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fretttttttttttttttttttttt me
Unpinning readsettlers.org was a Mistake and swampman paid for it with his Life (aka moderatorship)
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I don't even own a T... house
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if i own, i am responsible for settlers, if i rent, i am responsible for that one really liberal musical about aids
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Edited by parabolart ()

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settlerists choosing to give their money to a nazi landlord instead of a nazi bank is just an aesthetic consumer decision afforded by being a settler in the first place i think.
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ok so i dreamed that i ordered a crate (24 jars) of dolmio pasta sauce to be delivered to my basement flat direct from the manurfacturer and when i returned home an articulated lorry had wedged itself down the stairs to the flat including squeezing round some bends and now it was stuck. fortunatly at least there there was a ten gallon drum of dolmio pasta sauce sat on the kitchen surface next to the sink. whatchall talking about

toyotathon posted:

the experience of property ownership, getting to call the cops to evict tenants, profit from a deed of land won in war, is a consumer decision like being a tenant. crazy marxist analysis but what the fuck ever.

thinking that you can ameliorate your relationship toward white settlerist labour aristocracy by virtue of where you invest your money is a much zanier marxist analysis.

[account deactivated]

toyotathon posted:

the experience of property ownership, getting to call the cops to evict tenants, profit from a deed of land won in war, is a consumer decision like being a tenant. crazy marxist analysis but what the fuck ever.

i thought the discussion was about being a person who rents vs being a person who owns their own house and lives in it, so isn't a landlord in the sense of collecting rent from other tenants or evicting them or what have you.

i don't see how you could possibly argue that funnelling money into the parasitic rentier class makes you any less culpable than any of the alternatives. most people are forced into that relationship by necessity but if you're actively making that decision you shouldn't pretend there is any particular virtue in doing so

Arguing that settlers can somehow undermine settlerism by giving their money to arch-settlerists, instead of actually leaving colonised lands or taking up arms to destroy them or whatever, is whitewashing and neutering the critique of settlerism not enforcing it
also it's bizarre to see identifying something as a consumer decision as some kind of defence. do you think anyone here sees consumer decisions as being innocuous? the point of reducing this difference to a consumer decision is that neither one meaningfully challenges property relations or capital flows. the difference is purely symbolic. if anything the profit margins captured by landlords makes the arrangement even more disastrous in terms of intensifying the housing question
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toyotathon posted:

refusing to own the land isn't neutering shit, it's centering their critique

it absolutely is neutering their critique if you are positing the defensible and justified alternative as continuing to occupy said land but doing so through a landlord who profits from their misery to exactly the same degree if not more

there is nothing socialist-defeatist about this, precisely because there is nothing socialist about deciding to sustain the livelihood of one rentier class over another

Edited by blinkandwheeze ()

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you can read literally any of the anti-imperialist theorists you appeal to in order to find a starting point, none of which ever argue the moral virtues of renting an apartment on stolen land
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a mass exodus to the british isles is likely not feasible but at the very least it actually makes you less of a settler, in contrast to the delusional idea that you can somehow become less of one despite continuing to live on and profit off stolen land simply because you don't have your name on a deed
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in terms of complicity with the material reproduction of settlerist white supremacy, what difference actually is there besides the purely symbolic? in what sense does someone who is in the position of being able to own property obstruct these mechanisms by choosing to fund a landlord's coke habit instead? the petit-bourgeois barons of new industry are overwhelmingly renting property in urban centres, do you think the families being pushed out of cities like oakland are glad that the new occupants of their homes decided to challenge white supremacy by living closer to work?
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Yes prisons have no role in the material reproduction of white supremacy my dude. i'm arguing with you because i think you are a lunatic for believing that you are challenging white supremacy by choosing to live in apartment.
personally i think there's good reasons to rent rather than own a house but it has nothing to do with settlerism.

i didn't read the last page of this thread btw
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*eyes glaze over* well if i get the opportunity to get a mortgage and buy a modest home for my family and the modicum of stability that comes with that, i will, and when the revolution comes i will still welcome it.

toyotathon posted:

alcatraz prison had been closed for almost a decade before the occupation and by 1972 had no material role in reproducing white supremacy, just symbolic, my dude

unless you're a particularly famous person or are part of a wider political movement im not sure that your personal choice in renting or not renting is going to have much symbolic impact, certainly not in the same way that a lot of people occupying a prison(closed or not) would.

i think if your symbolic gesture could be easily confused for the decision of someone wanting to shorten their commute & live closer to their cities nightlife then it's probably a useless one
[account deactivated]
i don't know why you think i'm confused about this. taking up arms was an obvious shorthand for revolutionary struggle. i know nobody is legitimately calling for mass expulsion of whites, i am just pointing out that refusing to occupy colonised land is the only possible way you can undermine your character as a settler, renting your home does absolutely nothing to change it
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I should have been writing much more posts against land ownership if that's all that was necessary to hand in my settler card