a joke so maybe not

ah ok i follow that account but ive never seen that. i read tears' reply as suggesting its the kind of thing that should be posted there

one of the cool things about having schizoprhenia online is that thje inherent ambiguity and difficulty of interpreting things on teh web makes it really easy to construct a plausible justification for feeling paranoid hahaha. i know this is probably true for non-psychotic people as well but that just lends support to the way i take the 'prodromal schizophrenia' joke goons like to make seriously, being terminally online causes brain problems. and thats why im in this thread. for me thats not the only reason why im like this but its a large part of it and shaped the character of a situation that was already probably inevitable
edit: nevermind too much information

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neckwattle posted:

edit: nevermind too much information

pm me if you want, im curious

Gussri Mane

drwhat posted:

Petrol posted:

if only i'd finished the zizek effortpost, he would stand condemned by all and sundry today. he would have been too toxic for even jordan "meat n pills" peterson

that guy spiralled off into barely-there self-drugging so quickly after meeting zizek, we owe big z a favour


elemennop posted:

lol, you think we haven't had debates about lysenkoism like 6 years ago

where are we on epigenetics as a topic now, like a 1.5-two year cycle? i feel like it's been a while since our third or fourth one on that


cars posted:

where are we on epigenetics as a topic now, like a 1.5-two year cycle? i feel like it's been a while since our third or fourth one on that

wasnt like actually 'here' for every single time, some of them i was, but you know you lapse on forums and come back, though i use this place frequently for research purposes and make heavy use of searching it (either onsite or via google depedning on if search is currently broken) but at least the first time bhpn was taking a cool line i recall

in 2015 when i was still at shimer i was reading a bunch of lamarck and darwin and dobzhansky ans shit in class so to irritate the poeple around me i changed my twitter handle to 'lysenko truther' and started defending lysenko online and thats whjen i started reading about that stuff i guess
np i'm just trying to get in the habit of typing out everything i think to myself and clicking the Post button.
tahts what i do , itds my style and thats the explanation for my way of contribution.. got another one brewing rn. im working on an effortpost about gregory bateson thatsa going to be a lot more self-disclosure frankjly and im gonna drop it right here in this thread

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