
c_man posted:

nafeez ahmed has definitely written the best work on the topic of state/bourgeoisie personal networks that ive seen

He and Peter dale Scott talk about the deep system, analogous to the weather system.

If IWC hadn't proved climate science is a fraud I'd be tempted to look at how they study it and see if anything transfers over

idk, sounds spurious to me
been reading some issues of the Covert Action Information Bulletin, they are great


the CIA-vatican-nazi issue is grrrrreat
the CIA-vatican-nazi nexus is my favourite conspiracy topic
there really is something oddly compelling about the various directions of the postwar flight of nazi officials, either through the ratlines, into some kind of regional gladio proxy (gehlen org), or into the emerging us military-industrial complex, or wherever else

looking back, I was embarrassingly consumed by this when I was a teenager

But what about Otto Skorzeny, MOM???

Edited by insta_gramsci ()


mediumpig posted:

Based on the patterns I observe with these kind of events thus far, is it fair to guess that the NSA orchestrated the NHS attack through a third party with plausible deniability? Or orchestrated the "leaking/stealing" of the vulnerabilities? I'm also trying to imagine what the motive for such a move could be, perhaps just undermining the NHS in general. Or I'm looking too hard for something that's not there, I dunno.

as swampman said, the tools were released/leaked quite a while ago, it was only a matter of time until someone in the scene put together the infrastructure and planning to use them for a large scale attack.

besides, their usage in these attacks (as breaching tools to introduce a blind fire opportunistic ransomware worm) would be of absolutely no strategic use for the US. they prefer their tools to compromise systems and mine them for information long term, without anyone knowing, and to hold on to the possibility of a tactical lockout in a limited region/system during wartime or whatever. the NSA absolutely would not want these tools being circulated broadly and talked about like this because that neutralizes their efficacy.

what i'd really like to know is how they got leaked in the first place, the NSA spends billions developing these technologies and their security can only have gotten tighter in the wake of snowden/manning. my bet would be on one of the civilian contractors from tech companies that they collaborate with? in the contemporary corporate tech culture a lot of well paid pseudo-rebellious "hacker culture" bros accidentally wind up with security clearance as a subcontractor for a big project.

Soros-funded NGOs are creating illegitimate "sex worker unions" to legitimize prostitution within a liberal choice framework


The prostituted women in Cambodia made it clear to me how much they hated prostitution. The board member said she had been at a regional conference with other “sex workers’ rights” activists and that “tens of thousands” of “sex workers” in Cambodia signed up to this so-called union. The women I spoke to had no idea that they were “sex workers’ rights” activists.

The experiences of these women were being used by WNU to promote the idea that unionization and decriminalization—a result of prostitution being formally recognized as labor—would solve all problems, despite the fact that the worst violence described by the women was by sex buyers. This NGO considered the concept of “sex workers’ rights” to be above and beyond the importance of the lives of the women themselves. I asked the board member if WNU was planning on raising money to help the women out of prostitution. She said “No.”


shriekingviolet posted:

what i'd really like to know is how they got leaked in the first place, the NSA spends billions developing these technologies and their security can only have gotten tighter in the wake of snowden/manning. my bet would be on one of the civilian contractors from tech companies that they collaborate with? in the contemporary corporate tech culture a lot of well paid pseudo-rebellious "hacker culture" bros accidentally wind up with security clearance as a subcontractor for a big project.

if you read the official press releaseTM from "the shadow brokers" when they release the tools themselves for free (and if you beleve they're sincere) because they were mad as hell about how trump betrayed the people who like alex jones,

its one of the most cringy thingys ive read, which is exactly what youd expect from a trump supporting techworker subcontracted to the govt


Dear President Trump,

Respectfully, what the fuck are you doing? TheShadowBrokers voted for you. TheShadowBrokers supports you. TheShadowBrokers is losing faith in you. Mr. Trump helping theshadowbrokers, helping you. Is appearing you are abandoning “your base”, “the movement”, and the peoples who getting you elected.

Good Evidence:

#1 — Goldman Sach (TheGlobalists) and Military Industrial Intelligence Complex (MIIC) cabinet
#2 — Backtracked on Obamacare
#3 — Attacked the Freedom Causcus (TheMovement)
#4 — Removed Bannon from the NSC
#5 — Increased U.S. involvement in a foreign war (Syria Strike)

yuh huh

White Privilege
Dear Americans, do you seek black privileged, reparation, and free shit? TheShadowBrokers is having program for you, is calling it the “Obama Ticket.” The U.S. government will be setting aside 1 Trillion, made up, borrowed from ourselves, debased Federal Reserve dollars to be sending any American resident, who wishes, regardless of skin color, on an all expense paid, permanent trip to Africa. Be telling your friends. Be telling your family. Be taking as many of them (friends and family) with you. Some condition be applying, accepting an Obama Ticket automatically revokes your Unites States citizenship, your are not being allow to return, for one generation, no exceptions. Call 1–800–555–1212


Mr. President Trump theshadowbrokers sincerely is hoping you are being the real deal and that you received this as constructive criticism toward #MAGA. Some American’s consider or maybe considering TheShadowBrokers traitors. We disagreeing. We view this as keeping our oath to protect and defend against enemies foreign and domestic. TheShadowBrokers wishes we could be doing more, but revolutions/civil wars taking money, time, and people. TheShadowBrokers has is having little of each as our auction was an apparent failure. Be considering this our form of protest. The password for the EQGRP-Auction-Files is CrDj”(;Va.*NdlnzB9M?@K2)#>deB7mN


President Trump, theshadowbrokers is offering our services to you and your administration. Did you know most of theshadowbrokers’ members have taken the oath “…to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic…”. Yes sir! Most of us used to be TheDeepState everyone is talking about. But we realized TheDeepState is being the enemy of the constitution, individualism, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With the right funding we can recruit some of the best hacker intel peoples in United States and world.


If Globalism is being so cool and awesome, why all the peoples come to only one country, American? Isn’t that being opposite of globalism? If globalism shouldn’t all peoples be staying in own countries and America be exporting culture and ideas to them? If cultures, beliefs, and philosophies of Africa, Asia, and India is being so cool and awesome, why isn’t everyone immigrating there? Because its not and they aren’t. European or Western Culture has proven is being best and most dominant, nothing to do with skin colors, white, brown, yellow, but is having to do with being red. No not red communism, red as in blood. European ancestors did the work, the thinking, the rebelling, the fighting, the killing, and the dying. Sometimes they being on rite side of history and sometimes not, but result is being great culture and society. “But, America is nation of immigrants!” Yes, but until 30 years ago most immigrants being Europeans. Jeudeo-Christian Europeans minor cultural differences. Don’t bring the world to America, bring America to the world. America first. English first. American workers first. American students first. American culture first.


Edited by tears ()

The Cracker Manifesto
[account deactivated]

toyotathon posted:

that writing makes it sound like english isn't their first language

welcome to the US education system


toyotathon posted:

did they run that through online translators to dust their tracks, or whatever? that writing makes it sound like english isn't their first language

the cutting edge of cyber security research has theorised that its a russian accent, and therefor a russian hack


tears posted:

The Cracker Manifesto

it's so over the top messy it has to be fake-bad english, not an uncommon tactic for making stuff hard to trace. that doesnt account for the terrible ideology tho. imo it's yanks trying to sound like foreigners pretending to be yanks
'applied non-violence' and 'human rights defenders'....






[account deactivated]
it was almost certainly a DNC staffer but its like murder on the orient express or (my people) who shot mister burns. everyones a suspect because theres literally no one on the entire planet of earth that does not want to embarrass the democrats
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
Also cool is the fact that fascism or any other reactionary movement has a social base they can mobilise, so that same imperial left will cry to the heavens that they are "the people"
[account deactivated]

the wikipedia article on the murder of seth rich is one of my favorites because it deflects legitimate concern that seth rich was murdered for political reasons with a conspiracy theory about russia hacking the US election

"the consiracy theories that seth rich was murdered by the deep state have been debunked by the cia, you can all go home now"

it also says later on that there was no way that he could have preformed such a l33t file copying operation because he couldnt even hack the gibson
russia hacked the election, sources:
4. fa ctcheck.org
5. politifact dot com
10. the economist

glomper_stomper posted:

color revolutions are really cool because they've successfully propagandized this idea among the pro-imperialist shithead "left" that we just need horizontalist tahrir square type situation where a lot of people stay in one place and act real angry while pushing maybe like one or zero demands. the total lack of any ideological cohesion or "armed vanguard" means the CIA can insert fascists, military fascists, and liberal charlatans dependent on fascists into the vacuum. and this also cripples any kind of potential coalition work with the vast majority of "radicals" in klan kountry

Not only that, the U.S. State Department funds and promotes most of that tepid horizontalism through various direct and laundered grants, creating over a few months or even weeks a place where they can slot violent anti-government proxy forces. Look at the social media of an "activist-journalist" and much of the money behind their resume comes from U.S. State, many times because they're the only game in town, although they funnel the cash through a number of "local" groups.

Yeah, USAID reports on the vibrant grass roots bottom-up civil society democratic councils they fund in Syria could be written by David Graeber

tears posted:

the wikipedia article on the murder of seth rich is one of my favorites because it deflects legitimate concern that seth rich was murdered for political reasons with a conspiracy theory about russia hacking the US election

"the consiracy theories that seth rich was murdered by the deep state have been debunked by the cia, you can all go home now"

it also says later on that there was no way that he could have preformed such a l33t file copying operation because he couldnt even hack the gibson

otoh it mostly seems to be right-wing people replacing the stupid conspiracy theory that russia hacked the elections with an even stupider conspiracy theory that the DNC murdered some low-level staffer over an email leak

but then again maybe it's just prejudice leading me to discount the claims of some german nerd from new zealand who legally changed his name to Kim Dotcom
who really knows, aerdil *shrugging* but he wouldnt be the first person to be murdered by a government

xipe posted:

Yeah, USAID reports on the vibrant grass roots bottom-up civil society democratic councils they fund in Syria could be written by David Graeber


You could cut and paste this with the USAID reports.

"waging non violence" has Purpose confounder and Albert Einstein Institute director on its Board

All that fancy talk won't hide the facts tho

Syria: Undercover in Idlib - Documentary 2017: http://youtu.be/Zh9AnS4Jvck


tears posted:

who really knows, aerdil *shrugging* but he wouldnt be the first person to be murdered by a government

if seth rich leaking relatively innocuous emails is the point at which u get selected for murder then the FEMA camp coffins should be about half full by now

[account deactivated]

toyotathon posted:

there aren't a lot of people who know who leaked the emails, but one of them's assange,

has this really been established? why would assange get to automatically know the true source of everything that passes through wikileaks just because he's nominally in charge. i sure wouldn't put my faith as a whistleblower in the security and trustworthiness of a public celebrity with a clear appetite for attention who also happened to be under house arrest. it's the kind of thing the press will just take for granted because they have swiss cheese for brains, but why should we assume?

i don't feel comfortable reading too much into assange's nods and winks in the direction of the seth rich conspiracy but i get the feeling that when he outright declared the emails came from an insider leak rather than hackers that he had reason to believe that and it's probably true. beyond that, speculating about seth rich's death is about as useful as discussing exactly who had jfk killed or whatever. we probably won't ever know for sure and it doesn't really matter in the scheme of things
i remeber reading an article about the death of dr david kelly, and it mentioned the very unusual way in which his wrist was cut....good point....but then followed it up by saying that as a doctor he would have known the best way to cut a wrist...

a doctor of microbiology
the DNC leak-Seth Rich thing represents almost the perfect conspiracy theory: a damaging trove of democrat emails are leaked anonymously on the eve of the 45th presidential election, most likely from an insider, twelve days prior a young DNC empolyee is shot twice in the back during a "bungled robbery" in which nothing was taken. Reads like the back of a murder-mystery novel - nothing so crude as to be either proveable or disprovable but instead one of those things that makes you go "hmmm, what if..."

That the official response was to say that there is no way he could have leaked the emails because it was russia that did it, then pass around copies of The Spike was just the icing on the cake

I don't think it really matters if you think yes or no because it is a good conspiracy theory and i think we can enjoy these things in the conspiracy thread without falling into a pizzagate shaped vortex

just my 2 cents on this

xipe posted:

Yeah, USAID reports on the vibrant grass roots bottom-up civil society democratic councils they fund in Syria could be written by David Graeber

In contrast to syria, with Libya the west didn't even pretend there was anything more than death squad rule in store.

There was already a democratic popular Congress system in place which they outright destroyed



Some popular democracy projects of recent years.

Guess which one has by far the most access to money and media yet has by far the least evidence of existence...

Was Libya Under Gaddafi a Police State of a Popul…: http://youtu.be/9DEWQyIpRFs

The New Democracy in Venezuela: http://youtu.be/SRJ1ERxj5a8

Rojava: Stateless Democracy: http://youtu.be/eV1h4n4X08E

Kafranbel local council: http://youtu.be/r9Rtc_9_t6U

xipe posted:


The minister of economics, Ali Abd Alaziz Isawi, took the most optimistic view. He said the only way to build an effective, accountable government would be to start over, even if that meant a period of chaos.

hmmm, yes, most optimistic

what are the conspiracies around antiquities looting (a market estimated to be in the $billions annually)?

death squads like to fundraise with them, and rich people like to buy them, and neocons like to destroy the culture of colonised nations ... is that all there is to it?



