
ilmdge posted:



Like for real though are you guys voting for Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump or will you be explaining that prom is just a bullshit popularity contest and you'll be staying home thanks.
I'm going to pretend I'm voting for the Party for Socialism and Liberation for internet cred but actually not do that because my time is worth something
Same except Donald Trump and to build my brand rather than to raise or maintain my group status.
i'm gonna say i voted for my mom
[account deactivated]
[account deactivated]
lol if u
lol if u lol

le_nelson_mandela_face posted:

I'm going to pretend I'm voting for the Party for Socialism and Liberation for internet cred but actually not do that because my time is worth something

boycotting elections is worth more cred than voting psl. even psl doesnt care about your vote

i cant believe people stil vote
As evidenced by the fact that their candidate for vice president is literally ineligible for the office without somehow managing to discard the US constitution during the election and/or revolutionary peoples' war.
i dont know what that means

MarxUltor posted:

As evidenced by the fact that their candidate for vice president is literally ineligible for the office without somehow managing to discard the US constitution during the election and/or revolutionary peoples' war.


he means their vp candidate is under 35 but really that would be the least of their problems
Do you guys not know the psl candidates the president is a convicted felon Canadian citizen who's 26 years old and the vice presidential candidate is a photograph of a dog.
it would be cool + good if the psl tried to get a dildo elected to the office of the president, instead of a person who just pretends to be a dildo

thirdplace posted:

he means their vp candidate is under 35 but really that would be the least of their problems

yeah that's it. It's a small thing and a stupid thing but that's the eligibility criteria under the law. I'm sure hes a great guy and yeah they werent gonna get any votes anyway so the actual eligibility of the candidate is irrelevant but it also shows they don't take it seriously.

And while all men and women of education and sound moral principles understand that nothing about a USA presidential election should be taken seriously, we're also not running a candidate for it. It just sends a confused message IMO.

[account deactivated]
yeah i mean they do usually come in behind the american independent party here in california too, the openly fascist party

aerdil posted:

yeah i mean they do usually come in behind...the openly fascist party

So, last place then


glomper_stomper posted:

i'm voting naxal

I think part of it is that the 2 halves of the capital party long ago established redundant laws to even further prevent any competition, so there are requirements in some states to do token bullshit like run a presidential candidate in order to stay registered as a political party or some nonsense.

the psl presidential candidate is basically just an awareness tactic to try to get people to know the psl exists. could those efforts be better redirected elsewhere, idk

ilmdge posted:

the psl presidential candidate is basically just an awareness tactic to try to get people to know the psl exists. could those efforts be better redirected elsewhere, idk

i still have fond memories of their presidential candidate in 2008 standing alone in the quad at my university handing out pamphlets to whoever passed by

You won't find Bernie doing that
voting becomes prom night the very minute they let me fuck in the booth
Wow you've had sex? That's really cool to me, who's never had sex.
i'm very sorry for both of you. rhizdolances.

Keven posted:

Wow you've had sex? That's really cool to me, who's never had sex.

I'm sorry.

Uhhh but Noam Chomsky told me we have to vote for Hillary???
Maybe Trump is going to espouse every political viewpoint that the imperialists find distasteful, then lose dramatically, then anyone who agrees with them on any issue can be labelled a Trumpboi or whatever, for the next 50 years
[account deactivated]

glomper_stomper posted:

trump's supposed anti-imperialism is based entirely on the notions that he's not just speaking for troops who demand more compensation from the countries they occupy and that no empire has ever intensified its oppression and domination of insufficiently aryan countries after consulting a profit-loss assessment.

In English please?

[account deactivated]

swampman posted:

Maybe Trump is going to espouse every political viewpoint that the imperialists find distasteful, then lose dramatically, then anyone who agrees with them on any issue can be labelled a Trumpboi or whatever, for the next 50 years

actually that was the plan all along. source: it makes sense to me, a paranoid internet poster

[account deactivated]
the political establishment is completely disconnected from the voter base if they think that "make other countries pay for our 'protection' or stop getting it" is an unpopular opinion. literally every single right of center person i've ever talked to about politics irl strongly believes in some form of this or another as do most liberals, at least as regards wealthy countries. yet in the political mainstream the only real manifestation is the right-wing disdain for the UN, mostly because they don't bow and scrape enough. NATO is explicitly antirussian and anticommunist and nobody ever really accused them of not being our mindless puppets, so they get a pass in right wing opinion circles, but yeah, joe lunchbucket thinks they should pay for their own military.

of course, being idiots, they don't comprehend the intensely obvious fact that the state of affairs of america having military bases and protection rackets everywhere wasn't something that we were tricked or forced into. it was deliberate policy engendered to make the US the sole power, to claim and project an ideology of superiority and dominance, to ensure never-ending weapons contracts, and to ensure "stability" by ensuring that the prevailing order would continue without any bad-for-business military actions happening without all the rich countries either on board or at least not going to do anything to stop them.

however, while i admittedly am not very familiar with the public mood around decolonization inside the colonizer countries themselves, i have a very strong suspicion that within these populations the general sentiment was not; 'oh, we were monsters, how could we do that to those people, we should stop,' but rather something closer to the ideology of Trump and his supporters: that we are great and these people are greedy ingrates and we don't have the money to keep helping them anymore
That's, uh, not materialist