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cars posted:

my real question is why they believe in unicorns


Ufuk_Surekli posted:


getting a distinct tom of finland vibe from that cop in the bottom right

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Ufuk_Surekli posted:

latest from north europe island: prince cravenly importuned by hunching crone

to me its astonishing how offputting theresa may is even by the standards of british politicians. like shes scowling in every pic ive ever seen of her

theresa may is an offensive racial caricature of a british woman
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weenie weedy weechi
Why did they balloon the fuck out of Caesar’s forehead
hey. not their fault he had a ballooned to fuck out forehead

ialdabaoth posted:

weenie weedy weechi

tfw too intelligent for the senate

[account deactivated]
the funny part is not the buildings themselves but that there are enough Americans in SK who would care about this passing resemblance
well 9 11 was a korean PSY op
if the resemblance was intentional it's actually a really cool idea for a building

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Caesura109 posted:

This fucking kills me every time

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former WDDP & Laissez's Faire hivemind poster KilledByAStalinAgentInMexico
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wtf lol
Glad to see British Pathé doesn't buy the lies of Khrushchev

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Lin Biaoism-Significant Discountism

cars posted:

lmao i hate my country so much but thank you for this wonderful canada day gift

democratic socialism sounds a lot more edgy than social democracy. parents definitely don't approve
comprehensively reform ICE. significantly discounted abortion by prescription only. briefly linger the intifada. as long as one soul remains in prison, i am not 100% happy with how my tax dollars are spent
lately a good thing on twitter was the DSA verified podcast Troop being like how can the U.S. not pay for Medicaid for all United States people, our currency is the global reserve, and a Hero of the forums responded "our currency is the global reserve" = "we have the power to extract surplus value from six continents"
i guess it shouldn't surprise me, since Democrat "socialism" is a recuperative process for the right, that people who subscribe to it don't know any better than to act out the story written for them by a bunch of CATO bowtie nerds, and like, literally begin to think that capital comes from nowhere, that the surplus they covet for social spending springs from a magic fountain the capitalists have in a vault somewhere and just needs to be redirected, so foreign policy is a "different issue".

and in a massive stunning coincidence out of nowhere, "foreign policy" becomes the one issue where they agree everyone needs to shut up about it to get people elected, like we haven't seen from Bernie Sanders's blood-soaked Congressional record what happens when support for imperialism is accepted as the litmus test.

they aren't just pretending to be confused about why that spending goes to murder abroad, they're genuinely confused, they mistake epiphenomena for phenomena and so it becomes some sort of pure psychological issue why capitalists spend money on stockpiling bombs instead of Innovating in the Sphere of being nice.

still sort of disappointing to me though because besides the baby butchers they tolerate, some of the younger Democrat socialist types seem like cool enough people who are going to hit the wall hard if they achieve a social fascist U.S. and find themselves driven to defend nuking Neo-Managua or whatever because the people doing it have provided them Significant Discounts

cars posted:

thank god we normalized the S-Word