
tentativelurkeraccount posted:

I don't understand what y'all are tolkien bout, but if the blicks are now largely operating on the basis of social class interests rather than liberal racial false consciousness isn't that a good thing? when teh economy inevitably crashes as a result of the internal contradictions in capitalism, transforming the labor aristokkkrats and petty bourgeois into proles, doesn't this bode more gooder for the potential of class based solidarity and mass action to achieve reLOVEution?
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Probation bhpn racism user losers posting privilege for 2 hours

babyhueypnewton posted:

What is unique about the black labor aristocracy? 1. It is tied to the government rather than the private sector. This largely explains the devotion to the democrats and bureaucratic spoils system which Clinton perfected. 2. It is insecure. The white middle class will always have first access to the capital and the black middle class will always be the first to fall to austerity. does this mean that black as the black middle class is reproletarianized they will adopt radical politics or that they will gain social fascist characteristics to defend their privilege? I think experience shows the latter and this is the argument I am making. 3. Labor aristocracy has not spread to the black population as a whole. Not only do many black people remain impoverished, the existence of the black middle class is dependent on their role in regulating this population on behalf of white capitalism. This gives black politics a unique character, probably closer to Engels and Lenin's original concept of 'labor aristocracy' rather than the third-worldist concept that applies to the entire nation.

The existence of a black middle class is indisputable, the questions are how significant is it and what are the politics that form from its class consciousness. Well I think BLM and pro-Hillary apologia gives us the concrete answer, we just need to historicize it. To pretend black politics remain potentially capable of a new Black Panther Party (despite the existence of multiple new Black Panther Parties) is to be delusional.

so finally we get to something actually material. so there exists a black middle class, and the questions are what it means. first, its not like this class is somehow more particularly coherent in the 2010s than, say, the 90s. what's unique now is that the willingness of capital to support a middle class of any kind is decaying. so if anything movements like BLM represent the crisis of the existence of this class, with bourgeois elements that are promoted by the bourgeois media as well as proletarian elements that dont get put in the media spotlight. as it stands now, you're probably right that a group like the black panthers couldn't exist today but i think the important thing is to be conscious of the fact that black people do face murder and superexploitation by capital as a result of white supremacy being baked into the heart of capitalism and that as the rate of profit continues to fall and capital becomes less and less willing to accept compromise for the sake of propaganda about an equitable society you can bet that movements like the panthers will start to get stronger. (its not like they dont exist today, its more that they dont have the ideological pull that they would have once the illusion that an equitable society can be achieved under capitalism breaks down further)

welcome to the communist party
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I've seen people say that the aim of Sanders now is to get as many delegates to the DNC so that they can engage in battles over the platform. I'm sure at least a few of you here remember what happened the last time there was a floor battle over the platform at the DNC.

getfiscal posted:

I've seen people say that the aim of Sanders now is to get as many delegates to the DNC so that they can engage in battles over the platform. I'm sure at least a few of you here remember what happened the last time there was a floor battle over the platform at the DNC.

google seems to being saying that the last brokered convention was in 1952, how old are you donald?


soicowboy posted:

getfiscal posted:

I've seen people say that the aim of Sanders now is to get as many delegates to the DNC so that they can engage in battles over the platform. I'm sure at least a few of you here remember what happened the last time there was a floor battle over the platform at the DNC.

google seems to being saying that the last brokered convention was in 1952, how old are you donald?

At the formal opening of the day's business, the convention chairman, Antonio Villaraigosa, proposed a vote to return to the document its past commitment to Jerusalem as the Israeli capital as well as a reference to God.

He called for those in favour of the change to shout 'Aye' and those against 'No'. It was a hard to tell, with the two sounding evenly-divided. Villaraigosa called the vote a total of three times to no certain result but eventually called it for the Ayes.

In fact, the change required a two-thirds vote in favour and it definitely did not sound anywhere close to that. But Villaraigosa pushed it through anyway, determined to try to bring a speedy end to an awkward row. There was loud booing in the hall when he announced the changes had gone through.



Trump would have a particularly hard time rallying the U.S. people in general and young people in particular for war. To have Trump as “commander and chief” could be disastrous for the U.S. military whose rank and file consists increasingly of soldiers of Hispanic origin. There are also a growing number of Muslims in the U.S. army, and Trump with his obvious racism would hardly be popular among African American soldiers, who also make up a disproportionately large percentage of the military, subject as they are to the “economic draft.”

A “socialist” Sanders administration would be in a far better position to lure the younger generation into war. Many young people would be willing to give the socialist “Bernie” a chance and would be far more reluctant to hit the streets to oppose a war in fear of strengthening the “socialist” president’s reactionary opponents, than they would if Trump were president or even Hillary Clinton. While Wall Street would prefer a more reliable and seasoned agent such as Hillary Clinton in the White House, Sanders, unlike Trump, would not necessarily be a disaster for Wall Street. Under certain conditions—assuming the now 74-year-old Sanders’ health holds up—he might be the best possible president that Wall Street could have in the coming period.

Therefore, we shouldn’t exaggerate the tendencies for U.S. politics to be “Germanized.” Sanders is no August Bebel, Karl Liebneckt or Rosa Luxemburg, and Trump, whatever his personal ambitions might be, is far from being a new Adolf Hitler on the verge of establishing a personal dictatorship. The U.S. is not a defeated imperialist power like Germany was in November 1918 or 1923, not to speak of Russia in October 1917. Unlike Germany in 1933, the U.S. remains very much the center of a powerful and dangerous world empire. Unlike post-World War I Germany, the U.S. communist movement on one side and the real U.S. fascists on the other remain very much on the margins of U.S. politics.



Lykourgos posted:

I'm sorry to inform everyone, but it's just been announced: Donald Trump will be the next President of the United States of America. Thank you for all your great posts, it wouldn't have been the same thread without you.

bernie has a troop from hawaii backing him now and she says bernie will be better than hillary because he won't make an enemy out of russia and will back the lion assad. she called him "the lion" i definitely heard it.

ilmdge posted:

bernie has a troop from hawaii backing him now and she says bernie will be better than hillary because he won't make an enemy out of russia and will back the lion assad. she called him "the lion" i definitely heard it.

hopefully bernie dies of old age in office and tulsi gabbard goes from veep to potus

[account deactivated]
not believable enough clarence
i saw a headline a couple days back that said that prominent jews hate bernie sanders for not announcing himself as first jew president, yeah i'm sure that's reason numero uno why they're all backing clinton.........
[account deactivated]

tpaine posted:

tulsi gabbard.

[account deactivated]
puig lyfe

soicowboy posted:

i like ur new? sig, sauceboy

oh she's one of those token minority politicians who looks white enough to trick racist americans. is there a name for those people
thats not a nice thing to say vinylcat
[account deactivated]
What's the deal with observational comedy?
It's not fair to compare anyone to getfiscal.
most of the jokes i tell are just rehashes of the single idea that people take themselves too seriously when debating about politics when they are dealing with things that actually do require seriousness that they cynically refuse. and to do so i put drake lyrics over pictures of pol pot in mspaint. that is very easy to do, and i do it because i will ruminate over the dumb idea if i don't immediately publish it to the void.

keven is trying to do something much more difficult, which is entertain actual people in real life with not only new jokes patterned on other people's jokes or a single historical idea, to the point that they are also happy with the result and then maybe he gets paid for doing so. the stakes are much higher here and the difficulty is much higher. not that it is impossible to get a career in real comedy, but is difficult to do so in a way that isn't either hack or just stale within a few months. keven is smart enough that he knows this is a long slog but also very rewarding. his twitter is not primarily career-oriented or he would have his real name and a headshot and he would be tweeting back and forth with patton oswalt about how republicans have their heads up their asses.

in conclusion, please build a culture of respect and admiration around keven, who is trying to do something hard and do it well, while i do something easy and do it in a half-assed way, although meme life is not my goal, and instead i hope to find some way to be helpful in economics, or as it will soon be called, the science of socialist allocation.
at the same time, i think downvoting is morally wrong, unless it's against some twisted soul like goatstein.

The first transaction from Hillary for America to Hillary Rodham Clinton came on April 13, 2015 in the amount of $74,042. This transaction was filed under ‘Payroll & Benefits’ with a separate payment of $1,488 for ‘Employee Benefits’ that same day, according to FEC filings. On April 14, just one day later, $744 went to Clinton marked as employee benefits.

as if we needed confirmation.

[account deactivated]
there used to be a poster, from i believe the "post about asexuality all day" group, named truneut, that's what "trune" makes me think about
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let's all just agree that robin williams is good, and now dead.
[account deactivated]

aerdil posted:

soicowboy posted:

i like ur new? sig, sauceboy

yeah its p new, thanks