[account deactivated]
the only response so far is a white supremacist claiming his quote was taken out of context and it's actually even worse

gg ross
I guess it makes sense that people would misread settlers as simply replacing class for race at this particular moment, when there's a whole stupid debate over "PC" and "identity politics," but boy howdy is it fukkin tiresome

Ufuk_Surekli posted:

Rhizzo­ne.net, an on­line mes­sage board where shit-tier Maoist Third Worldists and oth­er ran­dom nerds can meet and mingle

their not wrong

I'm sure the 'debate' around Settlers was somehow even more moronic when it was first released in the early 80s

(As an aside, why lim­it the cat­egory of “set­tler” to those from Europe? People from Africa were im­por­ted to the west­ern hemi­sphere to pro­duce sur­plus-value, which was sub­sequently trans­formed in­to cap­it­al. Were they “set­tlers” too? And what about Mex­ic­ans and In­di­ans already here, and Chinese im­por­ted later? They also pro­duced wealth used to dom­in­ate oth­ers.)

this is from the review that RW endorsed wholeheartedly enough to reprint in full lmao


[account deactivated]
witness the trotskyist become cross and aggressive at the threat of being out-pamphleted
what other books can the rhizzone promote to make trots mad at us? i know theres a book called 'a new britannia' from 1970 by humphrey mcqueen which apparently argues a similar thesis but for australia. i have yet to read it but i have a copy.
[account deactivated]

Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:

what other books can the rhizzone promote to make trots mad at us? i know theres a book called 'a new britannia' from 1970 by humphrey mcqueen which apparently argues a similar thesis but for australia. i have yet to read it but i have a copy.

Judging by recent liberal meltdowns, I'm sure a blog post about the excesses of avocado toast will do the trick

*rolls into thread* how do fellow marxists, can i interest you in a pamphlet about how hitler and stalin were exactly the same?
the entire point of Settlers is contradicted by this forum's existence anyway, you racist losers
snyder no snyding

animedad posted:

the entire point of Settlers is contradicted by this forum's existence anyway, you racist losers

animedad what happened

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[account deactivated]

Un­for­tu­nately, the “ana­lys­is” offered in Set­tlers is tenden­tious garbage. Few Marx­ists have had the pa­tience, however, to read through the book in or­der to of­fer a point-by-point re­but­tal. This isn’t so much due to its style, which fam­ously flouts aca­dem­ic con­ven­tions and es­chews ac­cep­ted dis­curs­ive norms. I’m all for shit­ting on MLA writ­ing stand­ards, to say noth­ing of the stil­ted jar­gon of ad­juncts and pro­fess­ors. But if you’re go­ing to make de­tailed stat­ist­ic­al claims about the per­cent­age of white col­on­ists in­volved in vari­ous lines of work dur­ing the sev­en­teenth cen­tury, I ex­pect a foot­note ex­plain­ing the meth­od­o­logy used (how data was col­lec­ted and sor­ted, what “class” means in this con­text, etc.).

I’m all for shit­ting on MLA writ­ing stand­ards, to say noth­ing of the stil­ted jar­gon of ad­juncts and pro­fess­ors but lets not tendentiously flout aca­dem­ic con­ven­tions or es­chew ac­cep­ted dis­curs­ive norms

i think settlers is garbage, but noone's made a summary that i can easily parrot yet so i'm not that sure
[account deactivated]

Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:

what other books can the rhizzone promote to make trots mad at us?

das kapital

can the bbourgeoisie cast spells?

animedad posted:

the entire point of Settlers is contradicted by this forum's existence anyway, you racist losers


tears posted:



Chthonic_Goat_666 posted:

what other books can the rhizzone promote to make trots mad at us?

Take your pick


[account deactivated]
posting rn to meet and mingle with other nerds, please dm or add on facebook

J. Sakai’s 1983 screed Set­tlers: The Myth­o­logy of the White Pro­let­ari­at has been mak­ing the rounds again lately. Pre­sum­ably be­cause it of­fers a readymade ex­plan­a­tion for why the so-called “white work­ing class” voted for Trump en bloc, a premise which is it­self de­bat­able. Rhizzo­ne.net, an on­line mes­sage board where shit-tier Maoist Third Worldists and oth­er ran­dom nerds can meet and mingle, spear­headed the ini­ti­at­ive to re­launch Read­Set­tlers.org amidst the 2016 US Pres­id­en­tial elec­tion. You can fol­low the #read­set­tlers hasht­ag on Twit­ter, and there’s even been a tumblr ded­ic­ated to the in­junc­tion.


Edited by Chthonic_Goat_666 ()

It's cool how every criticism listed in that article is about the "vibe" of settlers. It's too "essentialist" or "narrow" or it feels like "utter falsehood". At no point does this clown or any of those other clowns offer a single substantial criticism. The guy makes the point of saying nobody has been bothered to do a point by point analysis, which needs to be done.....and then doesn't do that. What a pack of useless cunts.
since he didn't approve my comment imma leave it here

Edited by karphead ()


Crow posted:


Crows shall die but Crow shall not.

get in here ross wolfe and fight us,
s-senpai noticed us..
i'm happy this Trot blogger got mad in his tummy because of collaborative hard work by people on this the forums Rhizzone, and regret only that i was not one of them. let's build our practice to the highest mountaintops and deliver third-level super combos against liberalism everywhere, also hi Crow.
imo it's worth mentioning that Trots probably despise and denounce J. Sakai not just because of his point of view on labor aristocracy, but because his work promoting security among political action groups has contributed to everyone telling every Trot entryist group to fuck off immediately. Trots read something like "Basic Politics of Movement Security" and know very well that it undermines their LARP game.
[account deactivated]
this dude is a really awful writer and i think his need to sort of conspicuously "lapse" into conversational shittalking in between his awkward fake intellectual style says everything you need to know about what his politics amount to. it must be hard to both pretend to be a leftist and pretend to be a higher tier of bourgeois parasite at the same time but if anyone can do it its a trot

edit: im a bad writer too, but authentically

Edited by kamelred ()

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