So after putting it off forever I finally finished the book and went through the earlier pages of this thread. My expectations were similar to Swampman’s where I thought Furr was going to nitpick the sources and cast doubt on everything. I was pleasantly surprised to see this wasn’t the case at all. In fact, this book is basically just Furr brutally owning Snyder at every turn as it’s revealed that Snyder either didn’t actually read his own sources or just lied about the contents hoping that nobody would notice. It’s too bad most people will never read this (including socialists) because it really shows how strong the anti-communist machine is and I imagine new comers would start to question all kinds of long held beliefs.

5/5 Stalins

Also, some questions after the reading:

I haven’t read Khrushchev Lied but what was the purpose of the secret speech? Stalin was already dead so was it just to repress any remaining supporters?

What reforms did Khrushchev actually do?

Finally, which political organizations have the correct line on Stalin? WWP? PSL?
The entire edifice of Western Sovietology rests on what Khrushchev said at the 20th party congress. It validated every anti-communist lie about Stalin and the Soviet Union. On a personal level Khrushchev hurt his political rivals like Kaganovich and Molotov who were closer to Stalin. On a broad scale it shattered the world communist movement, leading to eg. the Sino-Soviet split. I read an interesting note that they had caught a Titoist agent in every communist party in the bloc except the CPSU itself...

Edited by swampman ()


Synergy posted:

I haven’t read Khrushchev Lied but what was the purpose of the secret speech? Stalin was already dead so was it just to repress any remaining supporters?

there are a number of theories, the most plausable imo is that the "secret speech" was a distraction for returning the party apparatus to power and to roll back the democratisation drive which had shifted power in the USSR from party officials to elected representatives.

The other, far more fun theory is that Khrushchev had been a senior part of bukharin's rightist conspiracy but had slipped the net of the trials. We know that Khruschev was responsible for more murders during the purges than anyone except yezhov; and that he moved very quickly to have beria arrested (and almost certainly murdered far before his "trial"), and that he rehabilitated most people who had (rightly) been tried for conspiracy during the moscow trials. there are many other cool conspiracy facts. i love conspiracies


This talk at the US war college gives some of the reasons why the Nazi point of view of WW2 was so readily accepted by the American military
Mission To Moscow, written by the US ambassador and produced by Warner brothers


xipe posted:

https://youtu.be/zinPbUZUHDEThis talk at the US war college gives some of the reasons why the Nazi point of view of WW2 was so readily accepted by the American military

Less than four minutes in, House's stated reason for taking a lot of their information from the Nazis: "they were really friendly to us while the Soviets were very suspicious of us" and immediately follows that by saying that the hired née captured Nazis coordinated among themselves and gave us three false reasons for why they lost the war, and these fake alibis were not lies, because the Nazis were not deliberately lying to us. This kind of reasoning is fucking gross, cool lecture tho

Edited by swampman ()

he also mentions the nazis were on the US payroll at the time.
i'd guess these nazis were lying to themselves and telling the story that they and their fawning new owners wanted wanted to hear.

its helpful to see how these lies/nazi history permeate into even 'more objective/less politicised' institutions

xipe posted:


i decided to dive deeper into this after reading a few sections initially and noticed:

“Simultaneously with Hearst’s 1935 famine-genocide campaign,” continues Tottle, “the Nazi press in Germany and similar papers elsewhere in Europe issued materials on the same theme. The Nazis had been flogging the issue as early as 1933, complete with fraudulently mis-dated photos.” The official Nazi party publication Völkischer Beobachter repeated and spread the stories of the Hearst presses. A 1935 book published in Germany was translated to English as Human Life in Russia the next year, and Tottle observes that Human Life in Russia set the tone for many publications pushing the genocide myth: “Documentation is minimal: footnotes are remarkably scarce and no bibliography is included.” The author, Ewald Ammende, attested to the authenticity of the photographs within, declaring that they are the work of “an Austrian photographer.” Like “Thomas Walker’s” photographs, those pictures that could not be identified as fabrications were of dubious origin. Tottle points out that many were first published in the German Nazi party’s organ Völkischer Beobachter.14

In other words, the famine-genocide narrative was debunked shortly after Joseph Goebbels and his fascist North American confederates like Hearst invented it. However, it would be a powerful propaganda myth for those whose interests it served, which included Ukrainian nationalists.

vs blood lies:

Snyder: Almost No One Claimed that Stalin Meant To Starve Ukrainians To Death..."

Snyder laments that the famine "never took on the clarity of an undisputed event. Almost no one claimed that Stalin meant to starve Ukrainians to death ..." (56) INdeed, "deliberate famine" was not reported at the time - but that was because the myth of the "deliberate famine" had not yet been invented! The notion of a "deliberate famine" or "Holodomor" The term "Holodomor," or "famine-death" to denote that the famine was deliberate and aimed at Ukrainians did not come into official use until the 1990s. See J.-P. Himka, "Encumbered Memory. The Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33," Kritika 14, 2 (Spring 2013), 420. was invented by pro-Nazi, anticommunist Ukrainian nationalists after World War II. One of the earliest statements of it, if not the earliest, is in Volume 2 of The Black Deeds of the Kremlin published in Toronto in 1953. Some the coauthors of this book were complicit in the mass murder of Ukrainian Jews during the Nazi occupation and had written hair-raising anti-Semitic propaganda linking Jews with communism.See Douglas Tottle. Fraud, Famine, and Fascism. The Ukrainian Genocide Myth from Hitler to Harvard (Toronto, Canada: Progress Books, 1987), Appendix: "From Third-Reich Propagandist to Famine-Genocide Author," outlining the career of Olexa Hay-Holowko. The same book also claims that there was no starvation outside the Ukraine - completely false, of course.

unless i'm misunderstanding something here, i think Furr got the myth start date wrong

not a big deal, just something i noticed

Edit: since tears mentioned it below, could someone more knowledgeable ask Furr about this? nvm i'll do it

Edited by Synergy ()

send your original research to GROVER CARR FURR THE THIRD and he might add it to his corrigena for the book

tears posted:

send your original research to GROVER CARR FURR THE THIRD and he might add it to his corrigena for the book

Grover Furr posted:

Your question: Yes, there were a few people who claimed the famine was "deliberate" from way back -- from the time of the famine itself, in fact.

But this story never caught on. The main emphasis of the Hearst, and Nazi, versions of the '30s was that the Soviets were hiding the famine. And I think that's true -- they were.

The term "Holodomor" is so recent that even Conquest does not cite in in his 1987 book. You can find the term earlier than that, but it is very rare until the end of the USSR, when the Ukrainian Nationalists who had collaborated with the Nazis flood back into Ukraine and promote it like mad.

I hope this is helpful!


Grover Furr

in the response email he also really wanted to know my identity for some reason

[account deactivated]

Synergy posted:

in the response email he also really wanted to know my identity for some reason

anonymous/pseudonymous correspondence is a social convention that we kind of take for granted but older folks who aren't as accustomed to internet socialization find it kind of scary, especially with strangers asking about controversial political topics. it's understandable for him to be suspicious, it's a shame that makes things uncomfortable on both sides but what can ya do.


shriekingviolet posted:

older folks who aren't as accustomed to internet socialization find it kind of scary, especially with strangers asking about controversial political topics.

the latter is probably the main issue, i imagine he has to put up with a lot of harassment

just link him to this thread
How long did it take for him to get back to you?

I sent him an email last week too.

I'm guessing it's not like Chomsky where he will respond within 5 minutes
I'm surprised he still has a job tbh--I'm glad he does but people have been fired for far less controversial opinions.

Petrol posted:

the latter is probably the main issue, i imagine he has to put up with a lot of harassment

yeah i was worried about that so i tried to ask the question as politely as possible and thank him for his work

tears posted:

just link him to this thread

when i sent him the question i also mentioned the rhizzone, who knows if he investigated further though

xipe posted:

How long did it take for him to get back to you?

I sent him an email last week too.

I'm guessing it's not like Chomsky where he will respond within 5 minutes

i sent it late at night and he responded the next morning

i hope he posts here and his initials overtake getfiscals in significance
tfw no gf, gf or gf

Also plenty of Blood Lies being debunked:

I'd be interested in seeing some honest criticism of furr, especially from 'left' sources.
It's funny seeing trots and anarchists freak out whenever his name gets mentioned but need something more nutritious

xipe posted:

https://theredphoenixapl.org/2017/11/19/why-does-the-pseudo-left-hate-grover-furr/I'd be interested in seeing some honest criticism of furr, especially from 'left' sources.
It's funny seeing trots and anarchists freak out whenever his name gets mentioned but need something more nutritious

hes a noisy eater and he has nerd glasses and honestly im not impressed with his driving at all

one more thing about the Lorenzo article

As with “whataboutism,” “disinformation” was a term invented by anti-communists at the tail end of the Cold War to paint the Soviets as uniquely dishonest—all of these terms deployed to paint universally used means of rhetoric and political intrigue as “devious inventions of the inscrutable Russian mind.”

the source for disinformation links back to this wikipedia article which says:

Usage of the term related to a Russian tactical weapon started in 1923, when the Deputy Chairman of the KGB-precursor the State Political Directorate (GPU), I. S. Unshlikht, called for the foundation of "a special disinformation office to conduct active intelligence operations". The GPU was the first organization in the Soviet Union to utilize the term disinformation for their intelligence tactics. William Safire wrote in his 1993 book Quoth the Maven that disinformation was used by the KGB predecessor to indicate: "manipulation of a nation's intelligence system through the injection of credible, but misleading data". From this point on, disinformation became a tactic used in the Soviet political warfare called active measures. Active measures were a crucial part of Soviet intelligence strategy involving forgery as covert operation, subversion, and media manipulation.

is there any truth to this? is the quote fabricated, mistranslated or am i missing some context?


xipe posted:

https://theredphoenixapl.org/2017/11/19/why-does-the-pseudo-left-hate-grover-furr/I'd be interested in seeing some honest criticism of furr, especially from 'left' sources.

His argument that the USSR didn't invade Poland goes like this:
the day before the invasion the Polish government fled, technically Poland ceased to exist, and technically the Red Army moved into Terra Nullius.

Sure, he's got a point, and I think he makes a strong case that the Soviets didn't team up with the Germans to destroy Poland, but it's a bit persnickety to claim the USSR never invaded Poland.


Soviet_Salami posted:

His argument that the USSR didn't invade Poland goes like this:
the day before the invasion the Polish government fled, technically Poland ceased to exist, and technically the Red Army moved into Terra Nullius.

does he use that term? i hope not because that's not what it means

He didn't. I was using a latin term to sound like a big shot.

This is what I'm talking about though,

https://msuweb.montclair.edu/~furrg/research/mlg09/did_ussr_invade_poland.html#The Question of the State in International Law

The Red Army could cross the border without "invading" or "committing aggression against" Poland. By sending its troops across the border the USSR was claiming sovereignty, so no one else could do so – e.g. a pro-Nazi Ukrainian Nationalist state, or Nazi Germany itself.

Saying "After the Polish state collapsed, the USSR invaded to prevent the Germans or their allies from moving up to their borders" isn't as fussy as trying to claim that an invasion never happened because technically the sovereignty of the Polish state lapsed when their government was interred in Romania. Who's he trying to convince with that argument?

But I guess that article xipe posted is right, I'm not engaging with his arguments. I don't disagree with him either, I think he's correct. But it's an absurd, unpersuasive point to make.

cool. that makes sense
I mean you're both right, he's technically correct and you're correct that in conversation it's more pragmatic to say "The USSR invaded for X reasons" rather than argue technicalities
i mean technically it is reverse racism. oh sorry wrong forum
Some other context is that the USSR only took back the territory the fascist-imperialist state of Poland had invaded to take 10 years before, and in doing so they helped bring 1.5 million Jews to safety as the only large power that was taking in Jewish refugees.

One mystery to me is why the betrayed nazi-collaborator Polish gov in London was recognised by the USSR till 'katyn'

Synergy posted:

the source for disinformation links back to this wikipedia article which says:

I didn't realise that westerners are claiming that the entire concept of hoaxing is a russo-bolshevik trait.

Wikipedia is full of salacious 'details' about the USSR, impressed that they didn't cite the Black Book for once


Synergy posted:

when i sent him the question i also mentioned the rhizzone, who knows if he investigated further though

i recall he learned about his fan club here back in february, wonder if he remembered https://rhizzone.net/forum/post/340183/
a few more correspondences and he'll be wanting an account


So now we get som oretty sick fuckning confirmation that Poland was so gredy to hold onto those stolen Russian and Ukrainian land. This to me, points to the nessity of Furr;s "polack GIE" arguement. As the pre exile polih government wsa literally The imperiment to Stalin administerijng great chokeslams

neckwattle posted:



cars posted:

the chumps who think they can or should turn critique of liberal identity politics into Red recruitment of 4chan should probably just revive the scare story about Lenin nationalizing/redistributing the country's wife supply

Does anyone have a copy of the study Mark Tauger apparently made between the Soviet famine of 1932 and the Irish famine of 1845?

E: it seems this doesn't exist.

Edited by xipe ()


Many people are frustrated by the overwhelming amount of anti-Soviet propaganda which still lingers from the Cold War in both leftist circles and society in general.

It is for that reason I've compiled a list of 42 books, articles, videos, spreadsheets and primary sources which serve to counter the one-sided histories every schoolchild in the western world is spoonfed about the subject.

Please feel free to contribute more!

----Soviet historical resource list----
Compiled by Conrad Karamazov

1. Another View of Stalin by Ludo Martens:

2. Stalin: A biography by the Marx-Engels-Lenin Institute:

3. The Real Life of Stalin by Dennis McKinsey:

4. Natural Disasters and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933 by Mark B. Tauger:

5.The 1932 Harvest and 1933 Famine by Mark B. Tauger:

6. The "Soviet Story" Debunked by Aleksandr Dyukov:

7. Stalin's 4 Attempts at Resignation: an article by Socialist Musings

8. The American Historical Review #4 volume 98: On the Soviet Penal system by Mario Souza:

9. Fraud, Famine and Fascism by Douglas Tottle:

10. Lies Concerning the History of the Soviet Union by Mario Souza:

11. Khrushchev Lied by Grover Furr:

12. Soviet Democracy by Pat Sloan:

13. The CPSU in an Election Campaign by Ronald J. Hill:

14. Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform by Grover Furr (parts 1 and 2):

15. The Triumph of Evil by Austin Murphy:

16. The Great Conspiracy Against Russia by Sayers and Khan:

17. The Stalin Constitution (an analysis of the 1936 consitiution) by Prof. I. Maisky:

18. The 1936 constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:

19. Soviet Democracy and Bourgeois Sovietology by Marat Perfilyev:

20. On the Question of Stalin: an open letter from the Communist Party of China (1963):

21. Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism & Overthrow of Communism by Michael Parenti:

22. Red Medicine: Socialized Health in Soviet Russia by Newsholme and Kingsbury:

23. The Soviet Union: Facts, Descriptions and Statistics: bureau of Soviet Information, Washington DC

24. Video: The Moscow Trials by TheFinnishBolshevik (parts 1-3)

25. Video: Soviet Women Remember Socialism:

26. Video: Soviet worker and musician look back:

27. Worker's Participation in the Soviet Union by Mick Costello:

28. Is Soviet Communism a New Civilization? By Sydney and Beatrice Webb:

29. Video: The USSR: Democratic or Totalitarian? By Tovarishch Endymon:

30. Video: Soviet Government and Electoral System by TheFinnishBolshevik:

31. Video: The Nature of the Soviet Union: State Capitalism? By Tovarishch Endymon

32. Most Russians Prefer Return of Soviet Union and Socialism: poll (Telesur)

33. Russians Name Stalin, Lenin as 'most outstanding world figures' (Telesur)

34. Life After the USSR: Buying the Dream, Living the Nightmare by Eric Draitser:

35. Education in the USSR: Anglo-Soviet Youth Friendship Alliance:

36. Black Bolshevik by Harry Haywood:

37. Annual Growth Rates in the USSR 1941-1989:

38. Soviet Industrial Output 1940-1985:

39. Work Hours 1966-1985:

40. How the Soviets Work by H. N Brailsford

41. Soviet Russia: A Living History by William Henrey Chamberlin

42. Soviet Mainstreet by Myra Page:

xipe posted:


i'm friends with this person on FB, they post a lot of great stuff and they're in a bunch of FB groups that i'm in.

are any of you in snuggly wuggly socialists or comrade lenin's dank meme stash? i follow and comment in both of those groups regularly. the debates and conversations in those groups have really been driving me to learn a lot more about socialist history. i've seen the rhizzone get referenced a couple times too, during DPRK debates.


AynRandAnCap posted:

snuggly wuggly socialists

social media was a mistake


AynRandAnCap posted:

xipe posted:


i'm friends with this person on FB, they post a lot of great stuff and they're in a bunch of FB groups that i'm in.

are any of you in snuggly wuggly socialists or comrade lenin's dank meme stash? i follow and comment in both of those groups regularly. the debates and conversations in those groups have really been driving me to learn a lot more about socialist history. i've seen the rhizzone get referenced a couple times too, during DPRK debates.

I'm not in those groups and am trying to disentangle from fb.

One of the few reasons to check FB is there are some people to 'follow' who write interesting things which afaik don't go beyond that site

Here are a few I can think of, there are more
